Conscious Creatives: Collective Channel Messages. Week 17–23 Jan 2022.
Healing with joy, grace, and compassion towards yourself, others, and our planet 🌎. In 2022, we are not going to be distracted by low vibes enemies! We are going to collectively focus on our blessings and extend that grace to others.
Photo by Ian Nicole Reambonanza
Originally published on Medium.
❤️🍃Hello Beautiful Kind Souls, Welcome to AngieBlog & WritersYep Family! I hope my readings bring you healing, guidance, love, and keep you consciously creative!.🍃❤️
We are in Mercury retrograde, and Full Moon in Cancer! and wao January feels like it's passing by so fast! Time to reflect, let go of what no longer serves us, and release any baggage. It’s okay to cry and release, cancer is very emotional so embrace your feelings and lots of self-care this week. Also, make sure your clean house, cleansing your space and energy. There is a lot of sickness, stagnation, low vibration energies in the air. Make sure you are keeping things clean, create clarity in your surroundings, keep hydrating, do exercises and keep your spirit up as much as you can. Less spending and more saving money peeps! Heal our shadow past, and decide to make better decisions in this lifetime. Also, stay conscious, calm when you are surrounded by low vibration/karmic/toxic people.
They are irritated by something you do for a living that they are not doing or not willing to put in the work and make an effort. However, the project, blame and try to trigger you to cause a reaction from you, because of your light, your dedication, your hard work, your drive to better yourself and those around you. It bothers them and they want to quiet down or try to damage or sabotage it. Don’t fall for their trap and don’t tell anybody your business or your good blessings.
The devil is using his minions right now and manipulating people who operate in low vibrations and are jealous and envious like the devil is of you once you are HEALED! You are a powerful human being when you are healed and are awakened. You are leaking your powers when you don’t know your worth and don’t take care of your body, mind, and soul.
Your weaknesses and your weak mind it’s the devils and its minion’s playground. People are being used, manipulated, controlled right now to do unthinkable things for money, status, fame, or wtv these days during a world pandemic! and some are not even aware. And that’s why they are an easy target. Lack of awareness, spiritual knowledge, emotional and mental stability mindset is an abuse of power. We are done with that shiet. Stay strong-minded and conscious, it matters a lot. ❤
Thank you for supporting something new started this month, divinely guided. Give you weekly healing messages to keep your high vibes, empowered against evil (who is powerless without you being manipulated, seduced, controlled and playing mind games if you are stuck in low vibration. We are going to rise from the ashes they are trying to leave us in.❤) and 🧘🏽♀️ focused on what’s important to continue growing spiritually, conscious and creative ways. Planning to add extensions readings on my Patreon 💚🧿😉🌟stay tuned!
For now here are your messages for this week 17–23 Jan 2022.
🧿🧿🧿Thank you very much for all of your support! ❤️ 🦋Please kindly note that this is a timeless reading. Anytime when you feel called to come back to this reading, this would mean there is a message for you.
Also, this is a general reading so use your intuition, discernment and claim messages that resonated and leave the rest behind.🦋 I delivered psychic messages on my channel and here too for confirmation, guidance, and spiritual growth. Some messages might trigger you and that’s an indication of what needs to heal in order for you to grow.
January healing crystal — Garnet (Passion + Happiness) ❤
Today’s messages were inspired by:
Unity is strength, division is weakness. — Unknown
Remember, God, the universe, angels & Ancestors + the holy spirit has your back already. Worry, stress, and fear it’s just delaying your blessings and good karma to come in for you. Have faith and trust in a higher power. Because some things are hidden from you to protect your peace, your purity, and your innocence. Focused on you, getting, and being better than you were yesterday. Do not be distracted by what the enemies are doing or what they are seeking to do. Have faith that no matter what God will protect you.
He/she will turn everything around in your favor. Be smart though, as higher power watch your back and look at you for the things you don’t see and are not supposed to. That doesn’t mean you get to be reckless or careless, protect your light, your peace, your space, what you love, your planet, and your blessings. Don’t live in so much fear and paranoia, that’s what the system needs you to be. We are dismantling that colonial, capitalist, and linear mindset in order to shift together.
Surrender to the unknown, and believe in yourself and those who work behind the scenes. We are all one, and there are Earth warrior angels already awakened protecting your dreams, your souls, and your good deeds ;). Trust ❤
Water 💦 signs:
Cancer ♋️, five of wands is reversed, avoid conflict, tension release, respecting differences. You are having some internal conflict and you’re not entirely sure where you stand on the issue. Align your head with your heart to find the option that suits you best. You may have just come out of a struggle or stressful situation and you’re breathing a sigh of relief. Rest easy, my friend. You don’t need to work through all of that anger and hostility any longer. Some legal issues related to money or recent events, king of swords energy is about truth, mental clarity, and you stand to present yourself with confidence and conviction. May need a mentor — perhaps a financial advisor or a lawyer. 8 cups in reversed, avoidance, fear of change, aimless drifting, stagnation. Your fear of change has you staying put. This fear could be keeping you from moving on to bigger and better things. You may be also be confused about which path to take. At some point, you are going to have to make a decision. Maybe it won’t be the best one, but standing still will get you nowhere. Take a chance in yourself this week. One thing at a time. The good news this week about financial matters is looking good with the page of pentacles, use your money wisely.
Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Cancer. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤
Crystal healing: Emerald (love +Kindness)
Scorpio ♏️, Waooo this Mercury retrograde and the full moon is really hitting you hard. The ten of swords in reversed and Queen of cups. A very emotionally unstable person female or male takes it how it resonates. You or someone in your surrounding is healing, recovering from something very traumatic and someone very co-dependent and honestly, vampire sucking energy vibes. Good for you! The cycle is over and this ten of swords means the hardest part is over. Time for recovery, regeneration, mending, and moving upwards. An inevitable change is ahead and you may not be prepared for it. Know that the choice will be difficult, but you will be much better because of it. Maybe you’ve been dwelling on a past that has been very difficult for you. Take the reversed positioning of this card as a welcome sign that those negative feelings will be lifted soon. More focus on your mental health, spirituality, or self-care practices. Tend to your deepest needs to ensure that you’re well enough to take care of others. Don’t let your emotions get the best of you.
Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Scorpio. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤
Crystal healing: Topaz (Strenght + Intelligence)
Pisces ♓️ 7 of wands in reverse, exhaustion, overwhelmed, lack of confidence. The tower kept popping out, so recent event has caused you to be in the low these days. Tower moments are situations that had to happen in order to direct you or align you back to your path. There are lessons through the bad and the good. Others and their competitive nature have left you feeling vulnerable and inadequate. Questions about your decisions and choices leave you overwhelmed by the judgment of others. You may want to back down and give up, but you know you’re stronger than that. You fought way too hard to be where you are. King of Cups is reversed, now is not the time to be jumping to conclusions. Your emotions are totally out of whack and you’re acting with immaturity. Take a deep breath and chill out. There could be someone else in your life that needs to hear this message instead. If you’re being manipulated emotionally, spiritually, and anyway, by the immature behavior of another, take a step back to protect yourself. Please make sure you are protecting your energy and space from very toxic people, situations, and the environment. Protect your mental health at all costs.
Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Pisces. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤
Crystal healing: Amethyst (calm + rejuvenation)
Collective General Message:
Universe affirmation: Joy is the ultimate creator.
Angel #999: Thank the past for your lessons and leave it where it belongs, so you can make the best of the life that is still waiting to be fulfilled by only you. I am unique.
Lightwork: Imrama— Where are you being called to journey to? It’s time to release fears and self-doubts. Won’t serve you in this new chapter you are taking. It’s okay to be scared and still do anyways. Take a chance on you this time :)
Moon guidance: a win-win outcome is forecast. Something is being balanced this week and this is due to the release of old baggage and past resentments. Therefore, new blessings and opportunities are coming.
Healing this week: Sacral Chakra — Instinct. [I allow my senses to fully experience the physical world and trust my instincts. I connect to my deepest sense of self for balanced guidance and truth. I release all fears and listen to the wisdom of my ancestors through the resonance of my body. I sense. ]
Surrender: Unhealthy relationships. Let go of relationships that don’t serve you, including unavailable or toxic people. You deserve to be treasured by others and to be surrounded by positive people.
Earth 🌱signs:
Capricorn ♑️, is okay to look at the past and learn from it. But it’s not healthy to stay stuck in the past for too long. Six of cups you may be reminiscing about your childhood or thinking about someone from your past. This is the children's card, past lives can represent working with adolescents, simplicity, playfulness, innocence, protection, and family. Take the support available from family and close friends during these times. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. The sun is in reverse, you are having a tough time staying positive right now. Something is hindering your growth or causing you setbacks, and your confidence has taken a hit. Handle things with caution this week. Give yourself time to get that spark of creativity again. Don’t force it. It’ll return in due time. All in divine timing, patience. Rest and take care of yourself.
Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Capricorn. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤
Crystal healing: Ruby (Protection + vitality)
Taurus ♉️, 8 of cup in reversed, avoidance, fear of change, aimless drifting, stagnation. Your fear of change has you staying put. This fear could be keeping you from moving on to bigger and better things. You may be also be confused about which path to take. At some point, you are going to have to make a decision. Maybe it won’t be the best one, but standing still will get you nowhere. A lot has been revealed with a very toxic person, situation, family, friends, job, 7 of cups is reversed, the smoke may be finally be clearing and you could be seeing things for what they are. Pay close attention to red flags. 5 of cups sadness, loss, grief, remorse, trauma, heartbreak, anger…very mental and emotional card, your energy needs cleansing for some of you. You’re suffering a big heartbreak — perhaps a divorce, breakup, abandonment, or a bereavement. With all the negative connotations, there is the positive message that no matter how dire your situation is/was, there is always a silver lining. You just need to choose to see it. Change your perspective this week, and release on this full moon what really no longer serves you. Choose you for once, you matter and you are good enough. Don’t let others use your energy, create stronger boundaries for yourself and believe you can and you will.
Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Taurus. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤
Crystal healing: Sapphire (Self-expression + truth)
Virgo ♍️ King of Cups is reversed, now is not the time to be jumping to conclusions. Your emotions are totally out of whack and you’re acting with immaturity. Take a deep breath and chill out. There could be someone else in your life that needs to hear this message instead. If you’re being manipulated emotionally, spiritually, and anyway, by the immature behavior of another, take a step back to protect yourself. Page of Swords, curiosity, mental energy, innovation, thirst for knowledge. The energy needed for a certain project or task is ready and waiting for you. You just need to tap into it. Share ideas, truths, give clarity to a situation. 4 cups sudden awareness, choosing happiness, acceptance. I feel like you’re opening yourself to the possibility of a fresh start :) Take the time to embrace new ideas, people, and opportunities. You’re ready to let go of patterns or people that may no longer be beneficial. Time to move continue moving forward and do the best you can with what you currently have. Be grateful and make sure you are taking care of yourself.
Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Virgo. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤
Crystal healing: Carnelian (confidence + Passion)
Collective General Message:
Universe affirmation: Energy flows where my intention goes.
Angel #1212: Stay focused on your best possible future and remain optimistic throughout the entire journey. Your angels are right behind you as you turn your dreams into reality. I am focused.
Lightwork: The initiation. Rite of passage. Crossing the threshold. You are ready, you got this. Keep going, moving forward, and breaking generational conditioning. You are an earth warrior for a big reason, don’t give up on yourself or hope. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel, remember you have an internal light within that never turns off unless you do. Keep healing and shining bright starseeds.
Moon guidance: Nothing is yet set in stone. Keep those prayers, meditation, exercises, don’t give up. There is something that needs to be seen from a different perspective. Things are changing and nothing is the same as in the past. Adapting to change and the new, is hard at first, but you will adapt, you always do. Keep believing in your dreams, goals, and manifestations.
Healing this week: Solar plexus Chakra — Authentic power. [My authentic power is achieved through self-esteem, love, truth, and authenticity. I forgive myself and others, release responsibility for others, and take responsibility for my life. It is safe for me to be powerful. I think and speak affirming, supportive words and imagine a life that I love. I co-create my reality. ]
Surrender: To Trust. Trust yourself and your decisions. Don’t be swayed by other people’s strong opinions about what to do. take action and be confident that you have chosen the right path.
Fire 🔥 signs :
Aries ♈️, Nine of wands, resilience, persistence, courage, boundaries up, grit. Even when things are tough and seem insurmountable, you stand firm and ride out the storm. You’re willing to do what it takes to get to the finish line. This full moon is encouraging you to keep going and keep pushing. You have a support system. Trust in yourself and take help where it’s offered. 3 of pentacles, Teamwork, learning, implementation, collaboration. Everything is coming together. Don’t ignore the talents of others around you. Continue to collaborate to get that last push towards your final goal. Let your intuition guide you this week. You will know what to do with some inspiration that will surface soon or it already is :)
Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Aries. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤
Crystal healing: Bloodstone (action + vitality)
Leo ♌️, page of wands, inspiration, freedom, limitless potential, exploration, communication. You’re embarking on something new, but you may not have a plan in place or know where you’re headed. You need to activate that creative restlessness somehow, but be sure to put some energy into plotting out your journey before jumping in. Leave space for flexibility. Nine of cups in reversed, smugness, dissatisfaction, materialism, indulgence. You may have gotten something you’ve always wanted, and it just wasn’t what you expected. Maybe you’re struggling to get somewhere and you are not making any progress. Your self-esteem has taken a hit, and your desires are a never-ending black hole. Maybe you need to focus on quality over quantity. 5 of pentacles in reversed, recovery from financial loss, spiritual poverty, charity. Rough times are coming to an end. Although you may feel like something is still out of place, know that there is a light at the end of all of this. Be thankful for the things you do have and don’t spend your time focusing on the negatives. Your mind is powerful, feed it good things and that’s what you will attract. Release negative thinking this full moon.
Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Leo. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤
Crystal healing: Onyx (strength + calm)
Sagittarius ♐️ 3 of sword in reverse, recovery, forgiveness, optimism, letting go of the pain. You’ve suffered a loss and you’re still reeling from it. It’s time to let go of the past and work on healing your soul. All things pass, and this shall, too. Focus on yourself or on the things that make you happy to get your mind off of what ails you. 2 cups marriage, romantic love, unity, partnership, connection. This indicates a strong partnership or connection built on equality and mutual respect. You are receiving positive energy, so be sure to share it with others. Never be afraid to ask for help should you need it.
Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Sagittarius. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤
Crystal healing: Turquoise (Wellbeing + Good fortune)
Collective General Message:
Universe affirmation: My capacity to tune in to the energy of love gives me the words I need when I’m ready to speak up, the compassion I need when it’s time to forgive, and the power I need when I am lost.
Angel #31: Your approach to life is an effective mix of both practicality and imagination. Your mind is stirring with creative ideas and you have the organizational skills to manifest them to life. I am disciplined.
Lightwork: Take a break. A life’s work, not a season. Get off the treadmill. Time for self-care and rest, recharge and reflect. Release old conditioning and mentality during this full moon, it will serve you well on your new journey.
Moon guidance: Don’t let pride get in your way. Release toxic, fear base, self-doubts, and negative thinking this full moon. It’s time to heal unconscious mindset and lack. You are abundant and you are good enough.
Healing this week: Throat Chakra — Self-expression. [The passion felt in me cannot help but be expressed as I use my voice to put my message, wisdom, and teaching out into the world. What I have to say is important and I will say it. I now make myself heard as my heart and soul express through my body, eyes, and voice. I speak up.]
Surrender: To What — is. Flow with what-is instead of fighting it. When you can’t change a situation, compassionately accepting it exactly as it is will bring your peace.
Air 🌬 signs:
Gemini ♊️, page of cups, happy surprise, dreamer, sensitivity, intuitive messages. Listen to your heart and go with all things sentimental and romantic. This can also mean an apology is coming. Share those tender moments with someone special, feel free to express your feelings, dance like nobody is watching, and be a giant goof. have fun and be a wild, moon child. For some of you, The fool is reversed, a new opportunity is being blocked due to bad decisions. You may have disconnected from reality or lost creative inspiration. This is a sign that now is not the time to begin something new — step back and reflect this week. It can also mean as a warning that you may be in a position where you’re being taken advantage of. Take caution, because it may be too good to be true.
Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Gemini. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤
Crystal healing: Agate (balance + stability)
Libra ♎️, Ace of cups, proposal, marriage, intuition, spirituality, new feelings. A blessing from higher forces, true love offer. Let go of any emotional baggage that is weighing you down and start truly living your life. This is your opportunity for a fresh start or a new relationship. Whether or not you choose to take the cup and drink from it is up to you! Queen of swords energy, perspective, clear mind, complexity, independence, truth, integrity. This is a time to make judgments without emotion. Take inventory of all of the facts before making a decision, and come to an intellectual conclusion. You want to be compassionate, but have to think with your head rather than your heart right now. Be independent — don’t lean too heavily on anyone.
Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Libra. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤
Crystal healing: Peridot (Balance + Purpose)
Aquarius ♒️ Queen of wands confidence, determination, independence, cheer, warrior. You’re finding yourself to be self-aware and confident as you’re discovering your life’s purpose. :) You know what you want and how to get it. Stay laser-focused these coming days or months. Keep that friendly, optimistic attitude. It’ll serve you well. Knight of pentacles, efficiency, responsibilities, hard work, productivity, routine. This indicates a need to be trustworthy and reliable. The daily grind of responsibilities might not be the most exciting, but if you put your head down and put in the work, you will reap great rewards. New financial opportunities come with consistency and letting go of the results or expectations. Let go and let god ❤
Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Aquarius. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤
Crystal healing: Garnet (vitality + passion)
Collective General Message:
Universe affirmation: When I lean toward love I am led.
Angel #99: It is time to get to work on the realization of your soul's mission in life. You have a higher purpose in this life that is yours and only yours to fulfill. Unleash your true power. I am courageous.
Lightwork: You’re already doing it. Stop overthinking. Keep facing your true north. Time to release fears and self-doubts this full moon. Keep moving forward, you are good enough and consistency is a practice, so be patient with yourself as you are working on your stability and liberation :)
Moon guidance: Have faith in your dreams. Yes, trust and believe, there is no faith without trust. You are so close, don’t give up.
Healing this week: Solar plexus Chakra — Free will. [I recognize that I always have a choice and free will in any given situation. As I face my life lessons and learn from my experiences, I realize that there is never a wrong decision. I trust the decisions that I make and choose love, forgiveness, and expansion over fear and lack every time. I always have a choice.]
Surrender: To the wisdom of your body. Listen to your body’s messages about a person or situation. If you feel physically drained or uncomfortable, be cautious. If you are energized and happy, move forward.
Blessings and conscious healing and love to each of you! 💕Leave a “❤️” if you receive this and it resonated with you. I do not do personal readings at this time. Stay conscious, use discernment, and don’t get scammed.
Thank you for your support and kindness. Until next card readings 🦚. Be kind to your planet 🌎, to you and others 🦋
In solidarity and sovereignty with you, today and always.
Stay conscious and real,
Love u, AO 🦋🌻
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🧿I block any evil sent my way & return back to sender 100x fold. And so it is. 🧿 #1212 𓂀𓆃*
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🧚🏻♀️ ABOUT ME 🧚🏻♀️
33 — she/her — Virgo ☉/ Libra ☾ / Virgo ↑. Empath/Alchemist /Light-worker/Crystal Healer/Psychic Medium Writer/ Science Environmentalist/Eco-warrior/Advocate/Painter/Photographer/Conscious Creative. Founder of WritersYep community. (higher consciousness creativity and educational media). Educator/caregiver for people with disabilities
🧚🏻♀️ REMINDERS 🧚🏻♀️
This is a general tarot reading, so please only take what resonates and leave the rest. I will always be truthful about the energies I’m picking up on, but that does not mean that the message must be meant for you. Trust your own judgment and intuition over mine or anyone else’s. Tarot, oracles, and crystal psychic medium messages, for me, are tools for guidance about possibilities and a tool to communicate with the universe, ascended masters, angels, and our ancestors; it is not meant to be a replacement for any professional guidance you may need. Nothing is yet set in stone and energies constantly changing, and my aim is to offer you clarity in your situation by looking at current energies. You are powerful. Consume responsibly. Love you 💗
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