Anti-Racism & Speaking Up is Necessary.
June 2020 decolonized your mind, get rest, and get back into action. #blacklivesmatter.
Originally published on Medium.
This month began with painful struggles, injustice brought by police brutality, and realizations that most of us have a lot of internal, traumas and dark traits that we need to work on. Some people benefit and are complicit to this madness; harbouring the idea that their race is superior. If you are rooting for the former president of the USA you are secretly or very vocal that you are a narcissistic, sexist and racist. Period.
We have to and need to re-learn how to be human again. Let that sink in for a minute.
We need to collectively work together to hold each other accountable for actions and things done to people just because of our skin color.
We need to acknowledge that Environmental racism is very real, Racism, police brutality, injustice and discriminations are their own form of viruses in our minds. These ideologies have been constructed and even designed as “necessary” by our own education system for many centuries now.
It’s WRONG! We need to educate ourselves.
There are a lot of human rights being violated, in all forms, inflicted by police brutality around the world. We are too preoccupied with being right and not changing our virus racist mentality. By reflecting on our own biases, and by questioning what we had embedded in our minds since we were young, we can evolve to be a better human. It’s difficult work to look from within and recognize that we have work to do on ourselves. Because is easy to look the other way. Some people are privileged by benefiting from the suffering of others. In other words, called ignorance.
In the age of information, ignorance is a choice.”
— Donald Miller
The actions and demands of the people, the families of their love one’s murder deserve justice and the realization that most people of color (especially Black, Brown, Latinos, Indigenous,) are the most affected by Covid-19; they are not safe during these times either.
Those who are different are being murdered, solely based on their skin color, sexual preferences, and gender. There is a lurking, sexist, agenda trying to stay afloat. Women and trans people’s lives are being taken away, and there is NO justice or punishments given to the police that have killed them. On top of watching over their shoulders, they are protesting in the middle of a world pandemic in order for their voices to be heard. Here’s a thought: what kind of world are we planning to live in the next decade?
HERE IS WHERE YOU CAN REALLY HELP. Do better and be a better human.
Link in our bio for more info being updated.
We all are very capable of doing something kind each day, and we can help one another.
Here are some accounts we are following and you should too: (there are much more, I’ll be adding them on more articles soon)
Black Lives Matter Global Network IG: blklivesmatter (donate)
@ally2action, @kendrick38 , @bldpwr , @dianexguerrero, @educatorsforjustice , @webuyblack, @opalayo (Queen) , @chasinggarza(Queen) , @osopepatrisse (Queen) , @iamgmjohnson, @everydayracsim_, @trevornoah, @donte.colley, @chnge, @browngirl_green, @ayanaeliza, @futureearth, @dtr360books_, @thierrylindor, @aiesharobinson_, @blvck.klas, @blackandembodied, @bailproject (donate), @colorofchange (donate), @eji_org (donate), @rachel.cargle
However, we are too busy with our own lives. But it’s not all about you. We all are experiencing struggles. No matter the severity of the struggle, it doesn’t excuse us to look the other way when we know we can do better. We are capable of doing so much more when times of distress and adversity. We need to unite to re-build a better world; because right now, it’s not looking or feeling very livable. Is it?
Let’s get real, Mental Health Awareness shouldn’t be only a focus for one month, or viewed as a trend. We must keep moving forward and not let injustices and wrong things be slide under the rug and forgotten…
Also, isn’t horribly wrong that there is like no accountability or punishment, for those who murder innocent people just because of their skin color in the year 2020?
Why is it a topic and trend to defund the police?
We need to defund the police. And fund the People.
Where is the justice for Breanna Taylor, Oluwatoyin “Toyin” Salau Elijah McClain , Andres Guardado, Riah Milton, Dominique Fells, Tamir Rice, Kenneth Ross Jr, and all the countless more?!! (Their names are link to their families donations pages, thank you for your support)
Infographic by @rallyandrise and toolkit
This is a time of solidarity, wearing your mask and protecting your kids as well. Speaking for the voiceless, learning about injustice, and re-learning what racism is and how it affects all around our world and systems.
It is time to demand for equality, and to never, ever, forget these days in history. #blacklivesmatter.
We humans are capable of horrible things and we know it’s a choice. And Yep, your choices does define you; whether you like it or not. It’s clear now days, I mean if you’ve been reading and educating yourself you will feel rage, anger, sadness, and deep understanding to what is really going on.
There are tons of research and educational archives, online resources. All Links in this article also have them. You can come back when you want and have access to them. This are things to look at, read and never forget.
By this month you’ve also came to realized, we’ve been told lies…
About our history, our ancestors, through our education, lifestyle and everything. We need to re-learn and do better. We have to start by decolonizing our minds and finding ways to heal. Together.
We need to support black owner businesses, and sign petitions, call, make donations and support by educating yourself and use the new information to educate your environment. It’s really uncomfortable, I still have a lot to unlearn, but I can just imagine living and feeling this sense of dread and terrible spit on the stomach; that your life might end because of your skin color. That’s wrong and you know it, We need to let go of the ignorance, stop being racist and support each other.
Anti-Racism Education is Necessary.
It is time to demand for equality. #blacklivesmatter.
Photo by Sandra Seitamaa
I’ve been silently super sad for my mother getting worse by the hour. But also, these weeks after seeing George being murder by four people, then all the others who unjustly die and what’s going on in the world right now. Honestly it’s exhausting to know and feel how SOME (Thank goodness for empathy and parents that taught that to their children at a younger age. Thank you MOM.) humans are just disappointing and are a waste of breath honestly.
While others thrive through adversity and help others along the way. I admire you and I see you if you are reading this. Also, If you are dad, Happy Father’s Day Everyday man! You got this! You are providing for your loved ones and keeping yourself mentally stable. We all have too.
Look from within, how can you accept mass murder right in front for the whole world to see, published and shared because of their skin color!?
How our ignorance and greed has brought the majority of humankind to its worst and demand to be accepted. Now, it is acceptable to teach this to our kids too.. Let’s be honest and clear. This is NOT OKAY. We ALL need to be educated about racism and how it does affect the environment as well. Climate change it’s still an Issue we can also not ignore. If you’ve been paying attention this year 2020, its teaching us a lot! Education, compassion, unity and community healing are vital during these times.
We have become so ignorant about life and survival skills. Just because it’s easy now to communicate and voice your opinions and sometimes, really not, but you still do it. It’s free…
So Thankful for this.
I’ve noticed how in my writing and the way I speak, how I’ve treated people before. I’ve also made mistakes… I’m mixed and I’ve been doing wrong to my own race too. Dominican families are super hateful towards Haitians and I always wonder why. I used to get slapped in the face for asking those questions…
But I was taught to be racist and even though as a young kiddo, and no matter how many slaps or got made fun of. I would still hang out with haitians or any kid with color. Because deep within me I knew I was just the same as them. My white family from my mother side, just wouldn’t accept but I secretly did and love being different. Now, teaching my girls that it is awesome to be different, see color, to be kind, think before you speak and not judge.
But I’m not perfect, I’ve tried to fit in with my “white’ friends when I moved to Canada. Did things and let racist comments slide so I can be included. I have been a contributor before and I’m really sorry for that. I know apologies mean nothing if you don’t change the behaviour
I want to do better and teach others the same.
Education, it’s vital so we can all move on from the past, and make a better future. I also have faith we can all do this together. However, we have to do the inner work. Recognize that each and one of us have internal and dark things to work on too. (it took me 4 months of inner work, just giving you a heads up and I’m still working on it)
We are forgetting our ability to be more compassionate, more kind, and to just listen. We must stand for humanity. We all have negative traits, and we all need to work together and educate ourselves. 400 years of prosecution, slavery, racism, inequality, sexism, injustices are not being targeted or brought to justice. It’s enough.
They deserve to be heard, understood and highly appreciate it plus supported. We thought “normal” was racism, inequality, privilege, injustice, police brutality, using innocent children and stripping them from their home and parents because of their nationality. Senseless and selfish Wars…
We let it happen, by being ignorant and not letting LOVE to be our guide. We are still letting it happen but I’m still hopeful.
We need to let go of THE OLD MENTALLY . listen to our bodies and start adjusting plus embracing uncertainty.
Letting go is part of the process. Hopefully you can let go of this negative old stigma because what used to work before no longer applies to this new generation and new digital era in 2020.
Photo by Priscilla Gyamfi
We are not perfect, and I know I’m not the only one mix that has said, done or let slide racist comments. Yep, recognizing my OWN privilege too. It’s hard to recognize it because these ideologies, life lessons and things we have being taught and heard from our parents and family say or do. And they have learned from their parents. So This is the time to say:
Seriously, repeat this many times, you post, reach and want to help your sisters and brothers. Stand up for them and what they are trying to do. They need us. Especially our Black Women right now.
Lack of education is not an option anymore. We need to get comfortable having uncomfortable conversations.
WE are currently presented with the worst and the best at the same time.
Death and awakening.
Evolving and letting go it’s part of life.
USE your voice, your money and your common sense to help our brothers and sisters.
I saw all ⚫️ ❤️ And the trolls are raging on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and IG. READ AND CHECK THEM OUT. Do not just let them get away with racist and disgusting comments. Kindly and respectfully (don’t lower to their level. You know you are better than) CALL THEM ON IT.
Using COMPASSION = ANTI-racist vaccine 💉 (Here my tiktok antiracist goals ;)) we can use our imagination to create and help one another through our own social media platforms.
The ignorant people need to be kindly educated. Don’t use insults, be calm because you’ve been reading and getting more knowledgeable about black history (that’s why you would be responding. If not, ask someone that can explain it better ;)). But ALL people of color are victims of atrocities because of our skin colour. And we ABSOLUTELY now can help each other and work towards a better future.
You know and we all know (not now or ever will I mention his name again. Words have power and from now I’m stripping, little-by-little his influence towards my fellow humans and myself. You should too) The “Nameless-Orange-hair” , en español “El MamaGuevo ‘’ He is a racist, disgusting human being, narcissistic and it’s so sad he is a US president… Yep, it took a health war to realize that it wasn’t just Coronaviruses biggest threat to humanity’s existence. The leeching sucking vampire has always been clothed and guarded in a White Castle in Washington. We all know his addressees and where to hear his unsolicited and not-welcomed by the whole world… his thoughts on Twitter…
Is this what you think is “normal” before we got hit with a world pandemic?. Wake up people! It’s US who has the last vote. It’s time for America AND THE WORLD ! to help clean 🧼 up! Love this article from Barack Obama
Read it to my girls during #blackout tuesday ✊🏽
Thank you Steve Daniel for these.
Yep, we need to acknowledge our mental health more, decolonized our mindset with books and listening to understand.
We need to keep preparing for this long health war that now we are going through the second wave plus racism, mental slavery and sexism still exist in 2020.
We need to address it all of it, learn from the past, decolonized and refuse to accept any more. It’s simple, but our egos are keeping us ignorant.
Make it “COVID-Anti-Racism” which is not hard. Be a human being and look at all the beautiful colors around you and accept people just for who they are. No matter which color, gender or disability. This was what my oldest daughter said to me the other day, while homeschool time about diversity and why inclusion plus equality are so important.
Injustice is to stay silent and let it slide, I know I have work to do too, it takes courage and responsibility when you decide that you will not stay silent anymore. It’s like a muscle you build. And we have to continue so history doesn't repeat itself.
Are we also, not going to address the fact that the recent kids separated from their families and indigenous women disappearing, children forgotten… there are silent and innocent suffering human beings and used while a world pandemic and racism is very clear and vocal. It’s disgusting what’s happening to girls in nigeria and all over the world. Discrimination towards our brothers and sisters is ridiculous and inhuman and you know it. What kind of human are you?
Educating yourself so you can understand your privilege and acknowledge that racism is a virus of the mind. We need to address it and work on it. This in order to help those who are in need and voiceless right now! Here we posted what to say when you start getting nasty remarks from those who are ignorant and kindly let the other person know where you stand. If they still don’t get it. Share with them this.
Start Here:
White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism, by Robin DiAngelo
Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America, by Ibram X. Kendi
More Books to Read:
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, by Michelle Alexander
More than Enough by Elaine Welteroth
The Next American Revolution: Sustainable Activism for the Twenty-First Century, by Grace Lee Boggs
Fatal Invention: How Science, Politics, and Big Business Re-create Race in the Twenty-first Century, by Dorothy Roberts
The Bluest Eye, by Toni Morrison
The Autobiography of Malcolm X, by Malcolm x and Alex Haley
Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?, by Beverly Daniel Tatum
The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America, by Richard Rothstein
Between the World and Me, by Ta-Nehisi Coates
My Grandmother’s Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies, by Resmaa Menakem
Have Black Lives Ever Mattered?, by Mumia Abu-Jamal
The Fire Next Time, by James Baldwin
Tears We Cannot Stop: A Sermon to White America, Michael Eric Dyson
Mindful of Race: Transforming Racism from the Inside Out, by Ruth King
10 Children’s Books celebrating Juneteenth
Other articles:
By Lisa Mae Brunson 136 Black Innovators in STEM + Arts You Should Know and Support!
By Akinyi Towards An Anti-Racist Workplace: Tools and Strategies to Support Black Employees.
By Sherry Kappel Doing Right by Black People — and Not Just When It’s Convenient.
I’m half way the book list plus listening to people's stories… This months have being the biggest awakening of all, at least for those with common sense. We are all going to make mistakes, but that’s not the point, learn and do better.
We need to actively find ways of healing (to heal traumas and re-learning happens here), reach loved ones when days get too hard, and above all, support each other. Self-care is necessary more than ever. We need our inner-strength, and our collective wisdom, to be able to help our brothers and sisters who are suffering a lot. We need to be kinder to others. Ourselves, yes, primarily, but we also need to collaborate, support, and create new solutions for a better future for us as well as our planet.
Stay home, be safe, be kind to your planet 🌎, to you and others 🦋.
Essay written by Angie Abreu Olivo -Founder, Creative Entrepreneur and Environmentalist Single Mom. Edited by EP.
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