Black History Month: Creativity Through Adversity and Support Black Women
Books, BookClub Magic, and social media accounts to support ❤
Photo by Suad Kamardeen
Originally Published on Medium.
Let’s be clear about something, Black History Month should be celebrated all year round not just once a month.
It has been a week of intense healing around here. To start, the launch of the new website and store is approaching, getting family and financial matters in order.
Meaning, this happened and I was dealing with healing from injustices, that I didn’t even know I was in until it was explained by a human angel.
As well, I’ve been working on listening to my guides and delivering messages to you ❤
While I continue to look for jobs, getting used to the refusal emails, and the usual: “You are not the right fit”, “don’t fit our requirements” “Your background is not the right fit for us”, “not a fit for our company and goals”…
I swear I’m developing this annoyance with the two words “ don’t fit”.
And in interviews: “What’s your background?… Oh, you are a Canadian citizen?” “Single mother huh?…That’s hard. ”
Yep, you know what’s harder. Not be able to get hired and be able to sustain my children during a world pandemic, not getting financial assistance from the government or anywhere because I’m a single mother and freelance writer/Digital Marketer/web designer/Environmental scientist and content creator self-employed.
Oh and also, my business (which is a start-up and soon not anymore ❤) is like a red flag. Which is really ridiculous, we can collaborate and I can work with you and I don’t know, grow together. Everything is Not a competition. However, I’m healing this aspect too.
I’m not where I want to be or my business. But we are working progressively towards where we need to be, so we can continue to help others along this journey too. (we are a work-in-progress, in construction and dismantling old systems and media bs too.) Discrimination of any form, is still a trauma that needs is time to heal. It just BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color), do not get that luxury to take time off. We do take it though is our right, along with creating joy plus love in all we do.
“My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together.”
— Desmond Tutu
Black history is humanity's world history and is still not taught properly in schools. However, thanks to an American historian Carter G. Woodson, who pioneered the field of African American studies in the early 20th century. Now, Why Is Black History Month Celebrated in February?
“February is the birth month of two figures who loom large in the Black past: U.S. President Abraham Lincoln (born February 12), who issued the Emancipation Proclamation, and African American abolitionist, author, and orator Frederick Douglass (born February 14). Since the deaths of Lincoln and Douglass (in 1865 and 1895, respectively), the Black community had celebrated their contributions to African American liberation and civil rights on their birthdays. By rooting Negro History Week in February, Woodson sought to both honor the inestimable legacy of Lincoln and Douglass and to expand an already existent celebration of the Black past to include not only the accomplishments of these two great individuals but also the history and achievements of Black people in general.”_Jeff Wallenfeldt
Therefore, as a diverse creative media space, sustainability, and spiritual activists. WritersYep Team and I are committed to holding our own community accountable for internalized racism, anti-blackness, and more in our history with the black community through various forms of content ❤
We must continue to show up for our Black Siblings and the entire community as they have done for us. By celebrating the accomplishments, power, and joy of our Africa descendants and our love for the beautiful diverse Black community! Haitians, Afro-Trans, Afro-Queer, Afro-Latina/no, Afro-Indigenous relatives, and Black allies.
During Black History Month, people in Canada and the US celebrate the many achievements and contributions of Black Canadians and Americans. Same as Indigenous communities. The affinity between Native and Black people in any part of the world comes from a recognition that lands were stolen from Indigenous land using the labor of stolen African lives.
Their communities, throughout history, have done so much to make Canada and the USA the culturally diverse, and prosperous nations they are today.
Our communities have stood strong, protected, and advanced their rich and beautiful cultures in the face of the denial of basic rights, state-sanctioned police violence, and negative narratives meant to keep them down and silent. We stand in solidarity with our BIPOC communities always, because the need to create a diverse, equity, and more inclusive future is vital during a world pandemic and for our future generation. Yep! this month we going to showcase Black Joy and Pure Magic Authors, Speakers, Leaders, Climate warriors, artist, Influencers, and just ❤
We are starting this month inspired by @everydayracism_ Queens from the UK.
Designed by author and Post inspired by everydayracism_ ❤ I won their giveaway to their first book choice for their New Bookclub!
I’m really excited to read it! ❤
Here we are starting our reading list (for all year, not just once a month-.-) and added some already been reading to my kiddos and they love them! (My daughters and I created this year Black History Month section )Enjoy reading :)
Black history in Canada has not always been celebrated or highlighted. There is little mention that some of the Loyalists who came here after the American Revolution and settled in the Maritimes were people of African descent, or of the many sacrifices made in wartime by soldiers of African descent as far back as the War of 1812.
Black History Month — February. Facts and Resources
Canadians are not always aware of the fact that Black people were once enslaved in the territory that is now Canada or how those who fought enslavement helped to lay the foundation of the diverse and inclusive society in Canada.
Yes, I wish this was taught in Quebec city and all over Canada education curriculum and respected as such. However, it is still not but it doesn’t mean that we cannot learn by ourselves. Today, you can start by reading a book, educating yourself outside what the school systems tell you about this month's festive.
Question bias, support a black artist or authors, Black-owned businesses, and following, liking, and sharing accounts to support Black communities, not just this month but the whole years to come.
This month, for those who are unsure if your brand can align and be inclusive, which should be a natural habit to implement all year round ❤. Here are some to get you started: (this is also on this article)
We all are very capable of doing something kind each day, and we can help one another.
Here are some accounts we are following and you should too: (there are much more, I’ll be adding them into this blog and shoutouts on my channel: AngieBlog & IG ❤.)
Black Lives Matter Global Network IG: blklivesmatter (donate)
@ally2action, @kendrick38 , @bldpwr , @dianexguerrero, @educatorsforjustice , @webuyblack, @opalayo (Queen) , @chasinggarza(Queen) , @osopepatrisse (Queen) , @iamgmjohnson, @everydayracsim_, @trevornoah, @donte.colley, @chnge, @browngirl_green, @ayanaeliza, @futureearth, @dtr360books_, @thierrylindor, @aiesharobinson_, @blvck.klas, @blackandembodied, @bailproject (donate), @colorofchange (donate), @eji_org (donate), @rachel.cargle
@r29unbothered @angelaarutura @vibesofablackgirl @theslowfactory @attnwhitepeople @blackmontrealbusinesses
Black History Month is about honoring the enormous contributions that Black people have made, and continue to make, in all sectors of society. It is about celebrating resilience, innovation, and determination to work towards more inclusive and diverse communities — in Canada and many parts of the world, in which everyone has every opportunity to flourish.
Reminder: In December 1995, the House of Commons officially recognized February as Black History Month in Canada. Yep, 26 years ago. Let that sink in.
We must all continue the work. Anti-racism, decolonization, and dismantling the old takes time, love, patience, retaliation, healing, and forgiveness. Love these articles, give them a clap and share with others who will appreciate these reads too ❤
Be kind to your planet, to you, and others.
Love and Light,
If you liked this blog make sure to subscribe, follow us, leave us what you think in the comments (let’s start real conversations) and share it with someone who needs to read this today.
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Follow @angiem_ao and @your_story_matters Podcast ❤ You can view and read the journey: IG, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Thrive Global, HITRECORD
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