#Fridayforfuture: Colonialism Caused Climate Change. 

And Greenwashing freaking sucks! Let’s digest this together, shall we? 

Image by Patience NAbukalu by @futureearth

Originally published on Medium.

Honestly really disappointed about this Canadian Government, men all governments that refuse to let go of fossil fuels investment and funding instead of doing the right thing. 

I feel so ashamed to be considered a “Canadian citizen”… It’s really sickening that Justin Trudeau started his speech at the @cop26uk in Gaslow with a story not even related to the point of him using our TAX DOLLARS to go there and embarrassed us all. Here look at this post from Greenpeace Canada on IG recently. 

RP WritersYep IG #fridayforfuture 💔🌎I’m so embarrassed to be Canadian 🇨🇦🤢🤮 after watching our prime minister speech 🤦🏽‍♀️ at @cop26uk especially when he just approved funding to more fossil fuels… 😒which is the opposite of #climatechangesolutions 🙎🏽‍♀️we are supposed to be gathering right now to strategize solutions 🌎 to shift to #circulareconomy #greenjobs and THE END OF FOSSIL FUELS AND REDUCE CO2! #uprootthesystem

I’m grateful every day I was not born here and that my heritage and lineage is a blessing. May all those who truly believe, care and are taking action to #reducewaste #reducec02emissions everyday sustainability practice and share it with your communities. We are all 🌎🙏🏽Gaia’s only hope.. and by the 👀 of it… This system or those currently in power are not fit to do what needs to be done. And they know it. 🤦🏽‍♀️It’s time to advocate for ourselves and start to #dismantleeverything because we must. #landbackmovement needs to be ALL OF US Priority right now and #changeofeducation 🌻🦋✌🏾

RP @indigenousrising ❤️✊🏾” Western scientific evidence is now saying what Indigenous peoples have been expressing for a long time: life as we know it is in danger. We’re at #COP26 to demand swift action on climate justice and no more false solutions like the loopholes in Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.

Indigenous peoples have been on the frontline of fighting for the health of Mother Earth, we won’t back down.

The continued extractive economy upsets the natural order and laws of our Mother Earth and Father Sky. The accelerating spiral of climate change demands the world to keep fossil fuels in the ground. Our extended family includes our Mother Earth, Father Sky, and our brothers and sisters, the animal, bird, fish, and plant life. The loss of species affects our cultural and spiritual survival. We pray for the species that are being endangered. We need laws that recognize the territorial integrity of Mother Earth and the well-being and rights of all Life. “

🙎🏽‍♀️🌎Just keeping it real as usual. 🧿🧿🧿 #stayconscious #seethroughthebullshit

𓁥 We must remember that there is #noplanetb🌎 and that 🕰it’s ticking the more we continue an economy that is killing us and our planet 🌎 resources for future generations. Capitalism, colonialism, and selfish greedy people ARE THE REAL Killers of 🌎😒🤦🏽‍♀️ #perfomativeclimatechangeactions is going to do nothing if we are not changing and shifting the #rootofallevil ⚔️ #greenwashingsucks!

𓆃Unless their plans are to continue to lie, manipulate, continue to exploit people and our planet for money so they can continue to fund their way out once they destroy everything and everyone. Which my divine spirit guides keep confirming that’s their FU plans 🙎🏽‍♀️If you can sit and watch this happen and let them get away with this. Then, we are all part of the problem.

I just can’t and I won’t. 🥷🏾𓂀𓆉

𓄇Going to continue fighting behind the scenes, support my communities, being a conscious earth warrior citizen for Gaia 🌎❤️, my daughters, children generations of now and future generations 🧬 not for this BS systems.🖕🏾Done with the lies! Take it as it resonates, but we are so done with this BS, and if you are too. I hope you join us because we are going to need all the help we can get. ✊🏾🌎❤️You got this! 

In solidarity and sovereignty with you, today and always.

Stay conscious and real,

Love u, AO 🦋🌻

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#timeforchange #uprootthesystem #landback #stopline3 #nomorefossilfuels #circulareconomy #greenjobs #sustainabilitymatters #weareourancestorswildestdreams#ItTakesRoots #COP26 #FrontlineSolutionaries #KeepItInTheGround #NoNetZero #ClimateJustice #ConferenceOfProfiteeers #NoFalseSolutions #NixArticle6 #ExpectUs #NativeAmericanHeritageMonth #climatechaos #november2021 #Courage#Clarity#Innerstrength #healthycommunication #harmony #landback #indigenouslivesmatter #stopline3 #divineSupport#abundance #Prosperity #3333 #2222 #1111 #4444 #5555 #7777 #sustainability #justice #rehuminize #decolonizationofeverything #educationmatters #spiritualactivism #consciouscreatives #moonrituals #crystalhealing #newmooninscorpio #socialjusticeisclimatejustice #earthangeloracles #higherconsciousness #spiritualawakening #soulmission #awakening #newearth #souljourney #wakeup #starseed #aligment #messagesfromspirit #messagesfromhigherselfs #spiritualpath #healing #shadowwork #internalwork #empathalchemist #energy #vibrations #frequency #love #faith #believe #god #psychicreadings


Education Needs To Change From Colonial, Inequality, Oppressive to Just, Circular, Equitable, and Sustainable Futures.


November 2021: New Moon in Scorpio 4th-5th Highly Sensitive — It Will Help You Rise From The Ashes.