Keep Your Hopes Humming.

Choose your hopes and dreams over fears.

Photo by Tim Mossholder

Originally published on Medium.

“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope or confidence” -Helen Keller.

Discovering through this journey, that your hopes and values encourage creative, constructive, and compassionate thinking; which leads to positive actions. 


This lesson learned and inspired by my two toddler daughters. Love you Girls, I learn every day something new from you. I’m so grateful, kids really are a gift from God. And I was blessed with two and had a mother that taught me by example to be a conscious and loving parent. Love you and miss you, Mama. ❤

Trying to find inner peace, stability, and support during these challenging times can be the hardest task of all.

Creating stillness moments, or find the time plus energy to do anything after dealing with external conditions, that unfortunately, for some of us its life or death situations. Or else homelessness awaits. Some prefer to live like that than conform to this bs system and some don’t have the choice or the privileges you take for granted. 

You don’t know what someone is going through or has been through. Be kind. 

Tried this @yogawithme this morning and felt really good, while pacing myself of all the things I want to share and accomplished within the days my daughters are with their father. These are the days I can get things done and at the same time, keep my mental health in check so I don’t burn out or get to overwhelmed. However, since last year integrating inner (decolonizing) and shadow (dismantle old limited beliefs and perceptions) with my own work… It has become very heavy and intense lately. 

It feels like grieving…Unfortunately, some of us cannot afford to take this grieving time seriously. Because even that, we have been conditioned that taking time to grief and take a mental health break to get our feelings in order, so we don’t project to others our pain. That it is not valid or is ridiculous to do when we are financially, emotionally, and physically struggling. That’s our toxic capitalism system, screw that noise! Take your time ❤

It’s like the old self, the lies, and what I thought it was… It wasn’t. It can get a little insane if you are not taking care of yourself and your spirit when you are in your awakening and ascension process. Because our current reality is insane and we have been conditioned and programmed to believe is “normal”. Let that sink in. 

Definitely learning that compassion is very hard too. Especially if you have been a people pleaser, too kind to ungrateful people, have a narcissistic and toxic family or friends, very forgiven of their toxic behaviors, and very compassionate to others more than your own self. Yep, that comes from childhood traumas. Each of us deals with this very differently, so I hope you do have more compassion for yourself and forgive, not for them but for you. 

I’ve been writing about lessons that will be found on my new ebooks, which I’m working to publish soon. My hope is that they help you keep going, and use creativity through adversity. Don’t give up, if you are creative. This is someone who is struggling but using what I love to keep me moving forward and keep showing up, consistently defined by my own self and standards. Not consistent pre-determined and programmed by an oppressive, abusive, and violent system. 

Yep! still showing up for my future self, my daughter’s future education, and stability for the world and my communities. I hope that all this, as hard as it has been can be the spark that someone needed to see or read during these times :).

 Appreciate every minute of everything, and keep progressing — at your own pace. Not the pace of the system, or algorithm, not the pace of families expectations or society limited, bias beliefs nurture and programmed since we are kids. 


Taking out any negativity, distractions, less junk food, and applying a greener diet, daily meditation, and yoga practice alongside motherhood, healing, continue to build and inspire my community and green plus renewable e-commerce business. 

Without the expectation of social media algorithm or the expectation of the world of what a founder who is the main provider of this space, manages 3 social media accounts, designs, paint to heal, creates content, writes, edits videos, podcast host plus edits and builds websites for fun. Write ebooks, create and help others because writing and creativity are my passion. 

Art, love, creativity, Environmentalist, and spirituality are and have always been my calling.

It really is a dream come true. I really wished for this when I was a kid. 

Although, I didn’t expect to be broke and owning more money to this BS system than my student loan while trying to survive as an artist, writer, and single mother through a world pandemic.

 Still, no jobs because women of color in this city are a sin. And worse if they find out that you were homeless and are a mother -.-. Now, looking for jobs outside this place or to work from home until the business starts growing. 

We can’t expect the seed that was planted a month ago to start giving fruits. HOWEVER, the universe and god got my back, so I’m not worried. I’m surrendering, trusting, and accepting. Especially, there is no team yet, as I'm NOT going to ask people to work for free. That’s capitalism 101. If the UN makes sure of human rights are not being violated but they have the audacity to create internships UNPAID during a world pandemic. That tells you all. 

The government “helps you” but the cost of living and expenses are higher since the pandemic started. So again, is minimum or nothing. 

A good thing I started a minimalist lifestyle two years ago, experience being homeless for 6 months last year, and still keep my expenses low. Poverty is violence and it is NOT OUR FAULTS! However, all opinions of others, their fears and limitations passed down to me, created this unconscious girl that stopped believing in herself and always kept her life in constant fighter-flight stress survival mode. 

Trauma healing is the best gift you can give back to your beautiful and complex brain. Emotional trauma can be passed down through lineage, so focus on you and your healing. Love all the things our brains and our bodies can do for us just as we should do with earth. ❤

To be able to write, draw, paint and create what I love and now ready to continue sharing it with others. Thank you for being part of this journey. It has been a long, bumpy, tragic, joyful, healing, forgiving, and beautifully challenging. 

That’s the secret, by the way. Keep a learning, positive and open mindset in anything you do. Then keep following your joy, that which makes you smile, wake up every day happy and you can’t wait to do it again tomorrow.

Basically, drop the should do or not be doing when first launching a new business. Being more observant, and listen more. Found my hours of the day recently, where the lighting in my apartment is just perfect. Even though perfect doesn't exist. However, this hour is just good enough and it feels right for me. 

I start calling them the magic hours, 4:30–5 pm the time of the day when it’s still a bit sunny but you start to see and appreciate the sunset. It also so happens the time where most people finished work, but I’m starting to see and my own magic work hour is when everyone is relaxing from working. 

I love writing, doing art, and be of service to others. Writing sometimes goes away but learning that it does teach me lessons. 

I’m learning that recharge and rest time periods, should be added to any writer’s or creative life schedule and life work. To prevent burnout, stress, and feeling too overwhelmed. These if you don't take care of them and keep them in check and your wellbeing, it can cause diseases or problems later in the long term. 

Taking your self-care seriously and implementing it as self-discipline is part of your worth and the quality of your work.

I’m learning that writing and photography plus painting can coexist. Mix-media with art. Where focus can be found in the simplest things and still retain a meaningful connection to your being. Your soul. 

Then, there are the lucky moments that happen, if you get lucky enough that you get to share the joy and doing good things for others at the same time. With those you love and support as they do for you ❤ That’s the definition for me of the meaning of success, is Joy. 

There is a bitter-sweet taste in the air too. Like when you finally hit the — aha moment, and then you wonder “wao, how long did it take me to get here?”. Realize that everything is a process, everything takes time and it needs divine timing to grow and flourish.

I wish I could explain but the creative magic sometimes needs to be so intimate and personal. No too much noise, not too many intentions and less is more.

Enjoying and appreciating the little things that life has to offer. That’s where I’ve been at, to be honest. Recharging and not feeling shame for it, and enjoying the process of change and the unknown. Being brave and being authentically yourself is one of the greatest gifts aside from dreaming that you can give to yourself.

Woke up this morning with the drive to write and finished multiple books in two days. can that be possible? The real question, can I do it? Can I actually sit my ass down, take all distractions from my ecosystem, and with breaks of course. (I’ll try!). Create wicked, creative, and educational e-books.


How far can I take this? Can a book be published on ebook in a day? I have so many that all it needs to edit, sit down for real! focus and meditate, as well as read, and editing, editing, editing. 

 Get the ISBN, and the $50 copyright to protect your work and your new asset. Make sure cover design, cover illustration, add an epilogue, acknowledgments, and about the Author pages… 200–300 pages later.

A book in any form, whether printed (eco publishing should be the new normal and we do on Writersyep :)) or digital. A book is born. ❤

Inner wisdom and experience plus knowledge’s shared for the world to read and learn from. Yep, working on this and helping others along the way too. 

I think hitting bravely and courageously the “Publish”, “Share”, “submit manuscript” and “Post” are magic forms writers and creators use alchemy and can create beautiful things for the world. 

I’m grateful that now, this space can help build and self-promote portfolios for those who wish to contribute their work with us and embrace sustainability at the same time. Art and storytelling can be the sources to bring healing into this dormant world. 

We thank you for your support and if someone's art has helped you in any way, don’t forget that any support does matter and it’s appreciated. 

We are conditioned to forget, neglect, suppress, and betray our own selves plus health for money. We need to remember that money is an energy and it can be manifested. Especially when we are in a state of awareness and consciousness. 

Healing is dismantling, It’s going back to the source. Our child essence is born with already amazing knowledge and wisdom. With the right distractions and being stuck with the external societal limitations. These keep us in a state of illusion, fear, doubts, and not focus on what really matters.

Greed is an unconscious disease and a very ancient one. It has destroyed nations and created massive wars and genocides throughout human history. 

Motivational Self Care Toggle Instagram Post.png

Hope, on the other hand, whether is through art or through movements has also created a balance through chaos too. Hopes and creativity must be nurtured. Let me explain why. 

Have you noticed that some days you feel creative and open to new ideas and opportunities and other days you don’t? We see it and experience it all the time. People who are not smarter or more experienced successfully launch themselves forward, while others just see insurmountable obstacles in every direction. 

The way we respond to our environment is all related to how our brains are wired and which pathways we choose to follow on our journeys. 

For instance, fear blocks your best thinking. While fear stimulates a protective response that serves a valuable purpose when encountering physical threats, that response can wreak havoc with your creativity. 

Fear blinds us of possibilities and paralyzes us all at once. Even worse, we may take self-protective measures when we’re afraid, which in turn bring to life the very thing we feared would occur in the first place. 

Most of us have fallen prey to this vicious cycle of fear. Especially, since last year when the pandemic started. Then realized how unconscious, ignorant, and asleep we all have been conditioned and programmed to believe this is all there is. 

Having hopes is what gave us back our resilience and inner wisdom to survive, risk our lives and face this pandemic however way possible given the limited resources or support. From the system that we are slaved, paying taxes, and forced to still live through. With the illusion that this is all there is or else…


Sage Lenier

Those who couldn’t work last year and couldn't find jobs or clients, during a world catastrophe and now this year, most of us are in more debt with the government (the system) than we have ever been before in our lives. 

Unfortunately, those who are still asleep still consider it normal and that all of these atrocities had to happen because of the economy… No, the system is not broken and is working just as the elite plan it. Unless, we take a stand together, collectively and decide to change the narrative. 

Conquering our fears and being aware that the system benefits a lot from our fears and profits from them. It can be a shock at first, but so empowering once you realized your worth, that you are good enough, you are self-aware and you switch to be more hopeful rather than live your life in fear. 

We have felt our minds looping around and around, telling us a repetitive story of doom, making us want to run for our lives or fight to protect our stand. When we’re in a fearful or self-protective mode, we’re not usually much fun. 

We may blame others, find it hard to listen, and become reactive. Our bodies may tense up, stomachs grind, or heads start to throb from stress. Fear can make us sick, crabby, tired, and depressed. (This is how I can best describe being less anxious and removing hate, shame, rage, and fear. These are heavy inner work to dismantle from my external circumstances during my homeless months and dealing with my mother passing away. Therapy helped a lot too.)  

The good news is that we become aware of our reactions and realize that we are stuck in a fear cycle, we can choose a different response. 

Just keep in mind this, I’ll be going into more details on the next blog ❤ a corrupted system can be broken and replaced with a better one that benefits all of us and not just some of us. 

It has happened in the past, and it is unavoidable that it can happen again. Believe again in possibilities and let’s stop accepting disrespect and conforming. Evil behaviors of any form should not be considered normal as they have taught all of us. We are better than that. No matter what race, sex, culture, history, or religion. We can achieve anything we put our minds, soul, and heart into. Let go and let god. 

Yes, challenging myself to write more articles to be published automatically while trying to edit new videos(new ones this weekend!), Angel card reading for my clients, Ebooks, and create more content ❤ until we can start hiring paid interns and creative peeps to continue doing this work. It means a lot if you clap and share our work. Appreciate you! 

In other words, sacrificing my days off for my passion so I can spend more time with my daughters and doing creativity with them when they are home. Our new favorite hobby together. Grateful for I also wish this, to be more present and be there for my daughters as I know and remember my momma tried to be there for me ❤. 

Is a choice, keeping your integrity, staying honest, doing good for others; you just have to choose which sacrifices you are willing to do for those you love and for your dreams. 

I hope you choose to do good and be good. Because healing, decolonizing the mind and spiritually has taught me that’s where real wealth and inner peace can be built from. Your heart, your love, compassion for yourself as you do with others, and how you choose to respond are the keys to living a happy and humble life.

This song gives me life and inspiration. Hope you like it and support this amazing artist ❤

Be kind to your planet, to you, and others.

Love and Light,


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Capitalism + Patriarchy Systems Are NOT Sustainable.


Creativity Through Adversity 101.