International Forest Day Every Day.

10 facts and spiritual life lessons to learn from the oldest tree in the world: Sequoia. (My favorite tree ❤)

Photo by Josh Carter

Photo by Josh Carter

Originally Published on Medium.

Someone once told me that my personality trait and natural spirit remind them of the tree Sequoia. And honestly, is one of my favorite trees and I can’t wait to finally see them in person one day!

Definitely adding it to my bucket list to travel as soon as is safe to travel with my daughters! Drive a van trip for sure.

Yep, a road trip from Montreal to California National Park might take about 2 days, 44 hours, and 46 minutes. Fuel Cost: $200–300 if NOT renting an electric car then this will definitely be different. Staying in the Park for 2–3 days costs: $300–400 plus food and extra accommodation unless camping gear is available; which then cutting cost and sustainable travel can be possible yay!

Can you tell I’ve been planning this for a while? Let’s learn why this tree is so magical and important that we MUST keep preserving and protecting them. Here we posted the 10 Incredible Facts About Giant Sequoia Trees To Keep In Mind from the blogs of one of our favorite brands Ten Tree.

15 Incredible Facts About Giant Sequoia Trees - THE ENVIRONMENTOR
Giant Sequoia trees are truly the skyscrapers of the natural world. They're one of three members of the Sequoioideae…

Sequoia Conscious Tree

The Sequoia tree is among the oldest living trees you can find in the world. They are also among the largest.

These trees are commonly found in the western parts of America and some sequoias in that region have lived for thousands of years, yes, thousands!

Native Americans revered the Sequoia tree for not only its size but its strength and ability to live through centuries.

The 3 three major values the conscious Sequoia tree symbolizes according to Indigenous Traditions:

Eternity: The Sequoia tree can live for thousands of years, which is longer than the lifespan of 10 human generations put together. Hence it stands as a symbol of eternity.

Also, some ancient native American tribes believed the souls of their ancestors lived in trees, including the Sequoia.

Enlightenment: As it is believed that the tree holds the souls of ancestors and can live for so long, so it is believed that it is all-knowing, having been around the Earth for so long.

Valor: The Sequoia tree is among the hardest trees in the world. To chop this tree down with an ax will take a team of lumberjacks weeks to accomplish.

This tree is also resistant to pests and diseases, as the bark is so hard, no pest can get through.

Photo by Aleksandar Jason

Sequoia: The Astonishing Healing Energy of Conscious Trees

Trees trap more of the sun’s energy than any other group of organisms on earth — they are in essence big batteries — the largest on earth. Only 0.1% of the sun’s energy is trapped by organisms.

Trees account for 50% of all energy trapped by living organisms. The Sequoia contain more of this energy than any other!

The largest Giant Sequoia exceeds 12 million pounds in weight, surpass 370 feet in height, over 40 feet in base diameter with volumes exceeding 53,000 cubic feet.

They emit and consume massive amounts of water & light. Sequoia converts water into liquid crystals and produces an amazing energy frequency and thus projects a resonant field of integral balance.

In my opinion, I believe The Giant Sequoia is energy unlike any other on the planet. These living ancient entities project a laminated field or layered aura, similar in stratified structure to that of humanity. They are self-aware and project both an individualized and collective consciousness that is extremely unique and benevolent. These majestic beings are amassed in rare locations and now grow naturally only in the western regions of North America.

It can be said that the Sequoia & Redwood are record keepers of the plant kingdom, and in that sense are symbiotic with the crystalline members of the mineral kingdom of the earth.

The Giant Sequoia and Redwood are two among very few members of the plant kingdom that have conscious awareness beyond the linear flow of the present time. Indeed they are aware of the past, present and to some degree, the future of both Humanity and the Earth. This differentiates the Sequoia (and certain others) as the great majority of trees and plants are cognizant in group-collective awareness in only the ‘now’ of the present time.

The Giant Sequoia is accurately determined by geologists to have been on the planet for more than 144 million years. They are Ancient Spirits.

They towered in dominion over dinosaurs as the planetary surface lifted and fell, gyrating in its timeless geological slow dance. In a poignant fragment of time, less than 2 centuries, humanity has piteously destroyed all but 77 remaining ancient groves. The importance of these remaining stands is vital to future generations. For we tell you the preponderant resident energy in these unique living energy fields is extremely healing. The Giant Sequoia and their relatives the Redwood are among the most conscious forms of Trees within the Plant Kingdom. The energy they generate and the pulse is crystalline and entrains the environment into a higher frequency.

…And we add that from this point forward when we refer to Sequoia, we refer to both the Giant Sequoia and the Redwood, for both are very similar in the qualities and attributes.

Because the Sequoia is capable of ‘self-cloning in their regeneration process, many of the Tree-Beings of this genre are the exact replicas of their physical and spiritual essence that has existed from the beginning. This cloning contributes to Sequoia’s chosen role as the Plant Kingdoms conscious record-keepers of time evolution on the Earth plane. Their noted longevity is multi-dimensional.

Sequoia Groves indeed have the attribute & ability to alter time sequence and transcend dimension. They do not adhere to the same chronology of linear space-time movement. I heard from reading Indigenous ancestor's legends, that when one walks or meditates in their field, one may ascend beyond time. Hours can seem like minutes, and minutes can seem like hours. Imagination takes spirited flight, as mental corridors poignantly open to inspiration. And as space may be defined as coagulated time, dimensional space is equally transcended. In this attribute certain Sequoia Groves are portals! Is that not of compelling interest!

Photo by Nikolay Maslov

Certain medicinal and psychoactive plants are extremely self-aware and have been recognized for millennia as ‘spiritual allies’ by the campestral societies who interacted more intimately with nature.

There are yet tribal societies in certain remote regions such as the Amazon, who communicate coherently with what may be termed ‘Spirits of the Forest’, many of which, are conscious ‘plants’. The Aymara of Peru and Bolivia are among these.

The stories and legends were considered “fiction” or “not accurate” according to western world society and our current lack of real education. It is very diverse, consciously aware plus teaches to respect nature as we are part of it, sustainability practices, and multidimensional life lessons. It is really sad that these lessons are not being taught for future generations. However, we will do our best to collaborate with other eco-warriors, educators, and higher consciousness peeps! Stay tuned! ❤

Meanwhile, another part that found recently: Giant Sequoia and Redwood were once hallowed by ancient more enlightened people, including those of Atlantis and Lemuria (This is one of the human history as well as Black History, the system and the elites don’t want you to learn, because if you did, the world would have been in a much better place and you will not stay unconscious, silent or ignorant). Atlantis and Lemuria

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Hallowed not as a commodity or resource, but as intelligent Divine beings, in much the same way in which the Druids revered the Oak, Holly, and Yew.

For these are among the highest expressions of the realm of Trees, indeed such trees have the capacity of not only collective energy but are capable of individual awareness. Yet among all of the Kingdom of Trees, the Giant Sequoia retains perhaps the greatest field of awareness.

So understand that the Giant Sequoia is unique in its enormity not only in mass and height but in the intelligence and succinct etheric qualities of its energetic field. There were indeed specialized shamanistic humans, both male and female, that were dedicated to the Sequoia in the epochs of Lemuria. In the pre-duality epoch of Mu, not all plants were fixed to the soil. Certain plants and trees were somewhat semi-physical, bearing a luminescent existence, and were capable of both movement and direct communication.

Their semi-physical biological aspect was via spectral projection, and thus required little from the earth for sustenance.

The pre-duality Lemurians were capable of merging their consciousness into the matrix of the Sequoia, and experience life from both within and without this massive field. This capacity was retained after the emergence of duality Earth by the benevolent Lemurian mystics. A monastic society of Lemurian Healers was centered in the areas that are now Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks in California’s Sierra Nevada Mountains. We tell you that the granitic dome, Moro Rock (in Sequoia) was recognized by the Lemurians as a sacred center of their gatherings.

This extraordinary field is quite accessible, quite tangible to anyone that spends time among the Sequoia. In future times, it will be understood, as it was in your past, that there are very real therapeutic qualities available by being within the energetic scope of the Sequoia. We tell you that there is a measurable quality of theta field available beneath the Sequoia. This specialized attribute is quite real, albeit not yet recognized, not yet truly examined. The benefits are both physical and psychological.

In time scientists will examine the fields produced by the Sequoia, and discover its facility as an energy capacitor. The unique padding of the thick outer bark of the Sequoia that makes it resistant to fire and insects not only plays a role in its longevity, but it also provides incomparable insulation that allows it to optimally retain a living pranic energy stream.

Each Sequoia Being is highly aware and will vividly react to the presence of humans. The Sequoia can emit a conscious vibrational pulse uniquely fitted for the auric needs required for the balancing of each human seeker. It occurs as an inaudible purr, felt rather than heard. And like the purring of a feline, balances, and grounds the human auric field.

While there are other trees of high consciousness and capable of healing, none do so quite as potently or uniquely as the Sequoia. The grandiose structure of the Sequoia lends credence to the fact that it would emit an enormous field. Giant Sequoia absorbs thousands of gallons of water (Happy Water Day today and every day!), massive photons of light, solar energy, and produce extremely purified oxygen, as much as 300 lbs per year per tree. They are in essence batteries of vital energy and termed coherent ‘life force’.

Structural Energy Process

The Sequoia serves as specialized conduits of Divine Energy. It occurs much in the same process as stargate portals, via axial tonal oscillation. The Sequoia receives energy, transforms it, and generates it in a circular process similar to Pyramids. Their root systems absorb and intake water through the osmosis process, and feeds massive gallons of purified water throughout their enormous biosystem every day.

The needles also both absorb and recycle water intake from and back into the air. Their green needles absorb sunlight and process it into coherent solar energy through the complexity of photosynthesis. Mineralogical nutrients are received from the earth are assimilated into bio-chemical sustenance. Sequoias are solar/hydro/mineral energy receivers and generating transmitters.

An odalisque motion of this process forms a circulating, spiral & vertical motion from earth to sky, forming a vortex field that is held intact through bioelectrical circuitry. Geo crystalline water molecules are released by the Sequoia is one of the 7 crystalline pattern-forms that naturally occur in nature. Indeed the frequency Ovid that occurs beneath and around the trees form a theta field that is coded with crystalline energy thru the collective intent of the conscious Sequoia.

It is optimal in the higher elevations occurring between 2500 and 7000 feet for indeed this elevation offers great and greater harmonic balance. In Sequoia and Kings Valley National Parks the energy is thus extremely embellished.

The massive Sequoia groves provide a haven and through harmonic attraction serve as a conclave of the Divine Spirit.

A standing wave flows that opens calibrates and fine-tunes the chakras to optimal higher dimension alignment and reception. Each Sequoia pulses theta convocation that soothes the human emotional field and indeed opens the pineal. As each Sequoia’s pulse harmonically synthesizes with the pulses of other Sequoia a collated standing wave emerges that opens the ‘3rd Eye’ pineal, thus provides profound visionary imagery and contact with the Divine realms.

A field of symbiotic frequency entrainment accommodates the visionary entry and further contributes a resplendent re-charging of pranic life force, an opportunity of recalibration and prioritization, and deep release of obstacles. The Mastery of the Sequoia stimulates the vision of desired change and renewed vitality, encouraging forward growth of an incredibly profound scope.

They are ancient Beings, Enlightened Spirits that willing assist each seeker, in a manner most befitting. They are at once both invigorating and calming; Sequoias are crystals of the plant kingdom, the regal ambassadors of trees that interface the Angelic.

As such the Sequoia is a living crystal that entrains the surroundings within its field. Sequoia Groves are massive crystalline generators that seek to balance the planet.

The Plant Kingdom is collectively designed to support the Earth and all forms of life upon and within it. This purpose is joyfully and willingly understood by plant life in the provision of oxygen and nutrients including fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts.

Plants provide healing in the medicinal application of herbs, roots, shoots, and essences derived from them. The woods and fibers are willingly offered as a renewable resource in certain species. But such use must be wisely stewarded.

Certain plants have very favorable vibratory patterns that are able to uplift and heal humanity. Sequoia, Oak, and Yew are among the conscious aware trees that provide such healing attributes. Groves of Sequoia serve as a soothing Council of Spirit, for there is a profound Sacred Energy within their resonance. All who walk among them sense a deep presence of the Divine.

Sequoia Trees are integral, both male/female, unisexual monoecious. The energy projection is nurturing and formidable, projecting a tenacious resonance of both Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine in terrestrial terms.

The benefits of visiting the Sequoia include:

  • Balancing & energizing the Chakras & Auric Field

  • Spiritual & Physical Rejuvenation

  • Healing sensory balance & adjusting bio glandular system & nervous system

  • Stabilizing, healing & soothing the mental-emotional field — clearing depression

  • Clarity within 3rd eye vision — opening the pineal

  • Enhanced ability to prioritize & resolve issues

  • Stimulation of life force & renewed joy & vitality of purpose

  • Assisted visionary entrance into Akashic Records & Universal Mind

  • Greater connection to the natural elements, Gaia & the Devic Kingdom

  • Balancing Gender matrix / Female-Make union into Integral Harmonic One-ness

  • Strengthen of Will & Resolve

  • Opening Creativity & Inspirational windows of the mind

  • Connection to Lemurian aspects of nurturing consciousness.

These attributes are indeed quite real. There are many books, archives, encyclopedias. These are all notes I’ve written from reading these through the years. But also I’ve been having vivid dreams (more like memories since I started my awaking last year. The more I meditate and studying about higher consciousness. The more I’m remembering and letting go of the old) as a child about the Sequoia trees and Atlantis.

I’ve heard that one need only spend time among the Sequoia to feel joy, to sense balance amidst the natural green forests…and indeed improve in all of the categories of life listed. The Sequoia are living conscious batteries, quite unique, and astonishingly powerful nurturing beings. Because of the embellished energies & harmonics of Sequoia National Park, the Sequoia in this region are optimal.

The Sequoia in higher collective mind continues to offer themselves, abiding completely in unconditional service to humanity and the planet, transcending the 3rd dimension that might otherwise destroy them. Take care of them, visiting them, for these Beings await you in love. ❤

Be kind to your planet, to you, and others.

Love and Light,


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