🎙🍵☕️✨🎙New episode #16 keep conscious healthy habits. Build it from now. ❤️🩹🧿🌻
Take what resonates and discard the rest.
Originally published on Medium.
“We must be free not because we claim freedom, but because we practice it.” – William Faulkner
This is for healing inner warriors and learning about discernment, listening to our intuition, and not giving up on what’s important. Keep your hopes and dreams alive. It matters. I wasn’t planning to post here but divine spirit really wanted for you all to listen 🎧 and learn ❤️Remember, rest is productive and we’re not in competition with nobody. We are connected and our soul's liberation and decolonization matter more than ever now. Stay conscious and present. 🌱
Episode #16 -follow, share and subscribe!
Dealing with a lot these days and divine guidance for those who need healing ❤️🩹 as wounded warriors that we are and working on decolonization and staying conscious through this BS.
You’re good enough, heal yourself, and use discernment. Protect your energy and space. Keep those strong Af boundaries, because there are a lot of people who don’t understand this because they’ve been taught not to respect others because they don’t or didn’t respect themselves. Now, they can’t deal so they projecting and can’t control themselves, especially when they can’t deal with their own karma and need to lash at someone or send negativity your way because you’re not dealing with their bs. The energy we are healing and working on before 2022. It’s definitely protection of our energies, use discernment, protect your talents, gifts, kindness, and compassion ❤️. Protect yourself. Energy vampires and karmic are on the rise this month. Don’t get scammed or tempted to their 💩 you’ll regret it for the rest of your life. You were warned.
Here is also a new #collectivehealingreading to help you in your healing ❤️🩹 journey. Namaste 🦋🌻
In solidarity and sovereignty with you, today and always.
Stay conscious and real,
Love u, AO 🦋🌻
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