Education Systems MUST Change! As the Climate and OUR INTERNAL environment are changing. (Part 2)
By AO.
Originally published on Medium.
First, let’s understand what the Apathy system is VS EMPATHY and circular economy can be.
Please read this article and see where the connection with building apathy systems, norms, and cultures can benefit the system and not really the patient or the people in general.
This is also where systemic racism takes front center, but we decide to ignore it; as it is a problem in all departments and policies we know today. Anti-black, oppression, racism, narcissist abuse normalized, and linear capitalism are everywhere. Spiritual awaking is as hard as it is, it’s also a blessing to see the truth for what it is. You can either accept it as your reality or shift it, heal, forgive and help others, the collective see too.
It is ironic to the similarities that a “symptom” was created from the same conditions we are all trying still to survive. However, pharmaceutical, health system, and psychiatric systems also benefit and creates ‘jobs” rooted in apathy, so those same people trying to “help” are responsible for contributing, providing “medicine” to cope with this insanity. Therefore, you will never blame the abuser or hold the government and colonizers accountable but the victims instead. Pay attention, stay conscious, and be aware. It’s going to benefit you to educate yourself and do your own research.
Everything we were taught has been a lie. An illusion to distract us from getting our power back. It has always been like this, that’s why they need you unconscious and unaware. This is why education MUST CHANGE. Started from home with my daughters, and going to show them how to teach this to others. The toxic and abusive cycle ends here. If you are in, awesome. Welcome! If you are not, then this blog, our space, and our energy are not for you. Sending you healing and love though, because you going to need it. ❤
Pay attention as the system uses religion as its beacon to rectify or avoid their toxic actions. Christianity and Catholic religion are a scam that benefits colonizers. Please educate yourself, look at history and the Crusades. Jesus was awesome and he deserves better appreciation than that poorly written and toxic book that needs to be decolonized and re-written. I love Psalm 23:
A psalm of David.
The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
for his name’s sake.
Even though I walk
through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
Surely your goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord
It is the only psalm that gets me closer to god and my mom. She used to read me this every night, especially if I got her toxic husband upset… Everything else in the bible is just, toxic and unconscious. Learning to discern bias and BS is also a vital skill that comes with spiritual awakening ;).
Religion was created to divide us. Again, another illusion is just like “time”. Yes each of them, had a purpose in each of our lives differently. But in the end, they are all connected and teach us the same thing. To love, to forgive, to help others, empathy, and get back to our source. Spirituality, on the other hand, does the same but it differs as it reminds you, that you are part of nature, that there is more than the limited beliefs taught through religions and education systems. That you are divine, magical, abundant, co-creator, and Equality plus higher consciousness is your birthright. Us working on our spirituality practices daily and working on ourselves is a huge threat for the matrix, hence the system and its minions of unconscious and unhealed people.
That’s why they are scared and using censorship, deleting accounts on SM, and trying to hide the truth. The truth will always come out, especially if it's back up by higher consciousness, Gaia, The universe, and God. They are always speaking to you, learn to listen to your intuition. That’s what the oppressors and abusers cannot get and no matter how much they try, they will never understand. Our hope is infinite. Our spirit is infinite and we are part of Earth and the Universe. You are the universe co-creating, evolving, and shaping together our reality. Our perceptions can change too. Therefore, by us accepting and believe in ourselves enough to start saying no and do what's right. It can benefit us all, not just some of us.
Heal from wtv was added into those vaccines, internally. Learn to heal yourself, learn about how to take care of your spirit, mind, and your body. Let nature help you heal, and in return, help her heal too. Look at your internal and shadow work healing as an investment and commitment to yourself. You are the money, and the energy that keeps all this shiet going, you owe it to yourself to focus on yourself. Fuck everyone else! at least until you are healing and working on yourself. Then use your magic and gifts, to help others and the planet. As they get more enhance and clear once you start healing internally. You will feel the difference and the transformation, I swear.
Because in 10 years, that if we make it that far. The consequences of rushing and trying to applicate to apathetic leaders and their billionaires during a world pandemic in which COvid-19 was literally funded in a lab In CHINA by the US and the rich unconscious individuals trying to be “GOD” and see what happens. (pay attention, they are not taking accountability for it, letting the Asian community suffer and being bully for something they had no clue about and again funded by the colonizers we are still trying to deal with right now. However, let’s talk about white supremacists invaded the capital as a distraction from all of us Asking the real questions! Especially that doctor Fauci, who was in charge and his covering now, all these asswipes with his life by taking the heat for them. Hey man! I hope they paid you well and it seems they have as the media is no longer covering that. So I guess your peeps are still covering for you. Good luck with that, because the truth always comes out)and that failed horribly of course killing millions of innocent people.
These toxic acts unfortunately for us, are coming with its consequences and we are ALL paying the price. For sure, some of us are already feeling it but suffering in silence for the fear of being called “cancel culture bs” or ridiculed for talking about it. I don’t care, my leg is being swollen up and acting super weird since the first dose. The second just took it today and my arm feels like it's on fire or that I worked out very intensely that arm… I’m not afraid to die but I’ll be damn if I go down without telling you all the truth. We, scientists, are tired too of pretending.
If the earth goes to shiet, they already show you how they will leave us here. Promoting and sharing their accomplishments and accepting the abuse, it's our undoing. And they know this, that’s why they keep you asleep and distracted. Learn the rules of the game, and play it not fair (because they never play fair) or be “nice”(they are not your fucking friends and they sure as hell do not give a fuck about you) or stay “silent” (that only keeps them in power and all of us suffering in pain while they enjoy our labor, sweat, tears, and abuse) for their fucking comfort. They have to pay their taxes and we need to leave them no options to denied or avoid the subject anymore.
I’m getting fined 2,000 for not doing my taxes this year because I didn’t know that if you didn’t find a job while trying to survive a pandemic, homelessness, and lockdown that you still must do your taxes regardless. Even though this city did NOT help me at all financially through these two years.
The federal kept me and my daughters alive. If anything, I keep getting fined by Quebec during the pandemic. (by the way, they have a weird fetish to control, manipulate, and any form of abuse against BIPOC women and mothers. It's sickening and disgusting honestly. That’s colonial and white supremacy embraced and normalized here. Silence only benefits them. Ladies speak your truth!).
I am being targeted by the Government of Quebec for voicing and speaking my truth and amplified others who are voiceless. Not afraid anymore because attacking me through my finances, is not the first time and I’ve managed to live off minimal to nothing for months during a pandemic and lockdowns. Lots of starvation period, dealing with racist and disgusting landlords plus their “affordable” apartments full of bugs and bedbugs, and silent cries that nobody knew I was going through while also showing up here and on my channels to continue to provide value during a world pandemic.
If I continue to mention all the injustices I’ve been trying to survive since I separated with their white boy, who does construction (one of the main jobs here in Montreal. Mostly Quebecers, do construction here, who also have their own converted systemic racism problem), regardless of that I also separated because things were getting violent and no way will I put my children to watch and endure what I survive as a child. However, the system rather defended their “righteous race” -.- and give me a “fine” disguise as some BS that they sent me notices to the wrong address, even though I called them and aks them to change it. However, they fined me because their workers did not change the address nor change my status as I requested twice. I’ve been paying 2,000 of a fine and they remove a portion of the money through my children's allowance during a world pandemic. Let that sink in.
Absolutely, I know is racially profiled as a Latina/Dominicana/Black woman, who also pissed them off by owning my own business here and no I WILL NOT SHAT THE FUCK UP FOR YOUR COMFORT. I might be spiritual but the hood from where I was raised will never die bitch. My ancestors run through my veins, Tainos didn’t go down without a fight. Your colonizers thought they massacre and genocide us. Our starseeds are back and we are going to get justice this time. And so it is.
They don’t tell you or check that you are a single parent. They also remove my children's allowance per month, this month as a warning to stop speaking, writing, and telling the truth. We are targeted also on IG and Facebook, therefore preventing us from continue doing the work and for others to see it and learn from it too. While also I hear that Amazon companies are here in Montreal, Qc and this asswipe pay no taxes here. And they treat their employees during a world pandemic like shiet. Yet, they target the most vulnerable and use their oppressive tactics to continue normalizing abused to marginalized and BIPOC women plus communities.
Do you see why I’ve been building equanimity, sustainability, empathy, circular and internal spiritual healing through creativity comes from? Just remember, you can be the whole package and live plus survive in the wrong address.
Now circular I’ve written about it here:
Now, working on explaining why circular economy and green jobs can get those who can help us build equity, get a return on their investments.
Again, I will like to clarify that yes, there are other alternatives that are equally valuable and money cannot buy! And it’s worth much more. Trust, Loyalty, Love, Integrity, Mutual equanimity, Circular and Internal healing from the Collective, and ways to learn to reduce your karmic debt and past karmas. Your Billions, millions and greed, won't help you with what’s waiting for you in the afterlife, that’s from source twice.
That’s why BOUNDARIES AND SAYING NO is vital. Sticking to your integrity and your truth at all costs is equally important.
By AO. What do you see when you look at this picture?
These images were also the way Gaia use my talents to tell her message. She is trying to show us, with her Earth warriors communities and all BIPOC voices about inequality, capitalism, and white supremacy (colonial mentality) are murdering our ecosystems plus our way of well-being with our spirit and our planet.
Co-existing and creating sustainable and equitable solutions are things we need to be uniting and collaborate on. The competition mindset keeps us separated therefore it benefits the system. Earth, our Gaia love, is trying to communicate, we need to learn how to listen. That starts by listing to our own intuition through meditation. Indigenous Women and Elders, African-Afro-Indigenous have a lot more lessons to share with us. Because they have lived and survived white supremacists and these oppressive systems all their lives. We owe them more than “LandBack” and please have more respect as to where you are standing belongs to them. Earth needs us to start embracing and working on it, as they are the key to survive climate change impacts and find solutions as we respect their sovereignty and their space plus energy.
The way you heal so does she. We are all part of nature and can help out, in some way or another. I’m also learning that I do not need to follow anybody's standard of anything. We can all recreate the life we want to live and embrace once we decide and co-create with the universe instead of against it. ❤
Love is the highest vibration and the Universe loves those who act of love for themselves as they do with others. You are growing, we all are. Try not to be so hard on yourself. Because they are blessings in disguise in the chaos and lies. Pay attention and call it out when necessary. Never lose hope. Do NOT give them that satisfaction. Hope, our integrity, and our truth are things that nobody can take away from us unless we allow it.
White supremacy, being racist, and abusive are like demons we all have to strip from our subconscious! (that takes an immense amount of work because it's conditioned and programmed into the system we are forced to currently live in. Making it conscious and aware is the first step towards healing and decolonization). Yet, let’s not forget that these demons and toxic leeches come with their minion's patriarchy, capitalism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, greed, hate, and an oppressive and linear system. Do you see why we are so resistant to change? Do you understand how deep and rooted is our problem link with climate change impacts? Do you see how harmful it is not to create awareness and give the proper tools to survive climate change impacts and help build equity? But also, there is hope because through the darkness and the chaos is the solution as well.
This is the process of the awakening stage of being “conscious” or “woke” in spirituality. Very difficult and traumatic for those who are BIPOC, with disabilities, and are healing from some form of abuse through their life now and their past lives. Shadow work and internal healing are different for all of us. Just like any process, healing takes time and it cannot be rushed.
Which when you get to understand the aspects and the levels, which are processes because you also have to heal within and help as much as you can. You start to understand the levels of empathy and compassion that it's required of you, we are all connected.
When you start to understand that oneness, abundance as longs as its conscious and sustainable for the planet, yourself and others, fair justice, and improve ways of living for all. You understand that by healing yourself, you automatically are healing the collective, Earth consciousness, and others at the same time. It’s work to be empathetic and do what’s right, even if it makes you and others uncomfortable.
I’m learning that we are all on Earth School and that nobody is better than anybody. We are all equal, with different circumstances and struggles. With unique gifts to be nurtured and embraced. But building empathy and compassion while remain open to be your own co-creator is freedom. Therapy helps and being open-minded to other perspectives and ways of thinking is equally valuable.
By AO ❤
Taking accountability for your actions comes with the need to be self-loving, staying authentic and realistic while you navigate your spiritual journey. Your body is equally as important. What you allow and consume in your body also matters. Trust, it can get additive to be in your inner peace, build your own happiness, and find ways to sustain yourself. It’s not as easy, but eventually, once you start doing the inner work and balance the external as much as you need to. Then, you’ll know you are on the right path.
Today 22 July 2021 I experience my first kundalini experience during my therapy session. Hopefully not my last, since I’m back to deal with Quebec injustice and abusive ways to keep those voicing the truth and acknowledging the struggle, suffering of those who survive through inequality, white supremacy, racism, and all type of oppressive systems that most of us were taught to ignore and consider normal here.
I am meant to be the cycle breaker, and I know that comes with its territories, leeches, demons, spiritual warfare now, and it's toxic plus unconscious behaviors because it is what is right? Not that I’m any better, or perfect! that’s why I’m in therapy. I’m done with my own BS and I’m going to work on changing my perceptions, working on embracing change, and helping others.
Because I do give a shiet, a lot actually. So much that it’s depleting me and making me so exhausted that I neglect my own passions and work, so that I can continue to help others. So finding stability and balance through it all, is hard but inner peace, spending precious time with my daughters, being present and my mental well-being are worth sacrificing everything and anything for it.
To continue to be the light through the darkness for those who want to see it too. Most of us are so programmed and unaware that we do things, toxic things, and this superiority, egocentric, entitlement comes in out of nowhere, and we either destroy someone with our words and actions. Or worse do things to harm others and our planet without even acknowledging that those same actions are destroying yourself and your home. That collectively we are where we are because we choose to accept it.
The point is your truth, integrity, compassion and spiritual journey come with their consequences too.
The good is keeping and nurturing high vibrational reactions when situations or experiences are trying to bring us back down to low vibes. But the bad aspects are the backlash, the dealing with those who are entitled and abusive, who decide they are not going to work on their toxic actions and see therapy as there is something wrong with you for suggesting it to them.
The western mentality and teachings are fucked! These are heavily colonized education strategies. The reason why when you hear someone that it’s not taking therapy or working on themselves. But you hear them all day and every day talking about others, the news, constantly posting on social media, or being a troll and living negative comments, gossiping about what others don’t do or do. How others should live their life according to their life experiences (like everyone can have equal experiences or equal opportunities or have the same privileges living in apathy world. That’s toxic and abusive to assume that by the way. ) Do yourself a favor and please run. Keep your covid-19 restrictions strict with those people and protect your energy.
Hurt people, hurt people. I know it sounds so simple and also so in-depth if you are really are paying attention. Healing is a constant, daily practice. Just like spirituality is. Just like working to build inner peace inside. Trust me abused child and trying to break the cycle and shift my mindset from linear bs to circular. It’s not easy to build balance, but each day, I’m learning to be compassionate to each phase of this process, called life.
We are spiritual beings trying to survive the external bs we live in and the internal, emotional, generational, intersectional, multidimensional traumas we carry from this journey and past journeys. Our ancestors and guides, the universe, and God have been sending us signs all the time yall. It’s time to pay attention. Our answers are within our lessons. Our resilience is built through what we go through and the choices we make as well.
Spirituality without shadow work is nothing without also decolonization of everything internally and externally. We cannot build equality if we ourselves, don’t start to see, feel and embrace that we are equal.
To leave separation behind right here and right now.
To move forward with clarity and full of inner wisdom.
Do not give up, and embrace it all. The good with the bad, and learn with and from each other how to navigate this Earth life lessons we came and choose to be here during this times!
Recently there has been a lot of haaa moments. Starting with my youngest daughter, she showed me that if you are not listing to your emotions, your body and recognize when you are experiencing someone else's emotions and wounds being transfer into you, without subconsciously doing it. I saw it and recognize it for what it was, accept it and then, decided to navigate this experience with my girl, instead of shaming her, disrespecting her needs to communicate while she was having a really hard time doing so (childhood wound, old past down to her from me, my childhood and her father’s).
Long story short, not judging or shaming nobody. We are not perfect here and I want to share this not as a sign of weakness but from our vulnerability experience that we learn as we are working to be conscious co-parents trying to deal with all the external crap that comes with the fact that these systems also does not benefit at all single parents.
Let alone, single parents of color. Nonetheless, my daughter was very upset as to why she can’t wear a skirt without shorts. For her, this was a big, huge deal. She’s very sensitive but also very wise for her age, she’s 4 years old. The point is, at first her father (who knows need to go to therapy too, but again his work is very demanding and doesn’t provide health insurance. Not my business or yours but I need you to understand where the root of the cause is, and where also the solutions lie too).
His actions were something that I also recognize that my father and stepfather used to do to fast-pace “solve” the situation and avoid the emotional work that it takes to really listen to understand a person. Any person, especially one that is developing coping mechanisms to deal with life through us. Children are highly ignored and most often the most abused if we are not careful and are not aware of our actions. It is not enough to just apologize if the behavior keeps repeating and you are not changing after you know you are causing harm. That’s not being really sorry and that’s abused being normalized. Learn to discern the difference is important.
There is emotional, mental, and spiritual abuse in all capitalist, white supremacy, and colonial systems, that is very often ignored and are considered normal. We have normalized abused and oppression and have developed a sick attachment and co-dependency to our abusers. Silence is only bliss for those who benefit from those being abused, punished, and silence for speaking up and telling the truth. Pay attention.
However, this is why I’m teaching my children how to navigate these dark and toxic emotions and turn them into tools to heal within and build their resilience. Anyways, the excuses we make also to justify our behaviors are also a problem that at the same time, has the solutions. Back to the story, “we’re late”, “I got to get to work”, “your sister is going to be late to camp”, “You are making a scene for nothing”… “Do you want me to leave you here with your mother and I take your sister”… Gets in the car to manipulate the situation and ignores her feelings. She starts crying massively and is frustrated as to why nobody is listening or explain. You see that she doesn’t understand why her dad is abandoning her. Do you see the pattern here?
Her father loves her and will never do that to her, however, Angie’s inner child’s abusive and toxic stepfather has left her and abandon her many times in her childhood. Because I had no right being in the family he, my mother, and his daughters created for themselves. I was the inconvenient bastard child and he plus his family were very vocal about it too. My mother would accept this behavior because she thought she didn’t have another choice. She trained me to accept his behavior, protect him, and internalized their pain as mine.
So, my daughter was feeling not only her own turmoil but of my past, and my mother's past too… I saw it as clear as water. And because of therapy, I was able to stand up calmly and respectfully, to my daughter's father. Not lower my standards or diminished him but standing firm and making it clear, that behavior towards my daughter was not acceptable or tolerated ever. We discussed later why his actions were hurtful and harmful, and he understood that came from wounded childhood as well. Apologized to her after and let her know that she is been heard and that her feelings are very valid.
I bend down and look at my child in the eyes.
I saw myself do what I wish my mother, my father, and those who took care of me when I was a child. To help me understand what was going through me, what was my own feelings and what wasn’t mine that I was internalizing during those moments. I spoke to her like I would do if I was that inner child.
I explain to her the reasons, told her it was okay to cry and feel overwhelmed. It was natural to react that way. Told her it was okay to listen to what her feelings are trying to let her know. But also the fear of abandonment was not hers to carry. Because me and her father, no matter how upset we might get or don’t understand each other, it is NOT her fault. (Finally, we are in the process of our girls understanding that after 3 years of being separated because we do have separate lives but our daughter's wellbeing, their mental, emotional and physical health is our priority as we are both childhoods abused survivors. Not to make excuses, because our healing is our responsibility, not for our children to pay the price of us not working on our traumas. That we are not okay with, and we are working on fixing those aspects that we were conditioned to survive and consider normal. In other words, we learned through our daughter that using what you learn from your shadow also helps you build your inner light and resilience.)
Nobody deserves to be treated poorly no matter what size, age, race, and wtv excuses, and using separation in this reality are ways to cause more harm than good.
We are capable of building sovereignty within ourselves and others. For example, living with truth and integrity and taking accountability for our actions individually and collectively.
I explain to my daughter where the fear from us of her not wearing shorts under her skirt… In a way not to traumatize her, but you all know it's the truth. Right ladies? I had to explain to my daughter about pedophiles, disgusting men that can’t control their urges, boys whose mothers don’t teach them to value and honor girls as they do themselves. I explain to her that people are not always what they seem.
That MOST men, not all. Are disgusting pigs, they use patriarchy, control, manipulation, and abuse to control women and children to keep them in their place. Anything else we think we can add here? Please do as I do not know all, and what I share here is my own life experience as once abuse sexually as a child by a family member.
Then continue to live, protect and co-exist with my abuser for the sake to be close to those I love. I even lie about who my abuser really was so I can protect his family and I can feel accepted in their family after my mother died. Which in the end, It turned out they didn’t really love me either. However, the benefits of my energy and good intentions, such a people pleaser with a lack of boundaries, were too good to let it go to waste on others. Especially, when it felt so good to gaslight, belittle, and emotionally plus mentality abuse so they can feel better about themselves. Yes, that was my normal and why I take therapy.
As well, it bothered them (jealousy) so much that even when they try to throw shade and hate into anything creative I was doing to cope with their abuse. I would find joy through it, I would cry silently but in front of them. Hell no! Learned to repressed and stay silent as a survival mechanism. So they controlled and manipulated everything in my life until my mother’s last breath. I forgive her and her spirit is what’s been guiding me along with Ancestor, Angels, and God, to never let that happened ever again. To anybody.
See… I just shared something here without feeling panic or anxiety anymore. Nor feel the fear that my abuser will read this. Because he will, he is still free and yeah, today I’m acknowledging this huge win, internally that nobody gave me or that I needed to prove that I was good enough or reach the expecations of others to achieve this internal healing. Inner peace is wealth.
To speak the truth even if it makes others uncomfortable. Yep, we all want to communicate and share, but when it comes to real truths, facing our triggers, healing our bias, and do what's right for others. We are all too busy or better, we ignore it altogether. Then called it “progress” is a process. Hell yeah, it is. But only when you are acknowledging your own shiet, work on educating yourself and be kind to others just because.
I no longer care about revenge, because I trust in the divine, god, and the universe. Karma will be served in divine timing, I’m just choosing to close those doors and let go of what no longer serves me. Their spiritual life lessons served their purpose and that chapter in my life is closed. Grateful for the lessons and for letting go with grace, so I can welcome the new and build better and healthier relationships. Thank you, Ruth! ❤ (My therapist :)).
Healing is everything, you take your power back, remain humble while you nurture and embrace your inner power. It’s inner peace and feeling fearless. It’s self-care and self-love through this spiritual journey we all choose to be and are getting distracted by mundane and separation plus lack mindset because it benefits some but not all, as a whole.
We are all whole. We are enough. And we are letting them, the systems and their rich greedy asswipes, control and manipulate us. Like poppets. Like rats and sheep. Like cows and pigs. We are no different from animals but the western mentality and colonial systems, programmed into us through education. (which is why it must change!). Is the reality we need to stop repressing, ignoring, and doing nothing. Because it’s too hard to do, or It doesn’t affect me or is not my problem, therefore why do I have to care?
Because empathy matters. Humanity and our planet matter. Because we need real and authentic information, better education, and equitable, sustainable, and renewable solutions. We will all be paying the consequences of ignoring the fact that we need to change! Climate change impacts do not care about your money, status, your house, your greed, and hate. Earth is build to rebuild herself, once she decides to burn us all or submerged continents just to cool herself. Our opinions and facts won't MATTER. Do you get it now? It is a climate crisis whether you like it or not. And we need to demand justice, let go for real of Fossil Fuels and their shareholders, banks and Billionaires need to reinvest their investment into renewable energy, build circular economy systems and focus on Greener jobs plus spaces. We need to tax the rich! and start shifting to Circular. It is our only hope at this point.
We need to embrace sustainability and a greener mindset starting with our education, add more holistic, grow our own food, spiritual, and mental health practices to implement while transitions and transformations are occurring.
People can heal while they are evolving, re-discovering, and re-creating themselves. We need the proper tools, give the space for those to use their voices and information (more facts and separate from opinions. If opinions come with actual human experience it is facts and it’s very valid.), the healthy spaces plus community support, and the right healers plus leaders to help all of us navigate through the chaos and changes that will surface once we start shifting to circular internally and then externally.
Just remember empathy matters a lot these days. Be kind to your planet, to you, and others.
In solidarity, sovereignty, and neutrality with you, today and always.
Stay conscious and real,
Love _AO🦋
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