The Spiritual Conscious Creator / Activist Library
weekly/monthly/daily/when inspiration strikes/readings/quotes
non-religion, no judgments, no comparing, no hate, no rage, no anger, no limiting beliefs, no unconscious and negative low vibes around this space we are working on creating. Unity, compassion, justice, and liberation healing through readings and storytelling.
Just decided to try something new and see what happens.
I read a lot and know a few peeps that read too. We are going to stop feeling ashamed because we can read multiple books and create a lot. But I also love to write, moments of silence and share what I love and learn from books or from people or my own experiences.
There are no wrong or right answers to this. You can read or not. Share with others or not. These are for all who can benefit from reading these reads from books, ancient speakers, educators, masters, and any higher conscious and intuitive beings. Who understands language and respects that it is a very powerful tool, to use for manifesting our desired realities, and learn how to properly use words and for the right reasons. Being consciously aware helps with writing and creativity flow. So sharing the lessons learned is a love language I’m passing down to you and hope this benefits our generation now and future ones. And so it is.
This is the practice I’ve kept since childhood encouraged by my mama rest in power, my Queen. Anyways, this was something she used to do and taught me to appreciate plus respect language and that words are “spells” which matters a lot.
Now, more than ever since we are very aware the education system is corrupted and it must change as our environment is changing too.
As an empath lightworker, reading books and writing have helped to tune out other people's feelings and emotions. My hope is for those highly intuitive reading this, or watching my channel, or learning from here. That it can help you get through the day or help you stay consciously creative. In other words, trying to keep my notes in order after I’ve written by hand the messages that most resonated with my spirit and soul from these books, blogs, speakers, and conscious spiritual teachers and leaders on our planet. Perhaps this can also help you and inspire you too.
Especially during these times, so here it goes. Hope you enjoy reading and learning. Stay conscious and curious, while you dismantle the old. Let’s do it together. Reading, writing and staying consciously creative, and applying the knowledge acquired are some of the best medicines I’ve found to help through dealing with trauma, anxiety, and depression during a world pandemic. Be kind to your planet 🌎, to you, and to others 🦋
Hawkins M.D. Ph.D., David. Healing and Recovery (Kindle Locations 3826–3840).
Victimhood comes out of unconsciousness. It means being unaware of this game setup that has been going on within our minds. Merely becoming aware of this means that we are already out of it. By the time you have finished reading this, you have gotten up from being the victim; you are already trying this ox to the tree.
As we practice these techniques that have been described, we will soon be sitting on top of the ox. When fear comes along, we welcome it and say, “Great! What an opportunity to let go of more of that,” because by now, we are feeling the benefit of the decrease in the fears we have had our whole lifetime. Little do people realize the extent of the fears they are holding until they begin to disappear, and then it is mind-boggling. We say, “I never realized I was such a fearful human being.” This is perhaps more easily understood by referring to the Map of Consciousness so we can see how the energy fields relate to the way we experience the world.
Mind is so powerful that the way it holds our experience literally determines our experience. Fearfulness creates a certain view of the world and tends to become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Recent university research, as well as our own research, shows that what one holds in mind tends to manifest within one’s experience of the world. The world of our own experience then becomes the external representation of what we have been holding in mind, so our life is really a world of mirrors. What we are actually seeing and experiencing is a projection of our own level of consciousness. This is difficult to believe and fully grasp but to give us a glimpse of it is a whole field of study in itself. The sage Ramana Maharshi taught that the world you see (perception) does not even exist and is illusory (the Buddha’s “Maya”).
It is important to know that consciousness has no particular space, no physical area, and no limitation.
The common fantasy is “I experience things in my head.” Actually, we do not experience them in the head. Where do we experience a thought? We experience a thought nowhere; there is no specific location or space in which we experience a thought. The nature of consciousness is that it has no particular form; it is without form. Its content is with form, but the field of consciousness itself is like space, having no particular locality.
This will be important later when we discuss one of the techniques for handling pain, which can be handled both locally and generally. There are several ways to handle pain and the specific sensation and experience of it. Where we are as a being with the experience of pain, and how we evolve in our own consciousness, will determine whether the pain involves suffering or not. The pain is one thing, and the suffering is another.
The first thing to eliminate is the belief system that pain equals suffering because that sets up a whole series of programs that need to be undone. Pain is one thing, and it is quite possible to be with pain yet be totally indifferent to it. It is possible for the pain to exist in the body and yet have relatively little or no experience of the pain or suffering with it at all because of an analgesic or altered (e.g., hypnotic) state of mind. It is as though the pain is still present, but one is not connected with the pain. The pain exists on its own but without the person being at the effect of it. In other words, it is not necessary to be the victim of the pain. One can be with the pain in such a way that does not involve suffering or any kind of agony. To realize that this is possible is the first step that leads one out of it. It is the letting go of the belief that pain and suffering are the same things.
Source: Hawkins M.D. Ph.D., David. Healing and Recovery (Kindle Locations 4028–4043).
#consciouslycreative #fromsubcosncioustoconscious #higherconsciousness #spirituality #innerpeace