How To Get Rid Of Hate?

Yep, going deep I was working on shame last week oh my!. This week is hate. 

Photo by Hannah Xu

Photo by Hannah Xu

Originally published on Medium.

Yes, your read that right, shame was last week and still working on it because I’ve been carrying shame that isn’t even mine. 

“We all need to work together because there are no jobs on a dead planet; there is no equity without rights to decent work and social protection, no social justice without a shift in governance and ambition, and, ultimately, no peace for the peoples of the world without the guarantees of sustainability.” _Sharan Burrow

This blog is the lesson of going through that lane and discovering a lot and I’m still working on it… How about you? Are you doing the inner work? How’s that going for you?…Because wao, this is f$%ing hard! 

The deeper I travel within, the more I see, understand, and realize. Listing is a beautiful skill to practice just as communication. These two are the oxygen to sustain relationships of any kind in this life. 

These are working progress for those who are in the healing process of their childhood traumas because some of us, did not learn these skills from home. Some we had to learn it on the fly or through many mistakes or through people we thought we could trust or lack of communicating our feelings or not listing well.. then the expectations and assumptions sink in that are rooted from our ego and then act unconsciously. Yep! it is true, we do learn it the hard way, but that’s where we grow, expand and evolve. 

Going deep and understanding, accepting my low vibrations without judging or comparing and, letting go of the old… it is not easy at all. Is extremely difficult actually, it feels like giving birth. Rebirth to your real self is increasing your consciousness while living through unconscious bias systems in reality. 

Acting on your highest vibrations is being conscious and aware of your ego and unconscious behavior that no longer is serving us or this planet. The system needs us to keep pretending, ignoring, and fighting for a system that always will find a way to control us and keep oppressing us for profit. And If you are not taking care of yourself and using compassion through it all, while dismantling old systems beliefs it can get you sick too. 

The point is, working on your mind, healing your body, and know thy yourself is very important so you don’t lose yourself and/or get back into sleep mode. It is NOT an option anymore to continue to ignore the atrocities done by those who benefit a lot from inequality and oppressive systems. 


Photo by Jeff Ackley

Because we really don’t know what’s in this vaccine, we know the surface and what has been approved by the scientific and medical communities to published. They are still under the pharmaceutical system which is the same as it has always been. Under capitalism, racist, anti-black and white supremacy systems. 

These are internal and old systems which thanks to a world pandemic we (some of us who choose to look from within and work on being more conscious and aware) have woken up to know that we need to keep our integrity, not be so trusting, and demand change for us and our planet at all cost. 

Of course, take it “it is the only hope” right? How convenient… Let’s hope these two vaccines are the only ones…Because now we are forced to take it or else… (no travel, no jobs outside your home, some places won't allow you in or to work if you haven’t taken the vaccine. Some people (asthma, and other compromised immune systems) will not be able to have children anymore after taking the vaccine. Some are okay with that, and you are in your right. However, for others is a huge risk but we don’t have any other choices right? Basically taken away our social, economic, and all our rights in order to “save humanity” for a pandemic created from the main systems that are now “giving us the medicine to save us”). 

Meanwhile, they censored and remove real information, BIPOC and POC real history, about African healing practices, Kemetic Legacy Today — Ancient Egyptian, Reiki, Shaman, Medium, Empath, psychic healing, spirituality, healing our chakras going back to the source, Stress + Anger management, meditation, mental health + real education should be free, the body can heal itself and by having a healthy and sustainable, equitable lifestyle we wouldn't be in this predicament in the first place. 

Yet here we are, pretending and conforming to these old limiting beliefs so we follow the “crowd”, so we are back into be included and consider “cool” on social media and society. That’s so unsustainable and violent, we are betraying our souls and our beings to applicate to a system that does not benefit all of us, just some of us. 

If another disease or wtv the fuck starts rising again, as we are seeing that Covid-19 is already mutating and changing. And they still NOT addressing CLIMATE CHANGE, ANTI-RACISM EDUCATION PLUS ANTI-RACISM +ANTI-WHITE SUPREMACY POLICES, TAXING THE RICH CORPORATIONS AND HOLDING 1% ACCOUNTABLE and there is more stuff they demand from us to do for this rotten system and again not helping us financially and mentally. 

We ALL need to demand justice and for a real change of systems.

Our bodies are not a commodity or objects to experiment. Nor are we slaves. Enough with this BS.

Just like this system rooted in patriarchy and misogyny, women are treated as objects and means to an end. Well, just like women are risking their lives to defend their rights, their children’s rights,s and for our voices and our bodies to be respected. 

So should everyone who does not want to take the vaccine should be treated with the same respect as someone who did. It’s weird to see people on social media advertising and need validation for conforming. 

Taken the v is your PRIVATE thing and is not a thing to judge or compare others. Some people have to take it because their immune is not as good as everyone else. This vaccine is embracing and creating again, separation, privileges, inequality, and disrespect towards each other. The system needs you all to conform, belief in separation, competition and comparing, submissive and “it will help you in return”. 

But the reality for most of us, it is absolutely not the case and we suffer more than those who have a privilege to stay silent, ignore and worse now, encourage to gaslight those who are woke and are not going to stay silent anymore just so others can stay comfortable while injustices are happening every-single-day. 

Trust went to my first doctor appointment in-person in two years this week, and it was hard to face some deeper truths and accept plus understand different aspects about myself. 

From my doc, she took the vaccine and let me know that is safe to take as it can help us lower the cases and help others. She helped me understand that Quebec is very “old school” and that it is true. The media about this is insane here and it can cause people to mistrust. I wonder why… Especially those who have been mistreated or the medical systems have failed them. But we are very lucky and privilege to live in Canada. 

Yes, but it still doesn't exonerate them from holding this country and Quebec city accountable during this pandemic and their violent past. Which are not that different from the USA, UK, and other parts of the western world, because they are rooted in colonialism, capitalism, and racism. 

Learning to let go of this shame, because these countries leaders and the greedy 1% can do better, they choose not to and punish plus shame us for it. No mas! 

Embracing compassion through it all, as you and I are human beings with complex and emotionally charges emotions. Plus we all have gone through some form of trauma, especially these two years during a world pandemic…And some of those emotions are heavy and dark…if not resolved or healed, they can cause more damage than already has been done to us for many centuries now. 

Sometimes, carrying them for too long without accepting and healing those shadow aspects of yourself can get you really sick mentally, emotionally, and physically. 

Do you sometimes hold shame from other people and not from your own life experiences? If you don’t wao, you are blessed. 

Now, how many of you felt some type of shame, disgust for the injustice but not surprise because you can relate so much it touches an inner wound, a deeper pain while watching Harry and Meghan interview on Oprah…

Why do you think it’s so difficult for us in the so-called western society, raise, completely dehumanized us in a capitalist, white-washed education system; and taught us how to be narcissistic, ignorant and racists selfish, money seekers or else…To understand that we must change and embrace unity, neutrality, tolerance, inner love, justice, compassion plus sustainable and equitable systems? 

This is my opinion, do feel free to let me know in the comment here your thoughts. Because this is not an easy path and it gets deep to the point is very uncomfortable and that’s why loving and having compassion for yourself as you do with others is key. ❤

Because I had to question myself that same thing. Because it takes a lot of time for us, and a lot of effort to get out of the ways, or the systems, or the way of thinking that we have been raised to think. To believe, like our thoughts, our western thoughts on love, justice, nature, climate change, racism, whitewash, and anti-black policies that always existed. We are just becoming aware of them, those who choose to be conscious about it though… 

Even what is right, what is wrong. 

We have been raised with these thoughts from when we were little, of course, that we think when we grow up that these are or this is the only way to live. 

But then actually, when you travel (miss it a lot but grateful for all the places I've traveled and learned so much from others), talk and meet a lot of different human beings who live in different parts of the world. With different cultures, social structures, and ways of living. Especially when you talk in their own language or you learn it from them. Then you really get to understand how they think a little, but enough that you realize that actually, my way of thinking is not the only way of thinking. 

And right and left, good or bad, Black and White when everything is grey, multidimensional, colorful, and beautifully diverse… these can be defined in many different ways plus our perspectives play a big part in this. This is why is important to do the inner work, so you can stop projecting your shadows, heal your inner child wounds (parents is important you do this work because you start breaking generational traumas so your children have a better chance than us), and pointing fingers or the new one “cancel culture” (which is another form of not taking accountability) and start taking responsibilities for your own actions. 

So it’s difficult because we have to let go of everything that we have ever been taught is right. In other words, working on letting go of all of that, dismantling, while some of us are experiencing it (because it is a privilege to learn and be educated about racism, white supremacy, and oppressive systems than it is experiencing it every day) it is very difficult. 

Be kind to your mind and heart through this❤ Remember this is not your fault, you matter, you are enough, you deserve to be here on this planet and enjoying all the beautiful things this place has to offer. Don’t give up! you are a precious soul and you are loved okay. 


Photo by Sushil Nash

While training an intern and understanding that nobody learns or can be educated the same way as everyone else… Made me realize a lot of things. Needed to share it❤

Something tells me that someone will need to read this and I hope this helps you. However, the healing and going through it; is what get’s us closer to inner peace, and dismantle old limiting beliefs is what can help us continue being consciously creative, do good for others as we do ourselves, and embrace change for the sake of humanity. 

Because Joy, Love, self-awareness, acceptance, and happiness are the real wealth. Freedom starts within. That’s what I’m working on while building a business and raising two conscious children alone during these times. 

We are not perfect, and sometimes working on our shadows and doing the inner work is the right thing to do, but also is the hardest to choose to do. Meditation can teach you a lot of things, but one I’m really grateful to practice more: patience

Especially during a world pandemic, bitcoin is the thing that was not cool to do last year, I got fraud by a bitcoins trading company that now is legit (WTF)…So capitalism is upgrading and digitalized while poverty, hunger, and a huge economic and mental depression are rising. 

So money is becoming more of an illusion but we are more enslaved and in more debt than ever. These leaders don’t know wtf they are doing with OUR Lives… And now we OWE THEM for keeping us “saved” while profiting while a lot of people are/were dying during a catastrophe for the past year and a half. Do you still want this system? And that’s when I hit the last journey of shame and found hate…

 Now, some people will get the vaccine… Here in Quebec, they are screwing with the science procedures and keeping people in fear at all costs so they don’t question their atrocities. Keeping schools open while not vaccinating educators and staff. Texas is creating a genocide and we are all watching it through the news (white supremacy + capitalism at work= Hate that circulates through and from us if we are not keeping our ego and unconscious behavior in check!). Creating schools online is the way to go but this city and many other countries refuse to do the right thing for people's lives, for profit. 

Because it’s the white wealthy, narcissistic abusers ON FACEBOOK News (start noticing and reading in your city, your news from Facebook and you will learn a lot. Just observe, don’t react.) being bullies and living their horrible comments for everyone to see how crappy they are inside. Or God knows what else these people do when nobody is watching. Evil, unconscious and rotten people with money are the real virus. 

Another thing, some of the wealthy Quebequers can’t stand being around their own children, being alone or staying at home and following health procedures… It is easier to react and point fingers at others instead of looking in and judging your own actions. 

I’m not surprised at all… But disappointed not the less. Expectations (low vibes) will continue to F&% us because we continue to idealized unconscious, greedy politicians and leaders that are no good, for our countries and for our planet. And unfortunately, we know it and are very aware of it. 

We have become comfortable with injustice and atrocities. 

We have fought wars and conquer lands people! Where is your warrior spirit huh? (see colonialism turn into some positivity-reverse-psychology-shiet. Media, content creators, and writers, we need to be aware of how are we projecting through our work our own insecurities, fears, and unconscious limiting beliefs on paper, blog, emails, news, scripts, and books…Language and words Matter. A lot actually, so much that it can help change the way we see and shape our internal plus external perceptions of this current reality.). 

Biden turns out to be a piece of S$&t poppet, go figured….Canada and Quebec being their covered racist, white-supremacy, greedy, cold asswipes selfs AGAIN. 

I received my first letter from the federal a couple of weeks ago. $16,590 owed to them of my labor of a full year creating and building my business, no financial help (only at the beginning of this pandemic) or support, raising my daughters, lost my two jobs and half of that year didn’t receive any financial assistance. 

Sacrifices I had to do, to tried to survive while there were no jobs, especially in a racist, sexist, misogynistic, and white supremacist Quebec city. Stuck in lockdown plus curfew and still expected to pay electricity(super high prices because of heating during winter), internet, and very high cost of living right now. 

My family helped me during the time my mom was sick and dying. But when she passed things changed. I pray and hope that it wouldn't, but unfortunately, people don’t change but circumstances do force us to. And some of their circumstances are what defined us and if those circumstances are from individuals who only know and embrace low vibrations and oppressive systems. 

And they refuse to change or take accountability for their actions. Then, there is no forgiveness and there is no unity. 

No longer allowing or accepting people in my space with my children (this package is 2 for the price of one, I’m not okay with friends or anybody that makes me feel that I have to choose between my children and their friendships or to be supported or loved… yes, I never thought I would hear those words from people I care for. And still expect me not to be hurt or that I’m wrong for feeling hurt… However, as painful as it might be, I’m very grateful for their lessons that revealed to me what it is that I and my daughters deserve. Because my children will always be a priority in my life whether others like it or not.), that embrace negative, narcissistic, and unconscious behaviors. No longer in that vibrational field nor I’m going to lower myself to meet others that would not reciprocate the love and support I give. Respect, trust, love, and loyalty is a gift, not an obligation. 

Selfishness will never create togetherness_Trent Shelton

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Sending prayers and positive plus healing to Trent’s Family, as his mother is passing away from Cancer and his child recently got covid. He really is an inspiration and he is always motivating us to stay real and love others as we do ourselves. Please, send him good vibes and write him comments of encouragement. Kind words during these times really matter. I’m grateful for those who supported me and send me love — with anything when my mom passed. Never will I forget your kindness, now let’s pass it forward to those we know need it ❤ 

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This year is all about unity and unifying as collective and spiritual, conscious species of this earth and doing the right thing. 

Finding our own inner peace and help heal others as we do ourselves. Just be present to ask the hard questions to ourselves and to others. Here are the ones I’ve been asking myself, to know how to get rid of hate because I feel this is where rage, murder, jealousy, comparing, and competition are coming from. Colonialism was embraced and still is used for profit … from hate and jealousy. 

  • Why do I have Hate in my heart?

  • Who taught me to hate?

  • Who put it there? Why was I taught to hate? Por Que?

  • What caused me to hate this or that so much?

  • When did hate start spreading or when did I let hate take over my life and beliefs?

  • How can I be compassionate towards myself while I let go of Hate and others who are hateful, hurtful, and narcissistic abusers at the same time?

  • Can hate disappear from my mind?

  • Do I share hate? Do I project hate sometimes? or all the time?

  • Hate is a strong ass word and why do I feel rage every time I say it but when I write it, it feels like I’m releasing the power of it?

  • Why hating is so bad for our souls? And why does the system uses it for profit? Why do we allow this?

  • Can I take a Break from hating to do this work? lol*

We the collectives are in the path of healing, dismantling, doing the inner work, and shadow (no options, we are projecting through social media right now. Please check your bias and hold yourself accountable for your mistakes. Those doing the inner work, I see you and I admire your vulnerability and your bravery. It’s beautiful to read and see. Keep going through, inner work is not easy. Be brave, be kind to yourself, compassionate all the way baby! and don’t give up ❤). 

We have 500 years to dismantle and decolonized. Let’s get to work! Thank God for meditation, spirituality, reading, writing, creating, movements, acceptance, Love, and consciousness to help us heal. ;)

Hopes and dreams, joy and contentment. Abundance, honesty, and integrity are the essential things to have a happy, joyful and sustainable life. I believe every human being deserves these and more. But the believer must not just come from me and you reading this blog today. Nothing is coincidences. You are here to read this, for a reason. 

As a lightworker and I’ve been on this journey before. However, this year feels different. 

Right now, I’m on the path of getting rid of hate and I decided that Instead of writing so much about it, I would let you take the mic or the keyboard. ❤

So write me in the comments here. or on my channel :) 

How Do You get rib off limiting low vibes beliefs? How to Stay on a High Vibes beliefs systems? 

Write the list and save it, just like you save your favorite quotes or pics on your IG or any social media platforms. Save this so you hold yourself accountable for your actions instead of using expectations, judgment, comparison, vanity, hate speech, and cyberbullying online. 

People do not have to deal with your toxic behavior nor do they need to. Deal with your own demons and stop putting God's name! on everything F(*^% you do and have the audacity to blame it on God and the Universe by saying “Its god’s will”. Colonialism BS for ya and we don’t want it NO MORE! Also, Don’t insult your creators and makers, that’s the lowest vibe. 

Entitlement is another low vibes by the way. What other one that the system's benefits but doesn't want us to work on it because it profits and highly benefits of them???? HMMMM???? 

Let me know and be brave. Our home needs us and we need to get back to the source to heal her as we heal ourselves. ❤ 

Be kind to your planet, to you, and others.

Love and Light,


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The song that inspires this blog from the movie “She drives me Crazy”. 


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Capitalism + Patriarchy Systems Are NOT Sustainable.