Let’s Talk About Upcycling!
It’s not a trend, but for conscious creatives, it should be #fridayforfuture ❤
Photo by Julietta Watson
Originally published on Medium.
“There is no such thing as ‘away’. When we throw anything away it must go somewhere.”
– Annie Leonard, Proponent of Sustainability
Today’s blog was inspired a long time ago, but I’ve been in the healing and doing other important work, but It is divine timing for sure. I really wanted to post on Friday but I was tired after work but had a good nap so here I am working like an owl :)
The night and weekends are becoming my oasis and sanctuary to connect with the cosmos, divine, and my work on releasing what I love to do and helping others heal and find their way to their life purpose with conscious creativity and love. Going with the flow, how about you? However, so its the inspiration and divine guidance that comes during the daytime too, definitely finding balance here (hardest thing ever but once you find it and can maintain it, it’s worth it ;)thank you to those who support this work, appreciate it ❤), fighting demons, and sending back to sender protection daily ritual from low vibe people that really have nothing else to do with their life than doing spells and sending bad juju to people just because they can.
Yep, your karma is your mirror asshole. You get what you give out. I’m warning peeps to protect your space and your energy at all costs. Keep safe from info overload, jealousy, envious people that should focus on their healing instead of projecting.
Please focus on yourself during this Christmas break and staycation. I’ve taken out traveling from my goals in 2022, add it into an imaginary full moon jar :) and if I do it’s going to be Eco-traveling all that way baby! But I rather focus on other important work. We all have a calling and it can be more than one, so don’t limit yourselves. Everything is possible, we need to believe in ourselves to overcome and tame our demons. And also do the right thing by keeping our integrity and staying high vibe as much as we can living in this toxic system.
We must try together to give our home, Earth a break… We need to hold this corporation accountable and we need to find alternatives individually and collectively to reduce our c02 and consumptions habits to minimal, necessity and the rest get subside to grow from home?… What other ideas do you suggest to reduce c02 emissions and still maintain humanity from not getting extinct and reduce our waste and consumption problem?
Less meat absolutely. There are going to be shocking changes because these had to be done a long time ago. Now, we are in a climate crisis during a world pandemic that's it’s getting worse.
We have experienced this before, we need to figure out ways or we are going to suffer severe consequences. Money won’t help us during a climate change impact crisis worldwide when it is too late to act... So much needs to be done, and I know that can be very overwhelming and anxiously feeling like nothing you do matter or that it counts? It does on micro-level, it still counts; you just can’t see it yet and perhaps sometimes you are not supposed to. Trust divine timing, use your talents and go with the flow. Remove expectations and the need for fast results, from doing anything. Just do it. Follow your intuition. Creating something new takes time. Just keep doing your part, the best way you can, consciously do with what you currently already have.
Do you really need to travel right now? Can you save up and enjoy your Christmas at home and less consumption? Less, less, less… We have to start our own internal healing and mentality, that consumerism and embracing a capitalist mentality is toxic as F. However, there are ways to keep an abundant life by shifting our mindset without the need for constant consumption.
Internal happiness does not require a materialistic mindset. It’s an illusion to keep you buying, equity and circular economy is the way to keep the balance and they know it. We can do better than that and we know we can restore and heal what has been damaged. We are masters at this. Lack mentality is conditioned. This full moon definitely it’s for release and let go. Trust your intuition and get with the flow.
Anyways, the point of today's downloads is Upcycling. The Christmas gifts from last year were all made from upcycling items and using my imagination.
Here are last year's eco-tips to create a more conscious holiday
you do not have to follow all that it is here. Thank god some of us are no longer in lockdown anymore. You can use the tips as an inspiration guide ❤ use your imagination and intuition afterward.
It was really fun and definitely going to create other upcycling gifts with love for my loved ones and friends :). It’s not about how much it cost, is the intention, and that the gift intentions come from the heart.
7-R’s of Zero Waste Living
A waste-free lifestyle in 7 easy steps.writersyep.medium.com
8 Sustainability + Self-Taught Books To Inspire Change
And Make an impact.writersyep.medium.com
Do not let this consumerism and capitalist disease mentality that we are all healing from and letting it go, destroy your will to be a conscious and sustainable human being and still give love however way you feel it’s right.
Do everything with love and that’s whats it’s coming back to ya, in any shape or form. We have to balance what we already know is unbalanced from our consumerism ways.
It’s the colonial and capitalist mentality and this is another reason, aside from many more, that decolonization, sustainability, and antiracism education needs to be a priority while dealing with climate change impacts, poverty, famine, homelessness, white supremacy, greedy ass-wipes billionaires, and politicians, no accountability from governments still tie to toxic fossil fuels that need to stop and time to give landback to indigenous people…Should we continue?
Another inspiration for this topic was by a co-worker Caleb (who is no longer working with us but is thriving and living his best life go Caleb!❤). He got inspired to create his online zoom course about Upcycling, from my last zoom online class about sustainability as a form of creativity. So yep, we are right now in the twilight zone of the internal circular educational system. Not wasting these lessons and the time that it took to create them, to inspire our students, which they loved these subjects as they learning how to be consciously responsible to take care of their planet, not lose hope and have faith in those doing the heavy lifting of voicing the truth, standing up to fossil fuels, unsustainable corporations which businesses models need to change. So now, I’m upcycling lessons learned and helping eco-warriors and conscious creatives, to keep the Hope going!
These are triggering freaking times! but we must understand and come into awareness. What comes around comes back around, Wheel of fortune baby! It Keeps popping out in readings. Cycles have ended, and shifting is on the horizon for a lot of us. The bad lessons need to be digested, process, healed, taken action to discern by feeling them, and taking only what serves your life journey.
Here are 8 benefits of the upcycling mindset that can help us reduce our c02 emissions, build emotional, financial stability and help our planet recover.
Be our own creative and unique individual trying to contribute to reduce, reuse, recycle, compost, reduce meat consumption, paper, plastic, completely change to fewer chemicals products (this is where companies must make sustainable and healthy products affordable, this is where the equity comes in and this is where we need to hold them accountable for blaming us for what they’re toxic ways of doing things and making us pay for it too). And giving something to someone we love what we created from our own imagination from what we already have. Stay conscious.
2. upcycling brings that creativity consciousness within ourselves. Which as a positive result, we are consciously deciding we are going to be aware and conscious of our own consumption. Less become fulfilling and abundant because you re-created to fit your personality, identity, culture, or just something that makes you happy gives you inner peace and feels good about yourself. And the best part, you helped Earth, reduce consumerism, reduce the waste you can find stuff from home sales! find creative ways to save the environment right there, where you are.
3. Upcycling reduces the strain on valuable resources such as fuel, forests, and water supplies — and helps safeguard wildlife habitats.
4. Upcycling reduces air and water pollution.
5. Upcycling results in less hazardous waste produced during the manufacturing process.
6. It reduces the amount of waste that will need to be recycled or sent to landfills and incinerators. Save the environment by reducing waste going into landfills. Reduce our waste by a lot, if we get creative to use what we already have in something can be re-used, and it can actually be more creative and personal for yourself.
7. It saves energy — as well as reduces greenhouse gas emissions which contribute to global climate fluctuations.
8. Upcycling saves you money and allows products to be used to their fullest extent. We can save money by upcycling, just sayin’. It’s very straightforward: Upcycling is the practice of creating a usable product from waste or unwanted items or adapting an existing product in some way to add value. The purpose of upcycling is to reduce waste and improve the lifespan of the resources used. Magic right?! :)
There are many more ideas, and I’ll be showing or saying some of them around the channel and podcast ❤ Here are more :)
Get creative and let the earth magic flow that resides within you, this is where you will create or think of something you recently want to upcycle to create a gift for someone you love. Have fun being creative this holiday!.
Let me know in comments and let’s spread the kindness towards earth, to our communities, and to ourselves. Namaste ❤
In solidarity and sovereignty with you, today and always.
Stay conscious and real,
Love u, AO 🦋🌻
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