The Truth is VERY LOUD! CEASE FIRE NOW! #StrikeForGaza Worldwide Strike To Push For A Ceasefire 🚨🚨🚨🚨
When: December 11th, 2023 #Palestine (SEE END OF BLOG FOR MORE INFO) And all the other countries dealing with genocide! New podcast episodes last of this season 3 and more truthful sources for y'all to keep will be updated as things unfold.
Originally published on Medium. (All images and video are on here as a percentage that helps us maintain our website. Thank you for supporting us on Medium by clapping, following, and sharing our work! May GOD double your help <3)
Everything is different now. We can see the truth through the lies.
We are forever changed and closer to GOD, Christ, and Holy Spirit than ever. At least those who get it will and those who don’t, you will one day.
The past 2 months have been brutal, to be honest, but Palestinians have been dealing with this for the past 75 years plus 2 months so brutal is an understatement at this point. I was part of the ones that was not seeing and was ignorant until I educated myself, other Real Jews came through after listening to my podcast #76 and #77, they are not okay with genocide and they told me that Zionism is a mask. They do NOT BELIEVE IN GOD or Judaism, they don’t care about the Jewish people even inside Israel.
I started to get more involved and more laser-focused on Social media. I had to go through some repentance and conviction because I was ignoring the red flags, my intuition, or my feelings(my higher sensitivity is one of my strongest gifts), as an empath I could feel the energy but I couldn’t pinpoint where this heavy grief and intense sadness was coming from. I was distracted with mom's life and work, but I also was listening, and watching other prophets and other people; it was not about what was going on, they were just feeding our “spiritual” ego (distracting, not blaming them but I understand now why authentic influence matters and why I do not want to be like them.) and delusions which in turn makes you ignorant and complicit just as they are. And I refuse! It’s like I woke up from a heavy sleepy spell or confusion energy or something. Then watching me doing things I’ve never been okay with but I almost lost myself and for that, I’ll forever be grateful to the Palestinians and Yemen. As also their action inspired and woke me up to what really matters. Watch this here.
Anyway, it wasn’t as harsh as I was punishing myself. GOD came through after fasting, getting things done, and taking action that only came from him. I surrendered again, and he rescued me plus others who are also following my journey. I’m grateful and pray every day for their survival, protection, strength, and CEASE FIRE! for those of our real journalists on the ground and our Palestinians. In Congo, Sudan, Yemen, and all the others dealing with Genocide right now.
Currently still dealing with the shadow ban on all my platforms, especially my YouTube because I’ve been voicing and speaking up and amplifying the voices of my brothers and sisters in Gaza. Please follow me on IG and TikTok (make sure you check my repost on TikTok and like, comment, share, and repost the content there to continue amplifying their voices and the truth! We are already seeing how the algorithm is changing and they are trying to censor and silence us. Also, check my IG and interact with posts. Thank you so much for your love and support! GOD bless you double ❤)
Palestinian's liberation has awakened one of many real ego death, which was necessary because now we see through the religious spirit, the disobedience, the lying, the corrupt, the nasty narcissistic tendency that manifest through those who stay apathetic, choose money (capitalism and colonial ideologies) right through. We cannot be manipulated or controlled anymore. Decolonization healing has been happening but GOD has solidified as to why before any ascension, or commitment to REAL Spirituality (not new age BS or religious bull crap who only care about money not people for real) we must all have healed colonial, capitalist, and white supremacy to BE the real enlightened ones and build a New Earth together as one with Christ.
For most of us in the spiritual community and all Clairs gifted community who are not bypassing this and continue “business as usual” or “love and light” while multiple genocides are happening in the world right now. Basically, not act very “Christians’ or “Christ consciousness” or “higher consciousness”; because the majority of “spiritualists” and most celebrities, influencers, “prophets”, people with ministry and high followers, subscribers, and reach are silent right now. Just like our government using our taxes to fund carnage and genocide without our consent. I feel gross living in Canada and I’m sure those who get it, in the USA… Those in the UK… You're right okay? They are a disgrace! Anyone who is supporting Israel's apartheid is lost and should be ashamed of themselves.
We know that silence is complicity at this point. These individuals because they have money or some form of status, or large platforms (given by Satan, of course, GOD does not listen nor support those who cannot love their neighbors and stand for those in need at this point. Those who choose vanity, greed, selfishness, money, and dehumanizing others during this time. THEY HAVE SEALED THEIR FATE. He says it all the time, at this very moment too. “I do not know them, Angie. Tell them the truth.” their day of judgment is coming and they know it).
Their beliefs and of course delusion, they are above those who are suffering (covert Narcissistic energy that was covered before but now, they can't hide it. It is clear as day) and dealing with the worst ethnic cleansing in history, well-repeated we learned about the Holocaust and here we are again. These fake communities and their inaction and not doing anything is what woke me up to the fact that these are not the people I or anyone should associate ourselves with, or trust nor let them read or do any energy work on you. Spirit said, not even to watch them as they are now desperate just like Israel, to use words manipulations, lies, and gaslighting to justify their inaction plus disobedience.
Do not trust people who are okay with genocide with your energy. Becareful as most have lost their souls for their disobedience. GOD is not longer with them anymore, and so its their protection. They will tried to get you to contine to support them and engage but doing so its your downfall too. And they know it. Trust your intuion only at this time. pray for discermemt and be ready when you get it. Act accordingly because thats how you also nurture your discerment aswell as your intuition simultionasly.
I speak more about this in the podcast #78 and #79. our last episode of season 3.
To be completely honest, I’ve never felt more disappointed and my heart had to be broken into a million pieces for me to truly see. However, I’m grateful GOD has given me exactly what I pray for discernment and increased intuition during this time.
It wasn’t just me, but also those who were doing this work for him too. I am truly grateful, even going through a lot, my faith and hope don’t halter. It just gets stronger and I’m able to stand up not only for myself, my children, and those who I work with and care for. But also more motivated to pray for my brothers and sisters consistently as I was creating content and sharing my gifts. Now, things are different. Now our creator is preparing me to show my gifts in a different light through the darkness and adversity, heavy spiritual warfare, that is not only happening to me but most of us standing up for the right side of GOD and history during this time.
On Oct 7, 2023, we all were fed lies, and most of us who are connected to the most high, we knew, because he warned us through our intuition not to believe Israel's propaganda. Which is why we educated ourselves even if we made mistakes during this time. We had to take accountability and responsibility to fix it. It's normal because there is so much energy manipulation, gaslighting, and playing the victims when there are facts that the Israeli government attacks their Jewish people. I need to make something clear though NO JEWS ARE OKAY WITH GENOCIDE OF PALESTINIAN. THEY CONDEMN IT. So anyone, that is saying they are “Jewish” and are supporting what Israel is doing. They are Zionist, not Jewish. AND NO, WE ARE NOT ANTI-SEMETICS BECAUSE WE ARE NOT SUPPORTING COLONIAL, IMPERIALISTIC AND DISGUSTING AGENDA.
Here is a video to make it a bit more clear for you:
Here is our recent podcast and the last episodes of season 3 for 2023:
When someone comes and gaslights you and tells you that “Hamas did this and that”, show them the article below or guide them to this blog. Also, show them my repost on my TikTok, IG, and my content on YouTube for the past few days.
Faith in God’s Promises
Many seasons in life can be scary. You might be asked to step into something new and uncertain. You might walk through a difficult situation or face insurmountable opposition. It is easy to feel discouraged or fearful of seasons like this, especially in the midst of the unknown.
But God’s Word says that faith is needed in every season of life. Faith means putting our trust in God and taking the next step, even if we don’t know what is ahead.
In Deuteronomy 31:6, God encouraged them to be strong and courageous while facing their greatest fears. And, He even gave them a promise to ease their fears: He would never leave their side.
Often, in seasons of difficulty, all we have left to hold onto is a promise from God. But regardless of how everything changes around us, we can always place our faith in God’s promises.
During this season of Advent, and time of reflection, think about the seasons of your own life. Every situation you face is an opportunity to grow your faith in God and trust in His promises. So, if you’re feeling discouraged or fearful of the future, spend some time in prayer, asking God for courage and peace.
Remember that you are never alone in life. God is always with you. Not only will His presence never leave you, but His love will never be taken away. He will never forsake you. There is nothing that can separate you from the love of God (Romans 8:38).
Thank God for His love and presence during this season of reflection. And confidently cling to the promises that He has given you.
“It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” — Mark 10:25
Then recently, these happened and why we should not give up hope, and our faith and continue…
🙄I’m not surprised, but their vote doesn’t count! says GOD VERY LOUD AND CLEAR‼️✌🏾DO NOT LET THEM FOOL YOU‼️
To turn over the UNS decision!! DM if you guys would like an outline for what to say but make sure to make the subject of the email “ARTICLE 377”
Follow this template:
I am demanding the invoking of UN article 377 and the effort to be made to circumvent the U.S. veto in order to bring peace to Gaza and all of Palestine. This genocide has been going on too long, and it is unacceptable, that the US has that much power so that even when 13 countries vote for a ceasefire, and 1 country abstains, the US can veto everything!!
Do. Your. Part. 👏🏼
#gaza #actionalert #action #freepalestine #ceasefirenow #share
This is what God delights in…
What do you think about when you think about God?
Do you feel love and acceptance? Shame and embarrassment? The temptation to run away, to show off your accomplishments, to question your Creator, or to prove yourself worthy?
To understand the context of today’s verse, we need to read two verses:
“His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse, nor His delight in the legs of the warrior; the Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.”
Psalm 147:10–11
God is not after earthly strength. It’s not about who’s the strongest, bravest, richest, smartest, or who has the most social media followers. It’s not even about who has the most consistent church attendance or spiritual ego streak. If you want to please God, it’s pretty simple:
“… the Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.”
God loves you unconditionally, but He also delights in you. Not because you’re perfect, or because you never mess up, or because you’re constantly faithful — no one is. This verse tells us that God delights in you as you fear Him — you acknowledge He’s God with a holy respect for His power, and you put your ultimate hope in His unfailing love.
During this season of Advent, a time of reflection, contemplate who God is. Reflect on His power and His love. Then, devote some time in this season to worship God for who He is and align your heart with His.
❤️✊🏾🍉🇵🇸International Human Rights Day is observed annually since the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948–the same year Palestinians were stripped of theirs.
The irony cannot be overlooked. While human rights are celebrated annually, it is disheartening to witness a stark contradiction in the ongoing situation in Palestine. The very institution that developed International Human Rights Day seems hesitant, unwilling, and unable to take substantial action for Palestinian rights.
We want to remind the world that EVERYONE including Palestinians also has human rights, freedom, and justice. We name and blame the systems and governments causing trauma, depriving people of their human rights that are fundamentally unjust.
We call on anyone who values freedom and autonomy to speak up against what history will call genocide, but we charge it with genocide TODAY.
We call on the UN to uphold its declaration and take action, we demand an immediate ceasefire, scaling up of humanitarian access, and an end to the occupation.
Repost from latinxparenting❤️ From Turtle Island Montreal to Jerusalem, and from the River to the Sea — PALESTINE WILL BE FREE 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
🚨RIGHT NOW: Text CEASEFIRE to 51905 or go to
1️⃣ Educate yourself and others; learn from history, read, watch documentaries, and have empathetic conversations with your community.
2️⃣ Learn more at
3️⃣ Join a protest, rally, march, or vigil near you as MANY times as possible
4️⃣ Sign ALL THE PETITIONS you come across and ALL calls to action.
5️⃣ Do NOT let your representatives sleep until they call for a permanent ceasefire US→ Call 202 224 3121
https://www.commoncause. org/find-your-representative
6️⃣ Follow these accounts:
#StrikeForGaza Worldwide Strike To Push For A Ceasefire 🚨🚨🚨🚨
When: December 11th 2023 #Palestine
@wizard_bisan1 posted in her stories. Let’s go!!!!
Message from @esralshikh
🛑We started a campaign to push for a comprehensive strike worldwide on Monday 12/11/2023..
⭕️It is necessary to paralyze the movement of life and the economic wheel in all countries so that everyone feels that they are directly affected by the impact of the aggression on Gaza… and thus pressure is put on to stop the war..
⭕️ Start making your communications today, mobilizing and publishing each of them on their website..
The strike must include transportation, aviation, trade, banks, ports, and even schools and universities.
⭕️Work on gathering the majority of supporters and forget about those who are negligent and discouraged..
⭕️Foreigners have really begun to put strong pressure in this direction. They worked with them and spread in all languages.
⭕️Any personal loss we suffer is worth nothing compared to the massacres taking place against our brothers in Gaza..
Go listen and support our IG @your_storymatters_ came through to clarify that #neutralityiscomplicity too just as STAYING SILENT OR IGNORING 😒 and that both sides are not equal, they are grateful that I inner standing for them but they’re ashamed and embarrassed and full of guilt for even living in Israel as they also are being abused, threatened, censored if they support Palestine 💔They still do it anyways.
BECAUSE LOVE IS LOVE JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED AND THEY KNOW IT AND WE KNOW IT. Just like us, we know Canada 🇨🇦 and 🇺🇸 and the UK are using our tax money to fund and support genocide and psychopaths 😒 to gain more oil, money, and control 🤦🏽♀️highest form of stupidity. BUT WE ARE NOT GOING TO STOP #boycott, repost, donate, use filters that donate if you can’t donate right now, keep praying and educating yourself. You will make mistakes. Make sure you learn and don’t repeat as it can cost you and others. AND WE WILL NEVER FORGET MF ✊🏾GOD IS OUR WITNESS AND YOU WILL MEET YOUR MAKER AND PAY FOR THESE INJUSTICES AND SO IT IS💯
Until next time…
#freepalestine #ceasefirenow #gaza #palestinewillbefree #fromtherivertothesea