Conscious Creatives: Collective General Channel Messages. Week 22–27 March 2022.

Healing with joy, grace, and compassion towards yourself, others, and our planet 🌎. In 2022, we are not going to be distracted by low vibes enemies! We are going to collectively focus on our blessings and extend that grace to others.  New podcast #28 ❤

Originally published on Medium

❤️🍃Hello Beautiful Kind Souls, Welcome to AngieBlog & WritersYep Family! I hope my readings bring you healing, guidance, love, and keep you consciously creative!.🍃❤️

Spring is finally here! Happy Astrological year! Aries energy is definitely here ❤

It’s Women’s month, even though is every month but is alright ladies! Let’s keep on showing them who the real Queens, goddesses, Priestess, Lightworkers, Starseeds we really are ❤ I’m telling you this but I’m including myself too. I’m such a moon baby, I’m writing this and working after baking cookies and brownies with my daughters while dealing with intense period cramps! There should really be 2–3 days pays days for women because that will be a great way to start to break away from patriarchy and capitalism crap and embrace matriarchy, empathy, equity, sustainability, and circular economy. Can I get an amen? ❤

But that’s how we do it and we have always had, and always will be. We are the portals for this mortal to even have a breath into this earth. And it’s time we know our worth and speaks up, advocate for each other and protect each other. We only got us. Embrace your divine feminine, embrace your intuition and keep your energy, peace, mind, spirit, and body sacred.

I am unapologetic about the need for social change, greater inclusion, and equity. — Marley Dias

This month we are adding into the collective general messages for Water, Earth, Fire, and Air signs; Angel’s messages tarot and Conscious creative messages from the Divine ❤

Lots of soulmates and twin flames, who have done the work, healing journey are in alignment; reuniting this year and lifetime. Again, not all twin flames are meant to be together, they are meant to release the karmic cycle and heal past life cycle this lifetime. Very rare and intense connections, some don’t survive the process and some do, heal and decide to be with other high-level soulmates. It is very rare twin flames end up together, if they do their unconditional love survived many lifetimes and they overcame all obstacles and still decided to choose each other. I’ve been guided to do more love psychic readings to help love birds or those dealing with break-ups too, not everyone is having the same experiences in their journey to find each other. Here we are keeping it real and authentic, and finding self-growth through the good and the bad. We are going to do it with grace and flare though. So happy and excited for you! Make sure you subscribe to AngieBlog, follow us here, and Your story Matter Podcast!

#4 Intuitive Channel message:

1. Today I saw this from my girl and soul sister Stephanie P Smith ❤ And it felt like I was brought home or a lesson that God needed me to know and always remember. Took notes, as I’ve always wanted to talk about this on the podcast but never felt that I was the right person to talk about this. I’ve done research about it and add it some of it to my books. However, I’m learning that hiding my truth, being judgemental and critical of myself, is a scarcity mindset that comes from the family that I’ve internalized or they made sure I felt not good enough to speak up or be myself. I’m still healing and breaking off this pattern, not going to lie, it’s not easy but I’m working on it. Now, I understand why God separated me from my entire toxic/karmic family and wants me to keep it that way. Because I have to do this to change this story from repeating itself in the next generation which is already here! So I was divinely guided to share here as Holy Spirit it's letting me know I’m not alone in breaking this generational curse.

I was writing this astrology for this week while I’m waiting for my laundry to be done :) and I finally got to put my girls to bed early as Mondays are our most intense for me as a single mom. As I do work 2 jobs and the third one, that most of yall would not consider a job because it’s not paid! But it is a job and the most important of all. Which is being a conscious, healed, and not perfect mama for my two daughters. Just wanted to remind some of you, that my life is not this perfect as most of yall assumed, and I’m learning now, that most people are not supporters, they are spectators. I’m glad though that my work or something has landed you here or or on my Angieblog channel or Your story matter podcast and that you take away some lessons, truth, clarity, peace, and lots of healing love. I’m grateful and I really appreciate our supporters and those who have been here since the beginning. Love you! ❤ For the new peeps conscious creatives, It makes me extremely happy that it is helping a lot of you, it means my mission is being accomplished and you matter to me. I appreciate the claps here as it helps others to serendipity, universal reciprocity for others to also receive these messages too. Thank you for your kindness, if you feel it to share and follow our family here, Welcome! if you are just passing by, I still appreciate your presence ❤


3. ( I was guided to repost this from other week’s intuitive channel message because some people are not learning the lesson or closing this cycle). It’s time to ask for medicals before having sex y’all. No more nightstands until you know these people are healthy. If they get mad at you for asking a normal question to a fucking stranger before you share your body with them, run and cut ties immediately. They are emotional manipulators and they are good at convincing. It is very common to ask for this medical info or accompany your future partner to the doc to get this test before engaging sexually. Because the rise of STD, Herpes and all kinds of shiet diseases is on the rise just like covid. Also, making out can also be a problem because some people have no shame and they are eating up people's buttholes then realized that they got an std afterward in their mouth. Yikes! Some advice, take it or leave. You should all try to be celibate, it’s really the best, your intuition is clear, you take your energy and use it for good and to thrive until you find an emperor/empress /right divine or soulmate partner for you. It’s a waste of time and energy to leak yours for others just for a few minutes of pleasure and then get fucked by them for life. Just saying.

Angels are trying to send you signs and you are not taking it seriously, there are many karmic/demons/lust energy with serious sexual diseases with vindictive and evil intentions. They do not give a fuck ass about you, and you all need to start loving yourself and know your worth. Stop giving your energy to low 3d vibration people, they exist to keep you trapped, and also they are jealous and envious of you. They are damaged and don’t want to deal with their karma, or want to heal so they are taking anybody with them. Therefore, ladies/gentlemen if you love your body and yourself. You are going to be more conscious of your sexual energy and you will take care of your temple. If you don’t, then that’s on you. Don’t blame others for what you have already been warned.

Karmic are been exposed and their true colors are coming out. A few tips to know if you are in a karmic relationship, they are never happy for you. They are jealous and envious of you and what you do. They can’t control themselves, they sabotage everything for you and also you somehow or somewhere money never flows, you are always struggling financially when you are bonded to these people. Trust as soon as you are far away, separate, cut the cord, and take your power back, you regain stability, your sanity, and your mental health starts getting better. Also, you start loving yourself without feeling guilty because these people don’t love themselves and all they do is project the shiet they are not working into you. Protect your energy, mental health, and peace. Thank God that they have been revealed to you, because their evil plans or whatever they thinking to do to you if you leave them or cut the cord or don’t let them overstep your boundaries is coming back to them 100x fold. Let people do what they do and you focus on yourself, your family, your community, and your planet.

They are irritated by something you do for a living that they are not doing or not willing to put in the work and make an effort. However, the project, blame and try to trigger you to cause a reaction from you, because of your light, your dedication, your hard work, your drive to better yourself and those around you. It bothers them and they want to quiet down or try to damage or sabotage it. Don’t fall for their trap and don’t tell anybody your business or your good blessings.

The devil is using his minions right now and manipulating people who operate in low vibrations and are jealous and envious like the devil is of you once you are HEALED! You are a powerful human being when you are healed and are awakened. You are leaking your powers when you don’t know your worth and don’t take care of your body, mind, and soul.

Your weaknesses and your weak mind it’s the devils and its minion’s playground. People are being used, manipulated, controlled right now to do unthinkable things for money, status, fame, or wtv these days during a world pandemic! and some are not even aware. And that’s why they are an easy target. Lack of awareness, spiritual knowledge, emotional and mental stability mindset is an abuse of power. We are done with that shiet. Stay strong-minded and conscious, it matters a lot. ❤

Thank you for supporting something new this year 2022 divinely guided. Give you weekly healing messages to keep your high vibes, empowered against evil (who is powerless without you being manipulated, seduced, controlled and playing mind games if you are stuck in low vibration. We are going to rise from the ashes they are trying to leave us in.❤) and 🧘🏽‍♀️ focused on what’s important to continue growing spiritually, conscious and creative ways. Planning to add extensions readings on my Patreon 💚🧿😉🌟stay tuned!

For now here are your messages for this week 22–27 March 2022.

🧿🧿🧿Thank you very much for all of your support! ❤️ 🦋Please kindly note that this is a timeless reading. Anytime when you feel called to come back to this reading, this would mean there is a message for you.

Also, this is a general reading so use your intuition, discernment and claim messages that resonated and leave the rest behind.🦋 I delivered psychic messages on my channel and here too for confirmation, guidance, and spiritual growth. Some messages might trigger you and that’s an indication of what needs to heal in order for you to grow.

March healing crystal — Aquamarine (Protection + Communication), Bloodstone (Energy + confidence) ❤

This month's messages were inspired by:

Words: Patience + Stability +Balance.

Mark 11:25 — And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that you're Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.”

Remember, God, the universe, angels & Ancestors + the holy spirit has your back already. Worry, stress, and fear it’s just delaying your blessings and good karma to come in for you. Have faith and trust in a higher power. Because some things are hidden from you to protect your peace, your purity, and your innocence. Focused on you, getting, and being better than you were yesterday. Do not be distracted by what the enemies are doing or what they are seeking to do. Have faith that no matter what God will protect you.

He/she will turn everything around in your favor. Be smart though, as higher power watch your back and look at you for the things you don’t see and are not supposed to. That doesn’t mean you get to be reckless or careless, protect your light, your peace, your space, what you love, your planet, and your blessings. Don’t live in so much fear and paranoia, that’s what the system needs you to be. We are dismantling that colonial, capitalist, and linear mindset in order to shift together.

Surrender to the unknown, and believe in yourself and those who work behind the scenes. We are all one, and there are Earth warrior angels already awakened protecting your dreams, your souls, and your good deeds ;). Trust ❤

Water 💦 signs:

Cancer ♋️, Some of you are manifesting new beginnings but your energy is not very stable yet. The foundation and the work that was required are in process or the seed has already been planted. Now, there is 7 of sword's energy and the 10 of swords in reversed about this specific thing you are doing or if this is you having some type of jealousy or envy towards someone else. Or someone has it towards you. Take what resonates, you know your story. There is a lot of narcs/emotional manipulators around you or this is you. There is a big need for deep healing, as some of you are trying to manifest ultimate fulfillment or you already have it, you are stable but either someone is trying to sabotage it or this is you trying to do that for someone else. There is something that you are very good at and type of skill, or something that you manifested, something significant that you hold dear to your heart. With the fool and the king of cups energy, it feels that you want to be or feel balanced. That you want to take this leap of faith, but you’ve been stabbed in the back many times by people you trusted. Now, listen to your intuition, if you want to share this idea or something you want to try, but you don’t trust certain people. Trust that feeling. Don’t say anything, only talk with people that your gut lets you know you can. I would suggest praying to God about it to confirm if this is the right path for you or what are the next steps for you to get to your 10 cups. Wishes that you’ve always wanted. Don’t be afraid, I feel like the divine and Angels want to help you.

Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Cancer. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤

Crystal healing: Emerald (love +Kindness)

Scorpio ♏️, I had to sage before I did your reading. You do have the devil/evil spirit around you or you have it within you. Something has to crumble recently, and you are in this emperor energy, you might be stable, a leader, traditional. With the 3 pentacles, it’s like you are working with other people, team meats, co-creating with others. You are in expansion energy for sure. This is normal for fail attempts, just don’t give up if you only fail once, it takes many tries to get the right outcome. The fool card lets me know that you won’t and you will still continue to keep trying which is good. Now, here is what you are not seeing or know why things are failing, you have money issues, or everything you do just doesn't work out. Especially if you are around someone, or you tell a specific person your goals or ideas before you even started them. Yep, Queen of wands with the devil card keeps coming up twice! This person is jealous, envious, possessive, controlling, emotional manipulator, who could be dealing with sex additions or any toxic additions. This can be a lover, ex, sister, cousin, old friend, someone who might be into the dark magic of demonic BS. Stay away from this person and create boundaries. This person is very selfish and very materialistic. They might be drinking a lot or make you drink, they also are very insecure and low vibration. This feels like a demon is inside them. Definitely, exorcism is needed here. You need to cleanse your energy because this person is your karmic lesson, and once you learn the lesson you must let them go. Or you will be stuck, confused, and always losing everything you ever wish for. We all go through this and learn to take the lessons and move on. You were warned.

Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Scorpio. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤

Crystal healing: Topaz (Strenght + Intelligence)

Pisces ♓️ Damn! I’m sorry for this. You’ve been dealing with a liar, con, snake, honestly they slow af, left clues behind, and got caught! This might trigger some of you who are healing this wound. Remember, what people do is about them, is not about you. If they cheated, lied, and did unthinkable things behind your back is on them. You just need to make sure you heal and forgive. You were dealing with someone very insensitive, queen of cups in reverse, emotionally unavailable, very dark energy, and very fake. Some of you are healing and already in the energy of loving yourself again, or some of you are in this Queen of pentacles or you are interested in someone who embraces this energy. With the lover's card, it feels like even though the heartbreak, it was your breakthrough and also the opportunity to find your real divine person, know your worth and stand up for yourself. Spiritual lesson learned. Now, because you are still hurt from the betrayal, disappointment, some type of theft or you feel like this person really thought they got you fooled. But don’t let pride, loss, feeling left out make you sabotage this new blessing or gift from the divine. You have the 6 swords and the tower which means God had to reveal these truths and clarity to you to move from this chaos to calmer waters. Now you know their true colors, some of you were in a 3 party situation or hidden doing sneaky, lies, or cheating things behind your back with another person or many people. This person lacks empathy, so I wouldn't be surprised they had many people on speed dial or this is you. Take what resonates, you know your story. Thinking you wouldn’t find out. Now, you know why they were so distant and secretive most of the time, or they would omit where they were when you asked. You weren’t paranoid or clingy, is okay to know where your partner has been. It’s called respect and integrity and I’m sorry but that person has none. It feels like they would probably blame you for their lying shiet, which is really sick. I see you have blocked and created boundaries with this fucking clown. I see why too, they are trying to come back and lie again, but you are in the energy now “Fool me once, that’s on you, Fool me twice that’s one me”. With the 5 cups in reverse energy, let me know and you that this is old grief or it will be. You are moving on. Accepting and forgiveness. That’s good and I’m proud of you, and the divine is too. Taking your power back, let’s the universe know that you are ready for your next stage or for your blessings to come in. This new love or someone you actually want to be with is very abundant and healthier energy for sure. Soon this person is going to manifest in your life or they are already here. Make sure you are healing so you don’t sabotage or block this blessing as it feels like it only comes once in a blue moon. Good luck ❤

Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Pisces. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤

Crystal healing: Amethyst (calm + rejuvenation)

Collective General Message:

Universe affirmation: My outer experiences are a reflection of my internal condition.

Angel#31: Your approach to life is an effective mix of both practicality and imagination. Your mind is stirring with creative ideas and you have the organizational skills to manifest them to life. I am disciplined.

Lightwork: Boundaries! where do you need to establish better boundaries? Make a list of people, places, or things that no longer serve you. Make sure you say no and let those vampire energies/Narcs around you, respect your boundaries. Do what you need to do for your mental health. Is okay to go in and heal. Separation is self-care too. Don’t let them shame you for choosing yourself for once! You are the priority now and if they have a problem with that, then there is your answer as to why you need to create boundaries with them.

Moon guidance: A new start is coming! if you are willing to take though, keep believing, having faith, and trusting your intuition. It will never stir you wrong.

Healing this week: Crown Chakra — We. [ I am blessed to be a part of the one. I honor and cherish my brothers and sisters past, present, and future, who journey with me. Difference and polarity are not a threat but an alternative view and experience. I embrace the shared experience of myself and others as eternal beings. We are one.]

Surrender: To your addictions. Whether you’re addicted to substances, food, people, sex, or overworking, take action to begin to heal the addiction and replace it with healthier alternatives.

For the Month of March Divine Angel messages: #12 AWAKENING! Archangel Gabriel, look at things from a different perspective. A temporary standstill. It’s important to be yourself!

For the Month of March Conscious Creatives messages: Grace. It is the consciousness of the divine in every moment. Acknowledge this seed of life that lives inside you, vibrating everywhere.

Earth 🌱signs:

Capricorn ♑️, Mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual lessons are currently being taught and processed. Go with the flow, not against the current, it will cost you. Resistance to change, will not help your soul path. Forgive but do not forget. For some of you with the magician in reverse and 5 of wands, it screams conflict magic. Or they are trying to cause a lot of conflicts, drama, and negative energies around you. You might be single, abundant, celibate, very healthy, and beautiful. But there is a need to close a cycle or learn what needs to be learned through this experience you currently are or dealing with. This could be a person, place, job, environment wtv your intuition lets you know. Some of you have blocked or ghosted whoever is trying to ruin your life, or try to do it behind your back. There is a king of wands that sees you as queen/king pentacles. Very generous, creative, perhaps entrepreneur vibes as they are. They want to come in and communicate soon. Ace of cups, it’s a blessing from God. Time to let go of what no longer serves you. Protect your energy 🧿

Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Capricorn. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤

Crystal healing: Ruby (Protection + vitality)

Taurus ♉️, implement flexibility into your routine and make time to do more inner/shadow work is going to be very important for you during these weeks. Hermit mode is good but makes sure you balance financial, emotional family, friends, and physical stability for yourself. Mental health break and consciously balance sexual energies 🥵😶‍🌫️🤭is vital for you. Stay grounded and learn to discern karmics. 🧿⚠️ 7 of wands it requires to create more boundaries or you have to stand ground and enforce those boundaries with people, places, or things. You got the sun 🌞 card which lets me know that it will benefit you immensely. There is good news or something will be illuminated soon if you’ve been trying to defend yourself about something or someone. Some of you are dealing with financial instability because of a very lack mindset and lack of priorities. Hermit in reverse and lover’s card, someone it’s refusing to heal and let go of someone and this is you or someone else it’s watching, stalking a past love or potential love, but it feels like a lost opportunity.. which it creates more lack, insecurity, and depression. It’s time to heal and make a decision that it’s time to move forward with your life. It’s creating blockages in your life. Don’t be your own downfall.

Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Taurus. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤

Crystal healing: Sapphire (Self-expression + truth)

Virgo ♍️ There is a low vibrational and vampire energy trying to lash at you because your shining brightest 🌟. There is a Queen of cup in low vibe with magicians in reverse 🥴 yep someone who lacks empathy and it’s disturbed, probably do a lot of dark magic, candle magic, and witchcraft and with a page of swords + 10 of swords it’s like they do the ultimate betrayal they do in the dark and watch you, stalker vibes to see if their evil plans are working… it’s not and it never will. Most of you gain more strength and are healthier and more abundantly powerful 🙏🏽✊🏾and they are getting sicker and suffering a lot of financial lack or troubles. With the world card and the 6 of wands, you broke a cycle and this is done with. There is a new beginning here with the fool and it requires you to take a leap of faith in yourself. Rest, recuperate, keep praying 🙏🏽 and meditate 🧘🏽‍♀️. Hold the energy of peace. 🙏🏽🌎❤️ It’s within you and all of us. Maintain and protect your peace ☮️☯️🕉 You’re overthinking though, don’t let these energies bring you down. Your intuition is on point right now. Use discernment and protect your energy at all costs. Strong 💪🏾 af boundaries 💯✨🧿☯️

Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Virgo. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤

Crystal healing: Carnelian (confidence + Passion)

Collective General Message:

Universe affirmation: The Key to prayer is to forget what I think I need.

Angel #1010: Keep your thoughts positive and be patient as everything is working out for your highest good. Trust that your angels are working behind the scenes to help you. I am patient.

Lightwork: The ever-unfolding rose. Crack open. It’s happening for you, not to you. You are evolving and transforming season. Embrace.

Moon guidance: Surrender to the divine! Trust that you are protected and loved unconditionally.

Healing this week: Solar plexus Chakra — Individuation[I recognize others as different aspects of consciousness, no greater or lesser than myself~ all journeying at our own pace. I acknowledge, accept and celebrate difference as I go inward to connect with my deepest self, my truth, desires & joy. I am a unique spark of the divine, expressing my own unique vibration and life purpose. I follow my own path. ]

Surrender: The drama. No matter how emotionally charged the situation, remain calm and don’t contribute to the drama. Staying centered will help resolve the issue more quickly.

For the Month of March Divine Angel messages: Page of fire (wands). Outgoing, creative, confident, mischievous. news of an exciting new endeavor. Use your originality and ingenuity.

For the Month of March Conscious Creatives messages: Take your place. To take your place is to be you. Dare to assert and share your vision while staying authentic and true.

Fire 🔥 signs :

Aries ♈️, The universe is offering you a fabulous opportunity to enjoy yourself today! Take time to experience life in a way that works for you, but don’t forget to try something new along the way! Let the world open up to you. ❤️‍🔥🌎🙌🏾 For other of you spirit is trying to guide you to walk away from something that no longer serves you. Because there is new energy trying to come in. But you are still healing, perhaps spiritual awakening and going through or might be recently coming out of a deep depression, grief, pain, and loss. Some of you were with someone who only brought you burdens. Some of you are building your own inner strength and letting go of fear and lack mindset too. I feel some of you were surrounded by a lot of selfish and low vibes people and you’ve absorbed rather than observed. You need to heal and control your anger and rage. Your reaction is what matters, you can’t blame others for your own actions. Accountability is a practice and some of you need to embrace it.

Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Aries. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤

Crystal healing: Bloodstone (action + vitality)

Leo ♌️,If you think outside of the box, you could find a way to create a whole new revenue stream or another useful project seemingly out of the blue. A busy week is likely in store for you! Even if you have the day week off from your career, you can expect some important task to come calling, this time the energy is positive and so the surprises should be so as well! Still, you’d be wise to prepare for anything. 📝📓Empress energy🙌🏾, creative, intuitive, perhaps marriage, pregnancy, very abundant, stable, grounded and down-to-earth. You’ve completed a cycle with the world card. And perhaps it was with a fake twin flame or karmic soulmate. Or something that was a false or fake foundation has ended. With chariot, it’s moving on w 3 of wands in reverse, some of you no longer waiting. You guys have healed and moved on from someone or something that was not for your highest good. Could have been a very lusty and promiscuous person. They are trying to hold you back or keep you bound. Protect your energy, I feel like this person keeps betraying you.. and you keep forgiving in the past. But some of you are done 👏🏾know your worth and love yourself. That was your karmic lesson. Let go with grace, forgive yourself and move on. Divine got you. Trust and keep the faith something much better is on the way. But heal and use discernment. The enemy is going to continue to trick you. You got this! ✊🏾💯

Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Leo. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤

Crystal healing: Onyx (strength + calm)

Sagittarius ♐️ Money 💰and how to build financial stability is on your mind this week! which could bring a very surprising opportunity into your professional ❤️😍 life. Anything could happen now! A new client or love with a lot of money or work on their stability will show up, or you may come up with a great idea that could even earn you a raise. Think big! Other if you are really stressed out or burned out! And spirit is asking to take some time off or do some reflection with hermit card. Especially, with 5 wands, some of you are surrounded by a lot of conflict, drama, competition, and negativity and these people were doing sneaky 💩 crap behind your back! The good of fortune it’s on your side as you are someone very kind, generous, sensitive, and abundant. You are doing you and not trying to do people dirty. Some of you are not seeing things clearly because this energy is surrounding you and they are creating blockages and maybe even sabotaging your progress or anything you are doing. They are too many haters it’s time for spring cleaning🧼 and they are going to start or already started to get back what they wish that happen to you. Therefore, cut the cord, and move away as you don’t want to be dragged into their own mess they created for themselves trying to jeopardize your life.

Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Sagittarius. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤

Crystal healing: Turquoise (Wellbeing + Good fortune)

Collective General Message:

Universe affirmation: My happiness is a direct reflection of my level of faith in the universe.

Angel #16: You have an inquisitive mind that allows you to uncover important truths. You have a special ability to read into other people’s feelings. A wisdom seeker and your angels ask to share your knowledge for the benefit of others. I am perceptive.

Lightwork: Pleiades. Double mission: Channeling and uplifting humanity.

Moon guidance: A time for healing. The shadow and inner work are not easy but you will overcome and will prevail.

Healing this week: Throat Chakra — Self-expression. [The passion felt in me cannot help but be expressed as I use my voice to out my message, wisdom, and teaching out into the world. What I have to say is important and I will say it. I now make myself heard as my heart and soul express through my body, eyes, and voice. I speak up. ]

Surrender: To passion. Get out of your head and feel the fire in your belly. Focus on the people or activities that ignite your passion, and let it flow.

For the Month of March Divine Angel messages: Two of Air (Swords), being unable or unwilling to make a decision. A stalemate. Pretending there is no problem. Be careful and don’t get stuck in the past. Keep moving forward.

For the Month of March Conscious Creatives messages: Daring. To dare is to take action gives you solid, light, and balanced energy. It is like an echo that resonates within you.

Air 🌬 signs:

Gemini ♊️, Waoo the emperor and the empress came out! after the tower moment for sure! I mean for these two divine counterparts to be together and overcome all their obstacles, karmic cycles, and letting go of people, places, and things that no longer serve them, takes a lot. With the world card, a cycle has been completed for the two of you. And now, there is so much passion with the king of wands and the page of wands, it’s like you both ignite your creativity and let your inner child play and just be. I love this energy that you both have and now you both are ready to embrace this king of pentacles energy. Wealth, new business, leadership, security, and very abundance. Some of you could be very paranoid about this new beginning or new relationship that it's going to start or already is in the beginning stages. But trust this energy and this is a gift for the both of you, to have each other in your life to spend this life together. Now, I see why you both are in the caution and keeping your joy, peace, love, and good fortune in the low, which is a very smart idea. What people don’t know they can’t ruin. But with the 5 swords in reverse, you do have a lot of jealous and envious people around you or they are just trying to sabotage your connection. But it doesn’t affect you at all and it keeps going back to them :) So do not worry, you both are very protected. Congratulations in advance or if this is already happening as I see the new proposal, marriage, and awesome kids coming from your beautiful once in a lifetime type of love ❤

Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Gemini. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤

Crystal healing: Agate (balance + stability)

Libra ♎️, Wao very strong energy with the high priestess and the empress coming out! Someone thought they could fool you and get away with it. There is someone or group or 3rd party adultery affair that are mad that people know because you or someone you told the truth about this person infidelity. You are also in the queen of swords energy, very intelligent, intuitive, don’t take bs from others and you cut people off when you must. This person could be wealthy, own their business, or be some type of leader and they have a very lusty spirit. They could have been trying to pursue you or someone you know, while also being married or going through a divorce. I feel like this person was keeping this secret, but now they are mad not because they got caught, but because people know now. They care a lot about what other people think, and they still are trying to pursue you or another person. Player massive energy here. Spirit is advising with the 6 of swords to move away, this is moving from turbulence to calm waters. Some of you could be recovering from an illness if this person had one and you had sex with them. This message might not resonate with everyone, so take what resonates and leave the rest. It feels like the energy or something needs to be balanced as some of you or this person is stressing a lot about this situation. There were a lot of burdens in this and with the death card, it's over now and if not, it will be. There is an end but usually, that also signifies new beginnings, transformation, renewal, liberation, the old makes the way for the new. As for some of you, once you let this cycle go, a new soulmate is coming in. Not right away, as it feels that you might still have a few more karmic lessons to go through, and you will overcome them. Keep the faith and trust, you are been divinely guided at this time. Make sure you are healing and focus on yourself. It matters.

Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Libra. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤

Crystal healing: Peridot (Balance + Purpose)

Aquarius ♒️ Alright the 10 of swords keeps popping out every time I shuffled and I did do it 5 times and it still comes out. This can be significant for someone. This is the ultimate betrayal card, misfortune, pain, the lowest point of defeat, crisis, back-stabbed, betray multiple times, but the worst is almost over. Then we have the ace of the pentacle in reverse, which signifies lost/wasted opportunity, decrease in income this energy could be for you or for someone who wishes this would happen to you. Take what resonates and leave the rest, you know your story. Yep with the queen of cups in reversed confirm it. There is someone who lacks empathy, is emotionally unavailable, insecure, disturbed feminine/masculine, fake, and it gives emotionally manipulative narcs vibes around here. I see some of you are in the Queen of Pentacles energy, very stable, abundant, could be married, or in a stable, committed relationship. This person was probably crowd gaslighting you or bullying you either at work, job, event, community, SM, and talking a lot bs lies to others. The moon card shows up right under 10 of swords, this person did a lot behind your back or this is you to another person. Therefore, someone lost an opportunity, and a lot of things are not going right anymore for this person. This person is very selfish, materialistic, not committed, and lacks teamwork, mediocrity skill, and poor performance and they know it, that’s why they are jealous and envious of someone, and trying to jeopardize someone because they have the lack/evil spirit in them or this is you. They wish they have what you have so instead of focusing on themselves, healing, and doing what they need to do, instead they plot against you to sabotage and try to ruin someone's finances and opportunities. But the tower moment here is really a good one. Something or some type of truth has been revealed and this person is getting 10x fold whatever evil eye they try to create into someone who is innocent and perhaps doesn’t even know this person is doing this or in some type of competition. Lack mentality here and some of you, you are not. That’s why you’ve walked away from this person and kept your distance. Keep protecting your energy and create boundaries with this person, they lack integrity and values. If this is you, now you know why people blocked, ghosted, and are in serious need to stay away from you. Seek counsel and therapy will be good for you because this behavior is not acceptable by nobody. If you are the victim, keep standing up for yourself, prioritize yourself, and don’t let anybody shame you or tried to blame you for choosing yourself. Your healing is your responsibility, and so it's theirs.

Further reading this week on AngieBlog — Aquarius. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤

Crystal healing: Garnet (vitality + passion)

Collective General Message:

Universe affirmation: When I’m connected to my joyful presence, I attract support from the universe.

Angel #11: You have a keen awareness of what is happening around you. A strong intuition is your gift and will help you understand the unspoken feelings and thoughts of others. This insight allows you to be a great guide and supporter. I am intuitive.

Lightwork: Align your life. What is not aligned or needs to change? Make a conscious list for yourself and go with one thing at a time. Take your time and make sure you are prioritizing yourself this time.

Moon guidance: You’re very close to achieving your goal. Don’t give up. Keep going, you are very close to your manifestation. Keep a positive mindset and let go of the lack mentality.

Healing this week: Sacral Chakra — Letting go. [I release repressed or trapped emotions and their associated beliefs with ease and grace. Where appropriate, I let go of those people and situations that perpetuate hurt and unease. I release my investment in staying safe and stuck. I surrender, trust, and allow the light to guide me. I release. ]

Surrender: Low self-esteem. You deserve success, love, and abundance. Set an intention to identify and release any remnants of low self-esteem.

For the Month of March Divine Angel messages: Nine of water (cups), Your wish comes true! Concerns fade away. Love life is starting if it’s not already here :)

For the Month of March Conscious Creatives' messages: Inner divine. To recognize your inner divine is to understand who you are and to love yourself consciously.

Listen to Podcast #28! Make sure you follow us on your favorite podcast platform so you don’t miss our episodes! ❤

S2:25 +26+27+28!

Blessings and conscious healing and love to each of you! 💕Leave a “❤️” if you receive this and it resonated with you. I do not do personal readings at this time. Stay conscious, use discernment, and don’t get scammed.

Extended 🧿 🌟February- March 2022:





*Thank you in advance for your support, and kindness for this community, for letting me read you to guide you into your divine path. Love you! God bless you always and keeps blessing you with clarity, truth, love, compassion, peace, higher consciousness, unconditional love, and kindness for you, your planet, and others. Love,_AO

Until next card readings 🦚. Be kind to your planet 🌎, to you and others 🦋

In solidarity and sovereignty with you, today and always.

Stay conscious and real,

Love u, AO 🦋🌻

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🧿I block any evil sent my way & return back to sender 100x fold. And so it is. 🧿 #1212 𓂀𓆃*

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🧚🏻‍♀️ ABOUT ME 🧚🏻‍♀️

33 — she/her — Virgo ☉/ Libra ☾ / Virgo ↑. Empath/Alchemist /Light-worker/Crystal Healer/Psychic Medium Writer/ Science Environmentalist/Eco-warrior/Advocate/Painter/Photographer/Conscious Creative. Founder of WritersYep community. (higher consciousness creativity and educational media). Educator/caregiver for people with disabilities

🧚🏻‍♀️ REMINDERS 🧚🏻‍♀️

This is a general tarot reading, so please only take what resonates and leave the rest. I will always be truthful about the energies I’m picking up on, but that does not mean that the message must be meant for you. Trust your own judgment and intuition over mine or anyone else’s. Tarot, oracles, and crystal psychic medium messages, for me, are tools for guidance about possibilities and a tool to communicate with the universe, ascended masters, angels, and our ancestors; it is not meant to be a replacement for any professional guidance you may need. Nothing is yet set in stone and energies constantly changing, and my aim is to offer you clarity in your situation by looking at current energies. You are powerful. Consume responsibly. Love you 💗

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Climate Change Impacts is Written In Revelation In The Bible. We Need To Change Systems and Prosecute Those Who Are Responsible.


Conscious Creatives: Collective General Channel Messages. Week 14–20 March 2022.