9 Things to Do to Keep a Positive and Happy Mindset During Quarantine
Originally Published on Medium.
This is a little reminder that I think is best to keep in mind.
Especially when the whole world and people you admire are constantly reminding you that you are not doing enough.
I needed to write this today, because I believe those big world leaders and motivational speakers who were the beacon of light before this quarantine happened, are trying to keep the same mindset as before.
I’m here to tell you that their way of living, coping with adversity, or whatever they are doing to survive, was already built way before all of this. Their financial success is the byproduct of that. What they used to do to keep that stream of income was working, but at the expense of a lot of people suffering from mental health issues trying to meet or match these well-known leaders of “success”. I bet while you read this sentence, you can picture them in your head.
They are not that many, but they have absolutely left their mark.
I’m not saying don’t keep following them and listening to what they have to say. Their life lessons are guidance for us to keep moving forward.
However, be selective of what you hear and learn from them. The tactics they used before were toxic at the same time.
You have to learn to recognize when it’s good to consume their content, products, or services, and when it’s not. For example, I won’t mention names, but there is a writer I’ve admired and followed for many years now. His writing is amazing. His style and the way he reaches his audience is making him big money right now. At least I hope he does.
However, he is using the same habits and styles that are not working anymore for some of us trying to survive in quarantine. Surviving a worldwide pandemic and also making sure you are sane, safe and financially stable; these are different spectrums that should be treated with care and understanding.
Not everyone has a marketing team that can work day and night, so that their main leader can post and emphasize “tips” like “Waking up at 5am for 30 days, will change your life!” Or “you won’t be successful if you don’t do this..”, “unproductive behaviours and procrastination are traumas we must let go of”…
I mean for some, this is great motivation and inspiration — those living their best life, with no financial stress. That’s okay, you did the work before this pandemic happened. Good for you! But if you are reposting and curating the same content as before, you are creating a mental health problem for those who look up to you and are trying to literally survive right now.
Remember, words have power and we as writers, bloggers, media and creatives should take responsibility for our actions.
Also, if you see the people you admire, constantly on social media and posting, they have teams and they have built a routine and ways to make money while they are asleep, before all of this happened. If you didn’t do that, please! Do not feel like you are a failure or not enough, and that you can’t start building your career now.
You can, but you have to put in the hours, the sweat, the tears, the sleepless nights (not recommended for people who suffer from insomnia or have family history of Alzheimer’s and dementia. You need your 7–8 hours sleep, don’t waste it.) and just work smart, do one thing at time. They have completed each step of the “success ladder” which is a process that you can’t lie about or fake. Are you ready?
So for all writers and creatives out there:
Your work this month is to understand the difference between feeling truly alive and being constantly in danger _AO
I’ve challenged myself to write at least two articles per week. There have been drastic changes here in my city.
Basically, they are beginning to re-open businesses when the Coronavirus is still in full force and people haven’t been doing what they are supposed to be doing… The increase in positive cases is up by 2000 instead of 1000 per day. Here are the stats for Quebec.
Results and data don’t lie. This is a population that thinks they are above the virus, selfish lab rats from a province in Canada with the highest taxes.
They at the moment, are not paying for our necessities and rent, or food. They are the definition of a bystander and leaching system. They know and are fully aware that the population, IF they really pay attention, don’t need them in the end. Taxes can actually go where they are supposed to…
There is a silent corruption, segregation and alienation that has been very well known for years in this province. Before all this pandemic started, Montreal taxes were spent on fixing streets, communities, advancements, resources, commercial, research, schools, wages for teachers, staff and etc.
However, essential workers were taken for granted. Now, the whole population has acknowledged that and they are demanding more. Thanks to Trudeau (a Canadian — not Quebec initiative) who is raising all wages for essential workers this month. They deserve the utmost respect ✊🏽 This city does not value them at this moment. It’s very clear and straightforward that the government is giving people the option to choose whether to live or die.
The people in charge of this province and the poor souls who are suffering because of their poor leadership skills, will get their karma, so will the radio stations and news broadcasts.
They think that this is going to be forgotten. I will never forget and I’ll document so we don’t forget. They are thinking of opening schools in the next two weeks and asking parents, who care. Because yes, there are parents here who are very vocal, “I can’t wait until my kids go back to school already!” Even though they know very well the stats and that the situation here is out of control.
No judgment, but that’s selfish if you ask me. Kids should not be some experiment to test, especially when the outcome is death.
Parents like these, don’t really have a need for their kids to be in school. There are essential workers with kids who are absolutely not okay with this… however they don’t have the luxury of having that choice. They have been leaving their kids with special daycare services which are being offered by daycares here. I can just imagine those kids dealing with strict distance regulations, waiting for their parents… now, they have to share the space with more kids next week…
This is a disaster for the mental health practitioners, because this absolutely means more people infected and more hospitalizations, putting teachers, daycares, at risk…
And parents who have been working from home this whole time and have found stability with their routines, their kids, and work. So these are the kinds of things that have been happening around here and why writing was put on pause last week. Just being real. And I finished writing this on Mother’s day while waiting for my girls to come home from their dad.
Either way, here I am, to give you some positivity and happy tips that have been working so far with me and my girls.
I hope I can help, please stay home if you are living in my area; this virus has not been slowing down. If you see the numbers of infections and deaths increase, please for your sake and others’… Stay home! Wash your hands (for at least 20 seconds), keep your distance, and only go out if you need to and WEAR A MASK (IF YOU HAVE KIDS, THEM TOO).
We need to buy more time. Let’s flatten this curve and let’s do this together. Unity it’s our only solution. Community and collaboration can save lives right now. Other cities and countries are celebrating that they have lowered their number of cases, and they can start visiting their families first, then opening businesses and schools… not the other way around.
Alright, enough of the negative. Let’s embrace the suck and dive into positivity and happiness! So how do you find these things while you are in quarantine at home? If you’ve been quarantining for the last two months and doing what you’re supposed to, you’re a superhero! You got this, and you will come out stronger because of your kindness, compassion, and patience. Now, here are some tips to endure another month.
Wake up with an intention and gratitude.
Plan the night before > Routines/schedule/list
Play, self-care, and use your imagination.
Creativity, exercise, meditation, yoga (sleepy yoga) My girls favorite ❤
Love every day. Keep in contact with your loved ones.
Help your community/support local businesses.
Do not listen to the news or radio. Read real stats and legit news.
Dance 💃🏻 do something you love after you’ve done your tasks for the day!
I hope this helps. Keep up those positive vibes and that healthy mindset. Plan for your future and if you have kids, their future. Put together a savings plan, start seeing where your money can be invested and where it can be of better use for your community and those in need. Be happy that you get to stay safe at home and spend this precious time with your loved ones and yeah, yourself. Love yourself more, let go of toxic habits and people that are not good for your personal growth. Invest in your wellbeing and your passions.
Until next time…Stay safe.
Be kind to your planet, to you, and others.
What have you been doing that has helped you stay positive and focused on your goals these past two months? Let me know in the comments :)
By Angie Abreu Olivo -Founder, Creative Entrepreneur and Environmentalist Single Mom. Edited by Vanessa Hasid.
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