Divinely Guided| Decolonization 101: Let’s Digest Together Why Education Systems Need TO CHANGE!
Also, personal experience helps you be enlightened through the truth. Enough being quiet to make others stay comfortable while others suffer. New mindset, new earth. Two new podcast episodes #20 & #21 ❤
Photo by Neil Thomas
Originally published on Medium
“Education is the movement from darkness to light”. — Allan Bloom
Silent and inward growth is priceless. Healing is hard but the journey and the silent battles won are sweeter. #20 — This episode was very difficult because vulnerability is always been looked at or embraced as a weakness so I had to heal that societal belief programmed before showing up. Still healing and trying to understand and accept other people’s behaviors has nothing to do with me. That my only responsibility is to manage and balance my emotions and how I react. And I hope this episode helps you get clear on what “balance” internally really means and why we must continue to dismantle the old and be fearless in the pursuit of the liberations of our souls and people.
This message was divinely guided after watching my girl The Dream Clairvoyant, highly intuitive and more experience than me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDI3qFvv5b0&list=PLOzRB7cHwMWm9OEaG3nZmtNEC-wLzevI3&index=3 Here is the reading that might be for someone who also needs to listen to this. Love her work and going to start adding more psychic readers and highly intuitive peeps on the website that have helped me and others go through awakening, ego death, ascension process, healing (inner/shadow work), decolonizing, and spiritual journey. Love my soul family and I want to share with you so you can also connect, learn, and support each other. That’s why we are here! ❤
I don’t know where I have found the strength to do two podcasts, 2 blogs during the break between online classes, and keeping kids entertained, cooking while I’m working from home, basically 3 jobs. Create online courses, self-teach my daughters after work while dealing with inconsiderate, lack of sympathy, and empathy systems too. I’ve planned my days but left moments of flexibility too. Self-discipline and spiritual routines are daily practices. Once you find your niche or ways to help you manage your life in every situation. You will know you are going on the right path. Don’t give up, you will find what you love, be happy to do it, get paid to do it, and do it as much as you can. It takes time and lots of patience. That’s what I want to teach my daughters, to never give up your dreams and fight for your joy. Just like my mom taught me.
As well, the universe loves to through you some signs and synchronicities too. Do good, and be good. Trust me, when there is a will, there is always a way. Trust your intuition, you are resilient and good enough. Do the best you can and survive one day at a time. Nobody said spiritual, personal growth was going to be easy, neither had the inner strength to stand up to corrupt systems and their leeches' minions. Remember, God will not put you or give you situations that you cannot overcome. And when in doubt or fears creep in, just ask and you shall receive in divine timing. Keep the faith and trust!
Photo by The Creative Exchange
“Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another”. — Gilbert K. Chesterton
S2: E21
#21 — 🧿❤️🩹🦌🌱🌳Mainly this episode was that the Divine spirit needs you to focus on what’s important. Children need to be protected and not lie to anymore. Education systems, curriculums, teachers need to pass a psychological test because their toxic behavior/non-healed, it’s not healthy for our future generation. Empathy and sympathy need to be the front and center of all educational programs and courses. If not, this is why we are not addressing the root of injustice, oppression, capitalist, narcs abuse behavior being normalized. It’s not just at home, is also the system that allows it because they also try to get away with it through using power, manipulation, threads, and abuse of power to get their way. We want to change systems, and justice, laws, regulations. It starts with the change of education and toxic colonial behavior. Hope this helps someone feel stuck and let fear and doubts cloud your judgment. Don’t it’s their tactics and manipulation to continue with injustice and oppression. Enough is enough. You are not alone in decolonization and dismantling. Don’t give up, stay strong-minded and conscious, it matters.
In solidarity and sovereignty with you, today and always.
Stay conscious and real,
Love u, AO 🦋🌻
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🧿I block any evil sent my way & return back to sender 100x fold. And so it is. 🧿 #1212 𓂀𓆃*
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