Venus Retrograde: Higher Consciousness & Sweet Vibrations Find Fullness In Your Heart ❤

Collective healing downloads for our last full moon energy of 2021, the sun crosses Galactic Center — connect with your Starseed origins and go with the flow.* 18–19 December 2021. 

Originally published on Medium

“Justice that is not rooted in equity, in social welfare, and in the community is not justice at all.” — DeRay Mckesson

After a nap from work, it was like I couldn’t go back to sleep. Woke up late for some would say, but for once it felt right. It’s like my clock is changing as I feel my healing is changing something within me. The early morning now as I’m writing this and love it, is quiet and peaceful :). Having lots of downloads after meditation break and it feels great to feel this way. I hope you know that you are loved and that no matter what, we are one and we are not alone in this. Keep the faith and keep your vibrations high. ❤ 

Short in sweet here because I’ve been called to do more AngieBlog Youtube healing messages for the collective (make sure you like, comment, subscribe and share with others it helps the messages to get to more people. Thank you!), and more podcasts :) randomly so make sure you follow Your story Matter podcast on your favorite podcast platform ❤ 

Photo by Edz Norton

I’ll be taking some time off from writing here for a bit to finish what needs to be done and release soon. Will reveled in due time, as not everyone has the best intentions towards these projects and ideas for the collective. But divine judgment is already happing and some are learning not to mess with evil shiet and with people who are chosen. There is no competition and there never was. We are here to heal, help each other and help our planet and ourselves live in harmony, peace, and love. But we have been conditioned to think that it is not possible when equity and liberation of our souls can and will be possible. And so it is. 

Something to think about and we can manifest as we are releasing the generational baggage, traumas, forgive our past and forward conscious movements from now on in this full moon 18–19 together ❤ It matters. This 2022 can be our own statement of taking our power back and letting the universe and God that we are ready. Our planet needs us and we need it. Stay conscious. 

Here are 3 divine messages to keep in mind during this Venus retrograde during the full moon in Gemini 18–19 December 2021.

Heart Healing (The Age of Light): 

Mystics and sages throughout the ages have predicted this period in history, and you decided to incarnate in the middle of it. There is no mistake that you are supposed to be here at this time of great change. If you’ve ever felt unprepared or daunted by the path that is calling you, know this: You’ve been training for this for lifetimes. You’re way more than the days that have breathed through you in this life. You’re also all of the lifetimes that came before. All of these experiences have polished your soul into the most magnificent expression that is your authentic self. 

Your soul has many facets. Imagine a fingerprint; your soul is a million times more intricate than that. If you put together all of the fingerprints of all of the people you have been, you would not even get close to fathoming how much of a unique masterpiece you are. You came with a clear soul plan. You came in with inner wisdom beyond your years. This is the part of you that longs to be seen. This is the part of you that is ready to step forward. That’s ready to emerge. This is not the life to stay hidden, but to step forth, be seen, and rise for exactly who you are and are meant to be. 

Healing crystals that are good for your #4 heart chakra to keep it balanced:(*option* you can use these to add to your manifestations during the full moon, self-healing purposes, and protection) Aquamarine, malachite, larimar, Green Jade, Emerald, Rose quartz, Amazonite, Petalite, Fluorite, peridot, Green aventurine. 

Relationship highlighted (Dance with life): Heal and Balance 7 chakras. 

Do something, anything to change your energy when needed.

Do you see why our mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical selves must be balanced just as our mother earth too? I will go more in-depth on my e-courses creating about higher consciousness, spirituality, and creativity through adversity with some extra creative goodies to mix it up with ❤ to make it easier for everyone to understand, navigate and implement in their healing journey and own conscious way. 

Life is always moving. If you resist this ever-changing flow, your energy will become stagnant and you will fall out of flow with the universe. The Universe has a mysterious intelligent force, a natural rhythmic beat, which governs all of life. One of the best ways to shift your energy, frequency, and vibration is to put on some music and dance along with it. :) 

When we dance unrestrained our spirit takes over, and with each new bop, sway, and kick we are rocked back into harmony with the rest of life. Get unstuck by doing something that shifts your vibration. Put on some music, dance unrestrained, and fall into the frequency of life. In doing so, your body will begin to learn how to be moved by your intuition, which is connected with this systemic beat. 

If dancing isn’t your thing, then simply do something that you would not usually do to shift the energy. You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that was created and you cannot attract a different experience without changing your energy first. It’s time to shift things up and to find a way to dance along with the beat of our own drums and life. 

Healing crystals that are good for your #7 chakras to keep it balanced:(*option* you can use these to add to your manifestations during the full moon, self-healing purposes, and protection) #1 Root: Garnet, Hematite, Red Jasper, Apache Tear, Obsidian, carnelian, black tarmaline #2 Sacral: Carnelian, Smokey quartz, Jasper, Garnet, Bloodstone, Tiger eyes #3 solar: plexus: Citrine, Yellow Quartz, Tiger Eyes gold, calcite, peridot #4 heart: Aquamarine, malachite, larimar, Green Jade, Emerald, Rose quartz, Amazonite, Petalite, Fluorite, peridot, Green aventurine. #5 Throat: Blue lace, sodalite,Angelite, Blue Calcite, celestite, kyonite, Lapis Lazuli, Labradorite, Amazonite. #6 Third eye: Sodalite, Amethyst, Lolite, Lapis Lazuli, Celestite, Turquoise, Opalite, Fluorite, Howlite. #7 Crown: Amethyst, Rock Clear Quartz, Selenite, Rainbow moonstone, Howlite. 

( Starseeds): May stir power struggles for being truthful and warriors of the spirit of truth and justice. 

What lights you up?

What Are The Akashic Records?
“The Records are now open.”

Yep, I’ve been researching you know, part of my many jobs, but as a writer lightworker empath (hermit Virgo mode lol), and advocate Earth warrior trying to seek truth and where divine judgments are been done around the globe which is felt on a higher conscious level. Ascension is a process and definitely a lot of questions, but in due time answers are being revealed.

As an environmentalist looking at data, it’s worrying some, but I’m not letting fear and doubts cloud our judgment, and trying to remain positive through this pandemic and climate crisis is not easy but I’m surrendering to higher powers and I still have hope plus unconditional love that relies within you and I. Don’t lose hope and we are going to get through this as we have done many lifetimes before.

As a psychic Medium and Crystal healer what these weeks can bring for healing, our manifestations from the past new moon, our blessings, and starting the new chapters we want to embark on in 2022. It can be very possible instantly or progressively moving forward. The veil and the energy are very thin. Divine wants us to take our time rest and recharge. Not rush into things, reflect before moving as a lot is going on behind the scenes.

Starseeds (a.k.a: twin flames & soul mates) are souls with a double mission: To raise their own consciousness and the consciousness of the planet. They are old souls who have incarnated elsewhere beyond this planet. Many starseeds arrive with a feeling that time is running out and that there is something that they came here to do or create or contribute. This card confirms and you are reading this, you are a Starseed and you are being encouraged to answer your inner call. To follow what lights you up ❤.

Once awake, most Starseed souls find it hard to have meaningless conversations, jobs, and relationships. They remain restless until they step into their calling, which is to light up the world with their unique presence. 

Starseeds are scattered all over the planet. In hospital and school, in slums and mansions, on stages and in edit suites, in parks and nightclubs, in taxis and theme parks. Many Starseed spend parts of their lives trying to fit in or in some form of the spiritual closet. If you are dimming your light to fit in, it is time that you stop coming here to share and treat your time on Earth like a glorious vacation. 

Healing crystals that are good for your #7 chakras to keep it balanced:(*option* you can use these to add to your manifestations during the full moon, self-healing purposes, and protection) #1 Root: Garnet, Hematite, Red Jasper, Apache Tear, Obsidian, carnelian, black tarmaline #2 Sacral: Carnelian, Smokey quartz, Jasper, Garnet, Bloodstone, Tiger eyes #3 solar: plexus: Citrine, Yellow Quartz, Tiger Eyes gold, calcite, peridot #4 heart: Aquamarine, malachite, larimar, Green Jade, Emerald, Rose quartz, Amazonite, Petalite, Fluorite, peridot, Green aventurine. #5 Throat: Blue lace, sodalite,Angelite, Blue Calcite, celestite, kyonite, Lapis Lazuli, Labradorite, Amazonite. #6 Third eye: Sodalite, Amethyst, Lolite, Lapis Lazuli, Celestite, Turquoise, Opalite, Fluorite, Howlite. #7 Crown: Amethyst, Rock Clear Quartz, Selenite, Rainbow moonstone, Howlite.

  • Keep in mind that 21st is solstice/Capricorn season begins. Rest, plan, and good healing energy for inner work/shadow work.

  • The 24th Virgo, Saturns, Uranus square. Final 3 Tension rise. Freedom vs boundaries. Divine judgment continues.

  • The 28th Jupiter enters Pisces — Highly intuition and Creativity flows!

Hope these help you in your healing journey, enjoy your break, happy new year :) rest, drink your water, stay above the BS and enjoy our last full moon of the year! Be safe. Namaste ❤

In solidarity and sovereignty with you, today and always.

Stay conscious and real,

Love u, AO 🦋🌻

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*Something New Starting Today* — WritersYep
Just listing to my intuition and divine spirit, going with the flow, and seeing what

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🎙🍵☕️✨🎙New episode #16 keep conscious healthy habits. Build it from now. ❤️‍🩹🧿🌻


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