Episode #41
Episode #41 〰️
Let’s not give up and keep moving. This is not the time to stay silent and Ignorant!
It has been a while since I haven’t been here :)
However, I must be sweet and brief, want to finish the collective June for each sign and the 3 months for the rest of the signs which will be added on Patreon! Yep! we have a lot of people that don’t want you to heal, want you to be better than them although you are not even aware that you are in competition with you, very low vibrational people sending you the evil eye but because you are connected with me energetically, you either watch my channel, listen to my podcast or read my work... By the way, if you are a high vibrational soul and balance and doing good for others, your planet, and yourself. You are highly protected and I pick up on your energy to warn you and help you prevent certain things sometimes you ignore or decided not to listen to your intuition.
Here we learn not to ignore it and nurture our intuition, inner buddha, higher selves/higher consciousness, and use discernment. In the meantime, my spirit guides, and I protect your energy as we do ourselves, as our work here is divinely guided and If you found this blog or any of my work, then it was meant for you.
God and the Universe plus your angels work in mysterious ways. The enemy is constantly trying to confuse, delay, and keep you blocked, stagnant, and stuck in low vibration because it feeds off a lot of yall because is jealous and envious of your path. Your gifts and talents are divine and it wants to harvest them for its evil/wicked children who also operate just like him. Your journey and mission which is already been written in the stars it's very powerful and evil wants to control it for its own wicked twisted, greedy, hoarding, and sickening ways. This is why is important you don’t fall into its trap and learn how to protect your energy spiritually, mentally, emotionally, financially, and physically.
Some of us come into this earth plane already knowing what we are meant to be to do here. However, we get distracted and get attached to earthly plane things that are not really of our highest good and we stay stuck sometimes. It's free will, and your choices really dictated the course of your destiny. Either follow your North node and learn to pass and heal from your karmic lessons.
We all have karmic lessons to unlearn to re-learned from past lives and this lifetime too. Or stay stuck and comfortable in your south node, building karmic debt and decaying, conforming to this toxic AF system, and accumulating karma not only from your past lives but from this one too that gets passed down to the next plus if you end up having children they have to carry your debt too (ouch! let’s not be selfish, and do the work or don’t have children which is also a choice). It’s your choice so choose wisely.
It takes time to heal but more than ever we must do the inner work so we can overcome all that is to come. Balance, protecting your peace, and your mental health is necessary. But also the focus on how to be an advocate for our planet, others, and ourselves. In how to learn how to tap into our inner wisdom and get inspired to do our own thing and be a contributor to the collective that we are not separated as we have been taught and programmed. Yep, we are connected more than you think. Nothing in the earth is separated. We are spirits having a human experience. Never forget that it matters.
Here are 3 — Part — self-explanatory videos and the links mentioned in these videos as well with links to help women and children during this time.
Parts 2–6 are in the description below this video ❤
I’ll be updating this page as I find new information. I was divinely guided to deliver this work for confirmation for some of yall. Thank you for sharing, clapping, and engaging with videos, and here to support our work, and other people’s work in the collective so that we can continue to offer free and educational content for you and others. We appreciate your donation and support HERE!, on the channel AngieBlog, Writersyep.com, and on Your Story Matter Podcast.
Other channeled messages related to the ones on the top :)
Blessings and conscious healing and love to each of you! 💕Leave a “❤️” if you receive this and it resonated with you. I do not do personal readings at this time. Stay conscious, use discernment, and don’t get scammed.
Extended 🧿 🌟June — August 2022: (Soon!)
Water signs:
Scorpio♏️: https://angieblog3333.gumroad.com/l/ctwdpg
Cancer ♋️: https://angieblog3333.gumroad.com/l/oqbsi
Pisces ♓️: https://angieblog3333.gumroad.com/l/lkxdf
*Thank you in advance for your support, and kindness for this community, for letting me read you to guide you into your divine path. Love you! God bless you always and keeps blessing you with clarity, truth, love, compassion, peace, higher consciousness, unconditional love, and kindness for you, your planet, and others. Love,_AO
Until next card readings 🦚. Be kind to your planet 🌎, to you and others 🦋
In solidarity and sovereignty with you, today and always.
Stay conscious and real,
Love u, AO 🦋🌻
If you liked this blog make sure to subscribe, follow us, leave us what you think in the comments (let’s start real conversations) and share it with someone who needs to read and hear this today.
🧿I block any evil sent my way & return back to the sender 100x fold. And so it is. 🧿 #1212 𓂀𓆃*
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🧚🏻♀️ ABOUT ME 🧚🏻♀️
33 — she/her — Virgo ☉/ Libra ☾ / Virgo ↑. Empath/Alchemist /Light-worker/Crystal Healer/Psychic Medium Writer/ Science Environmentalist/Eco-warrior/Advocate/Painter/Photographer/Conscious Creative. Founder of WritersYep community. (higher consciousness creativity and educational media). Educator/caregiver for people with disabilities
🧚🏻♀️ REMINDERS 🧚🏻♀️
This is a general tarot reading, so please only take what resonates and leave the rest. I will always be truthful about the energies I’m picking up on, but that does not mean that the message must be meant for you. Trust your own judgment and intuition over mine or anyone else’s. Tarot, oracles, and crystal psychic medium messages, for me, are tools for guidance about possibilities and a tool to communicate with the universe, ascended masters, angels, and our ancestors; it is not meant to be a replacement for any professional guidance you may need. Nothing is yet set in stone and energies constantly changing, and my aim is to offer you clarity in your situation by looking at current energies. You are powerful. Consume responsibly. Love you 💗
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