Serendipity moment: Let's Be Better Humans in 2020.

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Originally Published on Medium.

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”  

— Rumi

Yep, this is a multicultural writing community where their own founder its having a hard time writing...WTF (Sorry for my writing language)

We all go through ups and downs, fear of not being good enough, overthinking, comparing and it's hard to let go of this toxic pattern. It’s been a year, I’m sure for most you readers too. Let's do ourselves a favor and let go of the negativity together shall we?

There are moments that women don't really want to talk about with each other or admit to ourselves. "We can do it all!"....Yeah, not alone. Raising kids takes a village. Building businesses takes a village of smart, discipline and positive warriors.

However, we women know that we are superheroes. My mom used to tell me this a lot, and I used to laugh at her... Now as a single mom with two toddlers and building with my own small funds two online businesses (creative online media agency and unfranchise business) . I'm grateful for all the people supporting me; my family, my team, my friends, my partners ( and this community. Without you, I wouldn't be doing this.

I’ve been in a journey of break-ups, grieving and watching my mother slowly dying from Alzheimer's and dementia (last stages now). Understanding the responsibilities of being a single mother and adjusting to that; emotionally, financially and physically. Evolving at the same time as a founder of this creative online media space. However, I'm grateful for all the good and the bad. Here is what I’ve learned: 

  • It starts by giving value to your work and passions.

  • You cannot rush creativity. I’ve learned during this time off (digital detox), that you can’t rush or try to speed up creativity. Just like a tree, life or the development of an infant. Anything good that it's meant to last, needs its time, understanding and patience. In order to determine if your seed you've planted, nurture and care for, it's ready for harvesting or not.

  • what really matters when you fall or make mistakes, is always getting back up again and keeping in mind you are always learning.

  • keep working towards your goals and doing what you got to do for your families and friends... why not? If they become better human beings because of you then that's awesome!

  • Alone time, listening to good music, reading and ultimate favorite soundtrack movies help get the writing juices going on paper.... Yes, old school is best school...butt #2020vision for me is changing my ways of being smarter with the digital work environment and adjusting my habits to apply consistency.

So now, aside from writing my newsletters once or twice a month. I'm committing to at least once a week blog post plus debriefing when we start our podcast soon :) " it will be my own therapeutic mornings" or when I have time. (I'll make time, which is why I'm writing this blog post today. )

Yep, really sucky part of writing about your life and sending it in a long email form (sorry,.. but not sorry.) I'm thankful for those who unsubscribed. Needed to come clear of what I need to be doing, focus on my goals and do what I love to do for work.

Writing, reading, science, helping others connect or build brands and social Media.So, now you know I write a lot, I’m a sensitive soul that loves to help others find their way, I want my kids and our future generation to have more than 10 years here on earth, Podcast (I love to talk to people and learn from others)  and love to create valuable content.

If we can just do these, life will be set right? Yep, my team, partners and myself working on it! This writing, creative online media plus eco publishing startup has taken us almost 3 years to build; this is an organic community (no ads) and we are getting ready to expand. 

Writing and being an SEO expert, it's not easy to build. Its a career that you need to work on everyday. Even on writer's block days. You also have to work on your network of lovely people, keep building relationships and stay consistent as much as you can. We are not all perfect and when things get rough, you'll learn as you go to be flexible and understand that creativity, art and acquiring knowledge it's a process, not a marathon.

As a founder, I've learned the importance of delegating to my teammates about the business maintenance, our new partnerships and all the yada lala... It was really hard at first because I got used to doing things by myself. However, I’ve come to realize how that slows our process, I was getting more burnouts than I can count which was damping our ability to keep growing and developing better services and content. 

 I treasure my teams and partners feedbacks. As well as, our followers on all our social media channels and subscribers. Without you, this idea that started when I was pregnant with my first child and not able to find a job that I could speak and write in my languages (spanish and english), that respects me and values my knowledge as a women in science wanting to make a change. A women that advocates for Earth and not be limited because I didn’t speak French…  Now, after 3 years it feels like we need to branch out in order to fly. Getting experts and introduce new members into our teams will be magnificent and I can’t wait to meet them! 

Now, it feels like a duty and a responsibility not only to finish the blueprint of WritersYep Agency. But also to share what I know from my mentors and coaches. What we have  learned in our travels through the business world or crazy Mom life, because we never know. Someone in the world might need to read or hear what we or others have to say. This is why #yourstorymatters Podcast will start very soon :)
My point, I'm building a daily writing/content creation/health journey habits. I'm committing to write here for you and to debrief #Yeppin.

Some of this journey will be published on Medium too. Here is my first post (here).
Education needs to be shared, learned and implemented. Actions + Goals are required in everyday life and everyone has a different set of goals that they need to prioritize. Its life, and now everything must be done at a really fast pace or else.. You might feel like a wrecked human that also appreciates life....weird right? That’s why having breaks, being mindful and living sustainably matters more than anything starting this new era. 

I’ve read in mindfulness and being present books (ex: The power of now by Eckart Tolle, Mindfulness: an 8 weeks plan for finding peace in a frantic world by Mark William and Danny Penman) 

These books main focus are; first, the art of letting go of trying to control everything and to understand that mind, heart and spirit are one. Two, the important lesson is the basic and well-tested strategies for regaining control of your mind and body is through fasting. 

There are many different forms, such as water fasting where you only drink water and don’t consume food of any kind for a period of time (often 1–3 days). There’s juice fasting  (often 1–10 days). Basically, you allow your digestive system to rest, recover, and reset. So, did you know there is also a fast from technology?  — something most people haven’t done since the internet started. 

Yep, it's pretty simple really. Here is a video where I explain this better ;)


These are the 5 most dystopian technologies of 2020 and beyond

*Number 5 gave my spine and all my senses a jolt that made me write and create this video. We cannot lose our humanity and our empathy for money or for an algorithm that we barely understand. 

5 Ways to Do a Digital Detox

Why Unplugging From Technology Will Make Your Life Better

Remember, you’ll also want to fast from fast routine, phone and computer environments. Keep in mind that most of your triggers and memories — and thus identity — are tied to places and environments. Try it and let me know what your experience has been like :)

While on my digital fasting, I've began to get a ton of insight. I've started to realize how reactive and how disconnected I was becoming to my own environment. Try it and you’ll start to notice how off you’ve been. You’ll then have more clarity and capability to shift your life in a positive direction towards a better you in the next 10 years. I hope this help. Happy New Year and I hope all your dreams come true. Be kind to your planet, to you and others. Until next time <3 

If you would like to join me and my team journey go ahead; Write it. Edit or have someone to edit for you. Send it. :

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