Education Needs To Change From Colonial, Inequality, Oppressive to Just, Circular, Equitable, and Sustainable Futures.
Discernment, restoration, spirituality, and decolonization help with shifting perceptions and liberation of our minds. Stay conscious. Your Story Matter Podcast #11 part 1 & #12 part 2 let’s digest into these topics.
Photo by Markus Spiske
Published on Medium.
Let’s dive together into why education must change in order to shift systems from oppressive, colonial, capitalist systems to healthier, circular, just, equitable, land back, restorative, and sustainable economies. Let’s free our minds together and remember we are our ancestor's greatest dreams. Let’s not let this colonizer's decedents and evil entities ever forget it!
Also, I cannot be predictable anymore as other circumstances are happening as I’m releasing the truth and showing the light plus healing others to help with their mind and spirit liberation. We all deserve to be free and everyone is entitled to abundance, good health, food and shelter, clean water, joy, and financial stability. We cannot longer let psychopaths and murders billionaires, those in power continue with their lack of action, and complete ignorance of climate change impacts facts:
However, this divine job comes with its retaliation, BS from people who are unconscious, toxic, and unhealed. Those who refuse to take responsibility and accountability for their abusive and toxic actions. And their ways to blame, shame, and project into others what they are not working on themselves. Some are not even aware and unconsciously do this daily too. Pray for them, they are suffering more than they let on.
There is a lot of spiritual attacks, just recently learned that for the past week, It wasn’t depression and insomnia that I was suffering. It was someone who tried to deprive me of sleep and send demonic attacks in my sleep so that I stop doing my work and basically, trying to sabotage and send shade towards my gifts in order for me to fail on my mission and not reveal the truth to you all. The nightmares were getting so intense, they felt too real. I was honestly, suffering silently and trying to continue as if nothing was happening. But I felt like I was dying inside especially when you know intuitively as I am awakened, it’s your own toxic ex-family plus other people doing this.
I asked what was going on through the spiritual community that I love to be in, and got my answers through light witches healers, other tarot card readers, and other lightworkers who experience similar situations. They taught me how to undo someone doing dark magic and spell work on me, my finances apparently, and my work. Another lesson, how to undue someone cursing you or an ancestral, generational curse. This worked for me by Bethatilife (grateful for her work, go check her out)hope it helps you. Now, my ancestors and angels are not playing, and let me tell you, they are not as forgiven as I am. *🧿May all evil intent and maliciously sent towards me, my family, and my communities are sent back to its sender. And so it is.*🧿
Again, this “stuff” which is very common happens a lot and we are not being educated about this, thanks to catholic religions' BS, white supremacy, stolen land, culture, and spiritual knowledge from Indigenous people, and slavery of Black African people due to colonialism. And the fact that we have a system consistently trying to convince us that we are separated from nature is ridiculous. The medical system benefits from you taking pills and medicating you for you to ignore and not be “delusional” or “too sensitive” or “too much” right?.
Meanwhile, if we are being honest with ourselves, and really listen to our intuition. You know when someone is not being honest and it’s just evil towards you just because. Listening to your gut, it is never wrong when it comes to fake-ass energy vampire leeches. Pay attention when you feel drained or sick when surrounded yourself by certain people or situations. Or when you are experiencing a lot of nightmares, crown, and eye chakra headaches all the time, feeling super tired all the time, and lack of sleep or too much sleep for some (lucky you :().
Your body’s reactions afterward are your answer and use discernment when you feel really sick. When you feel good and happy after surrounding yourself with certain honest, real, no gossip, no comparing, no co-dependency, no jealousy, healthy boundaries, not taking things personally, living their life authentically, and no BS peeps, keep those around as those are rare in this generation and nowadays…
Others are suffering from identity dissociation that happens when you suffer from childhood traumas or any traumatic experiences repressed and unhealed for long periods of time or Ego death/Dark night of the soul and are confusing it with chronic anxiety, panic attacks, mental illnesses, and depression. Going through these is not easy and it’s not for the weak-minded. Many do not survive this process because 1. There is no education about this 2. There is a shame or guilt stigmatism about taking days off, taking a mental health day, talking therapy, and taking care of our mental health (colonial BS) and 3. when medication does not work, the doc will prescribe higher doses which as a result can cause the person to either to do better or worse. This is one of the many reasons, education needs to change to help balance inner strength, healing plus our gifts developments, and how to nurture our intuition is key.
Remember, western and colonial medicine was designed to repair one symptom but at the expense of damaging something else in your body. Yep, they have used inequality and colonial mentality as their based foundation. Medical systems, as well as education and other departments, need to be decolonized. Be wise and do your research by the medication and brand you are consuming as it is a sacrifice that most of you if you really knew, I’m sure you are not willing to take. The medical system carefully omits or straight up tells us so we don’t act surprised or hold them accountable when something goes wrong on our end, of course.
It's all about money and yes saving you but with the agenda to make sure you keep coming back, but with a new sickness or consistent problem so their industries stay afloat at the expense of our suffering. As well, at the expense of Gaia’s suffering and pain too. We are not separated from nature, We are all part of nature. We are consciously connected to Mother Earth and yes it matters each of our actions, mindset, thoughts, mindfulness, or lack of.
Now, what about the other industries that we are silently ignoring but for how long are we going to continue this lie, and let them get away with it?
I can go on but you get my drill. Twisted isn't? Yeah that’s the world we live in and normalized. Do your research, teach children the truth, stop lying to them! use discernment and stay woke people.
Because this work comes with greater responsibilities that most of us will have a hard time, if not educated on this subject, then we cannot possibly understand in this 3D external reality we are currently at. So by maintaining my spiritual rituals, light/shadow work, and keeping high vibrational strategies by working with my crystals, the divine, Angels, and Ancestors have been helping to keep me protected but it does require me to slow down my writing here for now.
I’ll be sharing my work more consistently through ways it is much easier and perhaps faster to communicate inner and divine wisdom. No specific time and no announcements. I’ll be here when it is humanly possible.
Therefore I encourage you if you are new here and you like this content and it provides value to you and your journey. Follow us and subscribe to our newsletter :) so you don’t miss anything. We appreciate it if you share with others who might resonate too ❤ It helps us grow and evolve together. Thank you for sticking around if you have been following us for a while :) Appreciate your support ❤ I will be more in spaces like the podcast, AngieBlog Youtube channel, and sometimes in SM. Reason: I’m almost done with the process of publishing my book and releasing e-courses on for others to have accessible and reliable education.
I had to say this spiritual lesson that I’ve learned through dealing with public and private education. And how “education” now is a scam to continue the illusion, to keep the most vulnerable people oppressed while others benefit massively through taxes and other toxic normalized ways from their exploitation of their energy and life source. Same crap. They are doing to Earth and our resources, it’s the same they are doing to us. Pay attention. Which as a result, the old mentality kills our children’s dreams, fuck with their mental health, and distorted our capacity to trust and rely on our own intuition.
Which again, it is much better to experience as nurturing intuition takes work and requires healing. That’s why we have so many damaged, unconscious, egocentric, narcissistic, and abusers toxic behaviors being normalized. Hope this episode #11 helps the younger generation, to not only rely on the old system of education as it is not enough anymore and it needs to be changed.
Make sure you are taking matters into your own hand when it comes to your own self-growth and your own self-knowledge. Don’t forget you are a walking ancient star and divine, you are meant to be doing much more than what this BS system is heavily trying to convince us all, that we are not. We are enough and we deserve more than this. Make sure you are demanding your rights and better education systems from your own schools.
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Addictions and suppressing deep emotions can create sickness in our bodies.
In episode #12 Let’s digest together what most humans are not being taught by this toxic system “matrix”. Part 2 topics:
Self-discipline is home.
Consistency is not equal in oppressive, capitalist, and unequal systems. Expecting that from everyone is the suicide of a person’s being and their soul when they cannot meet those high expectations.
Spirituality education is our right to learn and continue to decolonize your mind. Our Thoughts are powerful.
Shadow/Inner work: Low vibrations are demonic cycles to let go, protect your energy, heal so you don’t hurt others and your planet.
Balance of light and dark within us. Helps generate conscious stability internally.
Acceptance, discernment +awareness. Decolonization of mind and spirit help with our healing of consciousness that benefits Gaia and humanity as a whole.
They expect us to know and cope right away without properly giving the tools and the safe environment plus the financial incentive to continue to support, provide and maintain global economic stability. In order for us to balance for ourselves and our planet’s resources, there is a huge need for balance. Equity and a circular economy will help us shift but we need hoarders to let go of their greed and help out for real. Enough with the BS, and greenwashing. We are done with empty promises.
Heal people, heal people and the planet. It’s time we start doing just that. Focus on what’s more important than money. We cannot breathe money or eat oil, and we can also not change and shift economies without healing what created the chaos and destruction but also who unconsciously contribute to it and heal the past to move forward with a new mindset. New Earth is already here, is within us, we need to heal together and unite to create a better future before it is too late.
This book just finished reading that my daughters and I loved very much: “A Bigger Picture” by Vanessa Nakate ❤ Definitely recommend it for all starting the process of deciding to join climate change activism and movements for liberation and change of systems to a circular, just, equitable, and sustainable future. This book is so inspiring and revolutionary. Divine Feminine’s if you are looking for some empowerment, decolonization of the mind, and inspiration for change and taking our power back. This book will help you heal and work on what really matters. Life! and our home. I am so grateful for reading this and I can’t wait for the Canada English school board to add it into their educational curriculums and The National Library here in Montreal, Qc. My hope is that other young girls and women, get to experience and feel what my daughters and I felt reading this book. Enjoy reading! ❤
Here are #Earthwarrior Healing Messages. Take what resonates and discard the rest ❤
In solidarity and sovereignty with you, today and always.
Stay conscious and real,
Love u, AO 🦋🌻
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