Conscious Creatives: Collective General Channel Messages. Week 14–20 March 2022.

Healing with joy, grace, and compassion towards yourself, others, and our planet 🌎. In 2022, we are not going to be distracted by low vibes enemies! We are going to collectively focus on our blessings and extend that grace to others.  New podcast #28 ❤

Originally published on Medium

❤️🍃Hello Beautiful Kind Souls, Welcome to AngieBlog & WritersYep Family! I hope my readings bring you healing, guidance, love, and keep you consciously creative!.🍃❤️

It’s Women’s month, even though is every month but is alright ladies! Let’s keep on showing them who the real Queens, goddesses, Priestess, Lightworkers, Starseeds we really are ❤ I’m telling you this but I’m including myself too. I’m such a moon baby, I’m writing this and working after baking cookies and brownies with my daughters while dealing with intense period cramps! There should really be 2–3 days pays days for women because that will be a great way to start to break away from patriarchy and capitalism crap and embrace matriarchy, empathy, equity, sustainability, and circular economy. Can I get an amen? ❤

But that’s how we do it and we have always had, and always will be. We are the portals for this mortal to even have a breath into this earth. And it’s time we know our worth and speak up, advocate for each other and protect each other. We only got us. Embrace your divine feminine, embrace your intuition and keep your energy, peace, mind, spirit, and body sacred.

  • March 18 is a Full moon in Virgo! (balance +justice+ Healing+hermit mode+self-dicipline+focus on your goals+stabilty+self-Love) Time to release things that no longer served you and forgive for yourself injustice that was done to you, others, this planet, and keep moving forward. Time to release toxicity and negativity, it’s too heavy to carry for the journey we are all going. Buckled up! ❤

Photo by Benjamin Voros

This month we are adding into the collective general messages for Water, Earth, Fire, and Air signs; Angel’s messages tarot and Conscious creative messages from the Divine ❤

Lots of soulmates and twin flames, who have done the work, healing journey are in alignment; reuniting this year and lifetime. Again, not all twin flames are meant to be together, they are meant to release the karmic cycle and heal past life cycle this lifetime. Very rare and intense connections, some don’t survive the process and some do, heal and decide to be with other high-level soulmates. It is very rare twin flames end up together, if they do their unconditional love survived many lifetimes and they overcame all obstacles and still decided to choose each other. I’ve been guided to do more love psychic readings to help love birds or those dealing with break-ups too, not everyone is having the same experiences in their journey to find each other. Here we are keeping it real and authentic, and finding self-growth through the good and the bad. We are going to do it with grace and flare though. So happy and excited for you! Make sure you subscribe to AngieBlog, follow us here, and Your story Matter Podcast!

#3 Intuitive Channel message:

1 &2:

3. ( I was guided to repost this from other week’s intuitive channel message because some people are not learning the lesson or closing this cycle). It’s time to ask for medicals before having sex y’all. No more nightstands until you know these people are healthy. If they get mad at you for asking a normal question to a fucking stranger before you share your body with them, run and cut ties immediately. They are emotional manipulators and they are good at convincing. It is very common to ask for this medical info or accompany your future partner to the doc to get this test before engaging sexually. Because the rise of STD, Herpes and all kinds of shiet diseases is on the rise just like covid. Also, making out can also be a problem because some people have no shame and they are eating up people's buttholes then realized that they got an std afterward in their mouth. Yikes! Some advice, take it or leave. You should all try to be celibate, it’s really the best, your intuition is clear, you take your energy and use it for good and to thrive until you find an emperor/empress /right divine or soulmate partner for you. It’s a waste of time and energy to leak yours for others just for a few minutes of pleasure and then get fucked by them for life. Just saying.

Angels are trying to send you signs and you are not taking it seriously, there are many karmic/demons/lust energy with serious sexual diseases with vindictive and evil intentions. They do not give a fuck ass about you, and you all need to start loving yourself and know your worth. Stop giving your energy to low 3d vibration people, they exist to keep you trapped, and also they are jealous and envious of you. They are damaged and don’t want to deal with their karma, or want to heal so they are taking anybody with them. Therefore, ladies/gentlemen if you love your body and yourself. You are going to be more conscious of your sexual energy and you will take care of your temple. If you don’t, then that’s on you. Don’t blame others for what you have already been warned.

Karmic are been exposed and their true colors are coming out. A few tips to know if you are in a karmic relationship, they are never happy for you. They are jealous and envious of you and what you do. They can’t control themselves, they sabotage everything for you and also you somehow or somewhere money never flows, you are always struggling financially when you are bonded to these people. Trust as soon as you are far away, separate, cut the cord, and take your power back, you regain stability, your sanity, and your mental health starts getting better. Also, you start loving yourself without feeling guilty because these people don’t love themselves and all they do is project the shiet they are not working into you. Protect your energy, mental health, and peace. Thank God that they have been revealed to you, because their evil plans or whatever they thinking to do to you if you leave them or cut the cord or don’t let them overstep your boundaries is coming back to them 100x fold. Let people do what they do and you focus on yourself, your family, your community, and your planet.

They are irritated by something you do for a living that they are not doing or not willing to put in the work and make an effort. However, the project, blame and try to trigger you to cause a reaction from you, because of your light, your dedication, your hard work, your drive to better yourself and those around you. It bothers them and they want to quiet down or try to damage or sabotage it. Don’t fall for their trap and don’t tell anybody your business or your good blessings.

The devil is using his minions right now and manipulating people who operate in low vibrations and are jealous and envious like the devil is of you once you are HEALED! You are a powerful human being when you are healed and are awakened. You are leaking your powers when you don’t know your worth and don’t take care of your body, mind, and soul.

Your weaknesses and your weak mind it’s the devils and its minion’s playground. People are being used, manipulated, controlled right now to do unthinkable things for money, status, fame, or wtv these days during a world pandemic! and some are not even aware. And that’s why they are an easy target. Lack of awareness, spiritual knowledge, emotional and mental stability mindset is an abuse of power. We are done with that shiet. Stay strong-minded and conscious, it matters a lot. ❤

Thank you for supporting something new this year 2022 divinely guided. Give you weekly healing messages to keep your high vibes, empowered against evil (who is powerless without you being manipulated, seduced, controlled and playing mind games if you are stuck in low vibration. We are going to rise from the ashes they are trying to leave us in.❤) and 🧘🏽‍♀️ focused on what’s important to continue growing spiritually, conscious and creative ways. Planning to add extensions readings on my Patreon 💚🧿😉🌟stay tuned!

For now here are your messages for this week 14–20 March 2022.

🧿🧿🧿Thank you very much for all of your support! ❤️ 🦋Please kindly note that this is a timeless reading. Anytime when you feel called to come back to this reading, this would mean there is a message for you.

Also, this is a general reading so use your intuition, discernment and claim messages that resonated and leave the rest behind.🦋 I delivered psychic messages on my channel and here too for confirmation, guidance, and spiritual growth. Some messages might trigger you and that’s an indication of what needs to heal in order for you to grow.

March healing crystal — Aquamarine (Protection + Communication), Bloodstone (Energy + confidence) ❤

This month's messages were inspired by:

Words: Patience + Stability +Balance.

Mark 11:25 — And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that you're Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.”

Remember, God, the universe, angels & Ancestors + the holy spirit has your back already. Worry, stress, and fear it’s just delaying your blessings and good karma to come in for you. Have faith and trust in a higher power. Because some things are hidden from you to protect your peace, your purity, and your innocence. Focused on you, getting, and being better than you were yesterday. Do not be distracted by what the enemies are doing or what they are seeking to do. Have faith that no matter what God will protect you.

He/she will turn everything around in your favor. Be smart though, as higher power watch your back and look at you for the things you don’t see and are not supposed to. That doesn’t mean you get to be reckless or careless, protect your light, your peace, your space, what you love, your planet, and your blessings. Don’t live in so much fear and paranoia, that’s what the system needs you to be. We are dismantling that colonial, capitalist, and linear mindset in order to shift together.

Surrender to the unknown, and believe in yourself and those who work behind the scenes. We are all one, and there are Earth warrior angels already awakened protecting your dreams, your souls, and your good deeds ;). Trust ❤

Water 💦 signs:

Cancer ♋️, For some of you, you are in the devil and the 7 of pentacles in reverse energy. Basically, you rip what you sow. It feels like a downfall, failure, stagnation, self-imposed, restrictions, bondage, unpleasant people or situation, addiction, dishonesty, sex, lust, possessiveness, trying to control and manipulate. Combined with the 7 of pentacles, this is bad karma for some of you who have done wrong to others, for others of you, if you were not in the devil's energy and weren't tempted to do FU to others, then that’s on them. However, other of you you’ve made poor investments, or perhaps you’re focusing on the wrong areas. This could be financial, emotional, or mental investments. You may not be reaping the rewards you’re seeking. Evaluate each situation and ensure that each is worthy of your energy. Don’t give up on something too soon, but then again, it may just be time to pack it up and move on. Other of you got the lovers in reverse, infidelity, separation, disharmony, loss of balance, and the hierophant in reverse. Restrictive, dogmatic, divorce, conformist, non the status quo. You may be experiencing conflict or pressure with friends, family, coworkers, or yourself. Perhaps there’s a break in communication, an imbalance in a relationship, or you may be avoiding responsibilities. Make amends and let go of the past.

Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Cancer. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤

Crystal healing: Emerald (love +Kindness)

Scorpio ♏️, Six of the sword is reversed and the world card. Some of you are very conflicted between accepting the change or some sort of ending. There is an end of a cycle but it feels resistant to change. You may be open to changes that need to be made, but there’s something in your way. This is also encouraging you to keep moving forward. Continue to work outside of your comfort zone. You also got the queen of wands is in reverse, someone that you have successfully ended the cycle with or they have ended it with you. Take it how it resonates. Because you ended this karmic cycle with these distorted women/men, who are into witchcraft/dark magic, and they were doing it to you or you to them. There is good news, achievement, rewards, gifts and some type of recognition is on the way or you already are in it. Still some of you, this is telling you to work on your self-confidence. You’re feeling overwhelmed and moody. Pull inward and reflect on your situation, and be sure to listen to your intuitive gut. Stand strong in your convictions, even if others are having a difficult time believing in you.

Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Scorpio. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤

Crystal healing: Topaz (Strenght + Intelligence)

Pisces ♓️ The lovers and the 4 of wands! There is an attraction, relationship, connection emotionally, choices to be made — commit or not? Doubt, dilemma, temptation. Combine with foundation, harmony, relaxation, celebration, home, community. This feels like twin-flame/soulmate energy you are currently in or journey into. Returning home or being with people and places most familiar with you can be soul-enriching. Take this time to soak up the bliss and appreciate the good things in life. This is a good time to work on renovating or redecorating your home space. But be careful of overspending, king of pentacles in reverse but you have the sun right after. You might have someone or a group of karmics that are trying to affect your finances or attack you spiritually, mentally, and emotionally to cut you off from seeing some clarity or truth. If you are on a twin-flame journey, get ready spiritually because you and your person are dealing with spiritual warfare and they are a lot of people attacking both of you, your finances, love life, your health, mental health, anything that makes you or both happy. You see this person as your light and happiness. There is success, prosperity, joy, hope, satisfaction, vitality, clarity, understanding, achievements, fulfillment, and good news on the horizon. Protect yourself and your divine counterpart. And if you already know who they are, or are in union with them, protect each other because the devil himself is on both you assess trying to keep you apart. Your union is important in this lifetime. Be safe ❤

Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Pisces. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤

Crystal healing: Amethyst (calm + rejuvenation)

Collective General Message:

Universe affirmation: At any moment I can surrender to the powerful presence of love through prayer, contemplation, and stillness.

Angel#26: You have a desire to succeed and will feel most accomplished when your work benefits others. Your intuitive awareness of what people want allows you to come up with innovative solutions to meet their needs. I am tactful.

Lightwork: No. Wait. postpone. Pause. Say no. There is an energy around you that doesn’t take no for an answer. Definitely need clear boundaries and stand firm. Get grounded and know that No is a complete sentence.

Moon guidance: Don’t let pride get in your way. Full moon feels like fighting for you and all its divine timing.

Healing this week: Crown Chakra — Sahasrara. [Allow the light of the universe to shine through you. Trust in your inner knowing & guidance. Spirit always loves and supports you! Open yourself to the intelligence, purity & grace of consciousness & resonate in All of its possibilities. We are. ]

Surrender: To complete Healing. Open fully to the loving, compassionate forces of the universe that support your physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

For the Month of March Divine Angel messages: #10 of Water (cups)! A contented and rewarding family life. Your emotional and material needs are met. trustworthy relationships. Ultimate happiness, like happily ever after ❤

For the Month of March Conscious Creatives messages: Evolution of the soul. Your soul needs to live experiences in the material world to evolve. Your ego is his best ally.

Earth 🌱signs:

Capricorn ♑️, Ace of Cups, and the knight of pentacles in reverse. Some of you are taking your time to offer this love offer or you are dealing with someone that it’s not coming forward or taking way too long to express their feelings. Others of you are feeling lazy, bored, set in your ways, feeling stuck, stubborn, stagnation in your career. But there is a completion, success, fulfillment, rewards for efforts inner & outer, travel or/and closing cycles; this with the world card and some of you will be taking actions with the knight of swords after being stagnant. It was necessary to go through it for spiritual and personal growth, in order, to show the world what you’ve been working on within yourself which it’s very impressive. Be proud of yourself for choosing to focus on yourself and doing what needs to be done even if other people might have been against it. It’s your life and you are living for yourself first and then you can be their others.

Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Capricorn. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤

Crystal healing: Ruby (Protection + vitality)

Taurus ♉️, Strength card in reversed combined with the magician. Someone's health is being affected because of dark magic/witchcraft/or ill wishful thinking being done to you or you have tried to do this to someone, either way, it backfired. Now, someone is suffering the consequences of it. Take it how it resonates, you know your story. Strenght in reversed can also mean for some of you, feeling weak, self-doubts, petty, lack of self-discipline, vain, arrogant, losing heart very low vibrational energies which can also indicate someone being an easy target for evil spirits and demonic entities to use your mind as a playfield. You also got the 9 of the sword, which it feels like someone is experiencing some form of spiritual jail, suffering lack of sleep, worry, anxiety, overreacting, overwhelmed by guilt & regret, delay but time heals all wounds. Make sure some of you are taking accountability for your actions and if you are the victim make sure you are protecting your energy and start using discernment. You have the 3 cups in reversed, overindulgence, social angst, three or 3rd party, adultery, affairs then you have the two of cups is reversed which it all equals there is a lot of imbalance in your life at the moment or in the future. The balance you had has shattered and you’ve faced a disconnection with once strong relationships. Small issues are compounding and creating fissures in every aspect of your life. A line of communication has severed and someone is feeling resentful. Be the bigger person and try to mend fences.

Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Taurus. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤

Crystal healing: Sapphire (Self-expression + truth)

Virgo ♍️ You are in the 7 of pentacles energy, you rip what you sow. You understand the value of hard work and investing toward long-term goals. You’re not interested in quick wins. This is telling also you look at the bigger picture. You may be frustrated that some things are taking too long to come to fruition. Your efforts will not go unrewarded, but you must remain patient. The 9 of cups you have become your own wish fulfillment or someone sees you that way :) Very abundant, happy, and generous. The lover's card and Ace of cups are in reverse. You are going to have a lot of offers and options, but someone is angry and in rage and feeling blocked because you rejected them or they did to you. Take what resonates and you know your story. Overall, this signifies decisions in relationships, the temptation of the heart, or a choice of personal partners. A selection will need to be made that should not be taken lightly. You need to determine what is truly important to you and hold to your beliefs. But it feels like some of you are saving yourself for the right person and I feel like divine is going to reward you for your patience with your divine partner. It feels this person is building their courage though, they are intimidated by you. Your energy is strong but they are working on matching you. You deserved the best and this person knows this. Use discernment because yes, you are going to have a lot of options but you will know who your divine love is. For those already in a relationship, your love is going into a deeper level of understanding and vulnerability. Definitely, create more time for self-care and more self-love and alone time and adventures together ❤

Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Virgo. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤

Crystal healing: Carnelian (confidence + Passion)

Collective General Message:

Universe affirmation: I create mindful moments throughout the day, reminding myself that I am love and miracles are natural.

Angel #18: You are both open-minded and open-hearted and your ambition is to leave the world better than you found it. Ensure that your goals are aligned with the collective need and with the highest good of all. I am kindhearted.

Lightwork: Lemuria. Creating heaven on Earth. It’s happening. Stability, self-discipline, and self-love are balanced.

Moon guidance: Your commitment is being tested. Pay attention to the signs, pray, meditate and continue to do the right thing. Stay focused.

Healing this week: Solar plexus Chakra — Courage[I have the strength, courage, and willpower to face my fears and see my desires, dreams, and goals through to completion. I release the need to be anything other than who I am in order to succeed. I believe in myself and have the courage to fail and succeed. I am possible.]

Surrender: To effortlessness. Stop pushing so hard, the art of living means going with the flow instead of trying to force the river.

For the Month of March Divine Angel messages: Ace of air (swords) Brilliant new ideas and inspirations. Sein the truth of a situation. A challenging beginning.

For the Month of March Conscious Creatives messages: DOUBLE Courage!. This is faith, the life force that opens the door to countless possibilities, leading you always higher.

Fire 🔥 signs :

Aries ♈️, #7 chariot and wheel of fortune, good things are coming your way and you choose to keep moving forward. Good karma for those who are being focused on your purpose, minding your own business, not decreasing or listening to other people. There is change and new opportunities coming your way. You’re overcoming trials and regaining control. Strength and willpower are vital to ensuring victory through the path of obstacles ahead. The key message is that you need to maintain focus to emerge successfully in this next phase. Stay the course and follow your plan with confidence. For others of you, with 9 of the sword in reverse with the page of cups, you’ve recently been coming out of a heave time of depression, anxiety, and having a lot of lack of sleep. Some of you could’ve come out of dark night of the soul and are ready to let themselves be guided by your intuition. Listen to your heart and go with all things sentimental and romantic. Share those tender moments with someone special, feel free to express your feelings, dance like no one’s watching, and be a giant goof. Have fun and be wild, moon child :)

Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Aries. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤

Crystal healing: Bloodstone (action + vitality)

Leo ♌️, The page of the pentacle in reversed signifies lack of progress or planning, some of you are focused on the short term, wasting time, talents, too materialistic, miserly… Perhaps that was your past energy or you were currently were. Then your energy moves into the two pentacles which is all about priorities, time management, and adapting to change which is good! Progress! You’re managing projects and time well and finding that you’re navigating through your responsibilities with carefully plotted ease. You are certainly busy. however, be sure to take the time to breathe and keep a tidy schedule to avoid losing your balance. For others of you the tower and the 8 of pentacles in reversed, If you planned or have done things to jeopardize or sabotage someone's work or someone has been doing this to you. Then, there is a backfired energy here. Whoever did the bad deeds is getting their shiet back. So expect, unexpected crisis, upheaval, ruined plans, disgraced, chaos, anger released, breakdown delusions blow away. Take it how it resonates, you know your story. You’re focused on self-improvement and personal development, but don’t go overboard. If you hyper-focus and obsess on perfection, you could throw yourself into a tailspin. You may also be having a tough time with responsibilities and/or finances right now. Never be afraid to ask for help should you need it.

Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Leo. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤

Crystal healing: Onyx (strength + calm)

Sagittarius ♐️ WIth the knight of wands with the start in reverse, some of you are feeling disappointed about someone or something that didn’t work out. Perhaps dealing with someone not healed and they feel like they came in and out, took what they needed, and left. With the 4 wands with the justice card, there is fairness, truth, cause&effect, law & order, legalities, accountability, honor equity, justice will be served. With the 4 of the wand, there is harmony coming in, relaxation, some type of celebration, or community help. Returning home or being with people and places most familiar with you can be soul-enriching. take this time to soak up the bliss and appreciate the good things in life. this is a good time to work on renovating or redecorating your home space. Do something anything that can help you get out of the funk. Doing some creativity or anything that makes you happy while dealing with some things, can be helpful during this time. Follow your imagination.

Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Sagittarius. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤

Crystal healing: Turquoise (Wellbeing + Good fortune)

Collective General Message:

Universe affirmation: I am a spirit having a human experience and I’m here to get closer to love.

Angel #33: Any positive changes or projects you are considering right now will be worth your while, expect that your power to manifest and create will be heightened. I am expanding.

Lightwork: Mirror. Who or what is triggering you? There is time for deeper healing and remember what triggers you is for your soul's growth. don’t miss the chance to heal and grow through any situation that is triggering you.

Moon guidance: A new start is coming! Be open to new beginnings.

Healing this week: Crown Chakra — Possibility. [All is possible for me in this universe of infinite potential. I release all conditioning and limits that I have placed in my path unknowingly. I believe, invest and intend in the possibility of a positive, peaceful, and loving outcome. All is possible.]

Surrender: The idea you can fix someone. It’s time for a relationship to shift. It doesn’t work to try to fix someone. Each person must be accountable for his or her own healing.

For the Month of March Divine Angel messages: Knight of fire (wands) Passionate, adventurous, self-assured, restless. A sudden event that needs immediate attention. Time is of the essence. Think things through carefully.

For the Month of March Conscious Creatives messages: Protection. Request protection whenever you feel vulnerable and you will be infused with strength and light.

Air 🌬 signs:

Gemini ♊️, WIth the 5 of wands and the 10 of pentacles in reverse, this feels like some of you have to walk away from family, friends, marriage, job, environment that has caused you to feel drained. Anything that no longer serves you because you are protecting yourself, your mental health from this energy that was very toxic. This is very brave energy and knows that this is not easy to choose yourself and be rather be by yourselves than stick around people, places, and things that are always into drama, gossip, negativity, competition, comparing, judging, all low vibes that you are no longer in alignment anymore. You are having an internal conflict and you’re not entirely sure where you stand on the issue. Align your head with your heart to find the option that suits you best. You may have just come out of a struggle it stressful situation and you’re breathing a sigh of relief. Rest easy, my friend. You don’t need to work through all of that anger and hostility any longer. Yep, some of you with the fool card and the ace of cups is reversed, you taking a leap of faith and starting something new or going towards somewhere new. Time to reflect on what you want in life or on a particular goal or project. Invest the time into seeking the truth from within.

Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Gemini. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤

Crystal healing: Agate (balance + stability)

Libra ♎️, With the 5 of pentacles energy it feels like some of you are dealing with some financial setbacks, are having a bit of lack mentality, could be dealing with unemployment. But it feels like an old belief that needs to be released and healed. Use what you currently have and be grateful for what you do have so that what you need later can manifest in divine timing. Don’t be so hard on yourself, you can do this. Don’t focus too much on material things, just start wtv you are planning on doing. Go after what you want. You feel the rumblings of creative energy, but you have no idea how to turn it into action. Take this time to think rather than take action, as jumping headfirst may cause you to tumble. Look for alternative ways to express your idea, as you may improve upon your original vision. Don’t let anxiety and indecisiveness weigh you down. Then you have temperance and knight of wands, Don’t rush your healing and balance your life. Be realistic, and do one step at a time. Avoid extremes in any direction, taking the middle road in decision-making. In all things, try to bring balance. Go forward with patience and test the waters carefully before jumping in too suddenly. Be sure to examine your priorities carefully.

Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Libra. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤

Crystal healing: Peridot (Balance + Purpose)

Aquarius ♒️ For some of you with the six of pentacles in reversed and 4 of swords energy, it’s time for rest, recuperation, meditation, recovery from conflict or illness, timeout, a break so that we can come back better. Invest some time into self-care. You may have been in a giving mode for much too long. Others may have been taking advantage of you, so stop being a doormat and protect your finances and emotional health. Be mindful of taking on debt. And, if you are being charitable, don’t gloat — be sure that you’re doing it for the right reasons rather than trying to improve your image. Some of you, a person with a lot of emotions is coming in. There is romance, declaration of love, proposal, lover, a knight in shining amour, very creative, artistic, intuitive :) Yep, Ace of cups is a blessing. Let go of any emotional baggage that is weighing you down and start truly living your life. this is your opportunity for a fresh start or new relationship. Whether or not you choose to take the cup and drink from it is up to you! ❤

Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Aquarius. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤

Crystal healing: Garnet (vitality + passion)

Collective General Message:

Universe affirmation: My energy creates my reality. What I focus on is what I will manifest.

Angel #5: Flexibility is your forte. When life throws you a curveball you can easily adapt to new circumstances and find excitement in the unexpected change. Be brave and bold in your endeavors. I am adaptable.

Lightwork: Akasha. Your guidance is divinely guided. Tune in, your guides want to help you.

Moon guidance: A win-win outcome is a forecast.

Healing this week: Sacral Chakra — Instinct. [I allow my senses to fully experience the physical world and trust my instincts. I connect to my deepest sense of self for balanced guidance & truth. I release all fears and listen to the wisdom of my ancestors through the resonance of my body. I sense.]

Surrender: Fear. Let go of the fearful stories you are telling yourself. Stay in the moment. Focus on solutions and celebrate every baby step forward.

For the Month of March Divine Angel messages: King of Earth (pentacles) Generous, professional, responsible, practical. A successful time. Confidently accept opportunities you’re offered. The Midas touch.

For the Month of March Conscious Creatives messages: Observation. Observing oneself relaxes the mind and allows you to embrace who you are. You learn to discover your true nature.

Listen to Podcast #28! Make sure you follow us on your favorite podcast platform so you don’t miss our episodes! ❤

S2:25 +26+27+28!

Blessings and conscious healing and love to each of you! 💕Leave a “❤️” if you receive this and it resonated with you. I do not do personal readings at this time. Stay conscious, use discernment, and don’t get scammed.

Extended 🧿 🌟February- March 2022:





*Thank you in advance for your support, and kindness for this community, for letting me read you to guide you into your divine path. Love you! God bless you always and keeps blessing you with clarity, truth, love, compassion, peace, higher consciousness, unconditional love, and kindness for you, your planet, and others. Love,_AO

Until next card readings 🦚. Be kind to your planet 🌎, to you and others 🦋

In solidarity and sovereignty with you, today and always.

Stay conscious and real,

Love u, AO 🦋🌻

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🧿I block any evil sent my way & return back to sender 100x fold. And so it is. 🧿 #1212 𓂀𓆃*

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🧚🏻‍♀️ ABOUT ME 🧚🏻‍♀️

33 — she/her — Virgo ☉/ Libra ☾ / Virgo ↑. Empath/Alchemist /Light-worker/Crystal Healer/Psychic Medium Writer/ Science Environmentalist/Eco-warrior/Advocate/Painter/Photographer/Conscious Creative. Founder of WritersYep community. (higher consciousness creativity and educational media). Educator/caregiver for people with disabilities

🧚🏻‍♀️ REMINDERS 🧚🏻‍♀️

This is a general tarot reading, so please only take what resonates and leave the rest. I will always be truthful about the energies I’m picking up on, but that does not mean that the message must be meant for you. Trust your own judgment and intuition over mine or anyone else’s. Tarot, oracles, and crystal psychic medium messages, for me, are tools for guidance about possibilities and a tool to communicate with the universe, ascended masters, angels, and our ancestors; it is not meant to be a replacement for any professional guidance you may need. Nothing is yet set in stone and energies constantly changing, and my aim is to offer you clarity in your situation by looking at current energies. You are powerful. Consume responsibly. Love you 💗

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Conscious Creatives: Collective General Channel Messages. Week 22–27 March 2022.


Conscious Creatives: Collective General Channel Messages. Week 7–13 March 2022.