Advantages of Green, Eco-Design Landscapes plus Traveling Sustainably


Picture above it's from my first day arriving to Samana, Dominican Republic. This is the moment, in the bus alone where I learned from a very poor and the kindest people the idea and the hope that we can all take action and build a more greener plus sustainable world starting 2020.

First, let's start by Green building. It is not uncommon now, more than ever that we must take action in order to reduce the effects of climate change. We are in a new decade and a new year 2020. We have a chance to redeem ourselves and start over isn't it? We are all humans that make mistakes and we are now very aware, that our actions have an immense effect on climate change. We the tenants of this planet, need to be held accountable for every action we take as whole. Enough with the excuses and start building a better future for ourselves and for the future generation. It's not rocket science, is simple by just changing our consumptions habits, reducing our plastic, less waste, re-use, reduce and recycle. Here are more ways to reduce our ecological footprint.

But my favorite teaching sustainability website.

  • Reduce energy use – Turn off all electrical appliances when you are not using them.

  • Change the way you think about transportation – Ride your bike or walk instead of taking the car.

  • Make every drop count – Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth or washing your hands and have quick showers.

  • Recycle – Make sure you put any products that can be recycled in the recycling bin.

  • Reuse – Can you reuse something again or in a different way?

  • Repair – See if any broken items can be fixed before throwing them away and buying a new one.

  • Reduce – Think, do you really need more toys or items that will one day end up as landfill?

  • Litter free lunchboxes – try to have as little plastic bags and wrappers in your lunchbox as possible. (pictures of fruit & containers that can be used again please)

  • Plant more trees – If you can, plant new trees in your garden.

These are some of the habits that as you see can be broken down into step-by-step and list-to-do to start today. Have a friend, family member or community ;) (comment below or comment on our post) and share your improvements! This way you can hold others accountable as well as you do. Yep, it's going to takes us time. I'm starting this year with this mindset as well as writing and sharing my truth you in?

Manhattan Bridge Greener Idea
From my last TravelYep blog post.

If we remain focus on our common goal together and start small and repeat good daily habits towards changing our ways, in order for our world and our health to be better in the next 10 years. I think 7.5 billion people can accomplished a lot together don't you think?

Today's blog post was inspired by #TravelYep and some companies that I've started to research about sustainable green landscapes. Yep, as you know I'm an writer and an environmentalist at heart. Creative and green entrepreneur it's my life aside from being a single mama raising two amazing and beautiful toddlers. That's a story for another time ;) Anyhow, this community and space came from my soul and heart, because I believe there's still hope. We just need to be more aware, focus on more education, less clutter, more mindful about our daily lives, focus on our health, consumption habits and some motivation plus inspiration to create a better world never hurt anybody :).

It just going to take time, just like anything we start new. Example, just like the first time you ride a bike right? You fall many times, got a couple of bruises along the way and every time you fell, you got back up and try again. We learn the hard way unfortunately, but that's what makes us unique. However, let's use this uniqueness we all possess now for good.

Lately, I've been obsessed to see more green in highways, buildings, homes, local businesses and yep pretty much everything now that can be possible sources for reducing Co2 and effects on climate change. Every action counts, even if its small. My team and I believe that by starting small, and keep sharing our story and embracing sustainability through here, our followers, influencers, writers and creative stories. As well, as with our partners plus collaborators. We can have a huge impact on helping others and ourselves to reduce C02. Let's start by green buildings and eco-design landscapes.

These companies and countries that are mentioned on this blog post. Have been building or changing their ways and started to be the change not just for their competitors (businesses) and other countries to take notes. Nop, they want to be the pioneers of change within their own organizations, societies and individual communities to impact others into changing their mindset. This is what we called "Taking your power back!". These businesses are teaching their customers and their employees how change can be beneficial for everyone wellbeing and as well, create a more mindful work environment. Yep, they are aware of their big impact they have on the environment and are willing to change for the future of our planet. Our home.

Let's start with Canada Top 100 Employers winners of 2019 These companies have been working hard and we admire their work and their dedication to be the change and the example for other companies to do the same. Let's make this 2020 a bigger list shall we?


By Nation Wide Construction

This block contains unexpected or invalid content.

Attempt Block Recovery

  • Low Maintenance and Operation Cost. ...

  • Energy Efficiency. ...

  • Enhances Indoor Environment Quality. ...

  • Water Efficiency. ...

  • Better Health. ...

  • Material Efficiency. ...

  • Better Environment. ...

  • Reduces Strain on Local Resources.

Do you agree? We love this initiative!

Another local Montreal company that we admire.

Sofdesk is an industry-leading organization that builds intuitive sales acceleration software for everyday use in solar and roofing companies. By offering an end-to-end business management solution, Sofdesk empowers small to medium-sized companies to be competitive in these ever-growing industries and improve the scalability of their businesses through our powerful web-based platform. -Softdesk

Montreal's young and entrepreneurs taking their industries to the next level is what we all hope that our next generation learns and embrace, in order to keep surviving, thriving and enjoying this beautiful and amazing place we all call home. Mama Earth.

Traveling Sustainably

Which countries are achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals fastest?

We know and are very aware of how much of an impact tourism has on local communities and the environment, that’s a fact. However, as travelers, Bloggers, freelancers and content creators who are always on the go! there are things we can do to minimize that impact and, if possible, make it a positive one – both for you and the locals. 

Here is another way Travelers, you can travel shop sustainably and save yourself some money to continue your adventures.

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Thank you for reading and supporting this community. My team and I really appreciate it. There is another Travel Blog plus video from my trip last year to Samana where I'll be going in more detail about the importance of sustainable traveling and how it really affects the locals. For now, enjoy this infographic and our social media post :) You can also subscribe to our monthly newsletter to keep up-to-date with events, podcast (coming soon), inspiration and motivation, sustainability journey and more details from our partners!

Until next time, be kind to your planet, to you and others. <3

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When on the Brink of Quitting, that’s When You Got to PUSH Harder.


Serendipity moment: Let's Be Better Humans in 2020.