New Moon In Sagittarius: Divine Judgment, Ascension Process, Decolonization, Circular, Higher Consciousness, Equity, Just and Sustainability Education MUST Be All Of Us Priority.
Nobody it’s exempt from purgatory and from doing the most important work. Being an Earth warrior is not for the weak-minded while surviving divine judgment and a world pandemic. Get ready for 2022 from now.
Photo by David Clode
Published on Medium.
Humanity Evolutionary Extinction has begun and most of us are too busy being distracted, stagnant, and stuck in low vibes, and not learning the spiritual lessons because it’s too hard. Some of you feel so entitled, letting your ego take charge and miss or sabotage your own blessings that come from choosing your own divinity, forgive yourself+ others, do the inner/shadow work (know thy self, self-care, self-discipline, healing generational traumas, break cycles of colonialism and capitalism, balance our emotions + mental thoughts and self-love.) and NOT entertaining or lower our vibration for people who are stuck in lower vibrational behaviors, thoughts, mindsets, and situations. Period.
I learn this through doing the work, inner/shadow work while surviving homelessness in the middle of a world pandemic which a lot of us do not survive or think that we can’t, therefore we do not do the necessary step or follow our intuition. I am grateful every single day, God, the universe, Gaia, my Angels, and my Ancestors helped me survive and continue this healing journey not only for myself but for the world too. I am not saying that everyone experiences certain situations the same but rather differently due to inequality, oppression, and abuse, colonial and old limiting beliefs systems. That absolutely has TO CHANGE!
I remember the promise I made to myself and God if he helped me heal my trauma's recent and past lives, get through my lack mindset and karma situations, that I would serve others and surrender to the divine. Ever since then, my spiritual awakening happen, everything changed for my highest good, but also for my family, those who are loyal friends, my soul family and tribe, our planet, and my communities.
We are all connected, there is no separation. It’s beautiful when you find your worth and people can no longer manipulate, try to control, or abuse you. Now, not only do we become the cycle breakers but also the ones that trigger other people's demons too. I know most of us who are doing the work, the real and authentic inner/shadow work (Yes, there are people pretending they are doing this, but again you can’t fake or lie nor manipulate healing…) Spirituality cannot be faked nor lie.
If it is, that’s not spirituality. Call it whatever you want but you cannot sabotage nor alter God’s work, you and anybody are not above God. Nobody is! so humble and check yourself. We all got work to do, things to heal at our own pace, and divine timing yall! take accountability and responsibility for our own actions as each of us has different paths. Stop paying attention to what other people are doing and focus on you. Comparing doesn’t help either, just saying, it makes you stop and overthink your own journey. Don’t do it, tell you from experience :) ❤
Being spiritual is a threat for most people who are too busy criticizing, talking shiet because they don’t understand or are willing to learn and work on themselves. Yet, find plenty of time to focus on others, distractions, being low vibes and superadditive to low 3D vibrations. Instead of investing that time and energy on their own selves. The hardest work of all, yet not many are brave to dig deep, reprogram your subconscious, decolonize your mind, and everything. Balance your own inner demons, ego so you work in harmony and grace rather than let them consume you from within until it gets you sick.
Building self-discipline can help you achieve emotional, mental, and spiritual balance within yourself so you are not co-dependent on nobody. Yes, we all need to connect and be one at some point, but we also need to learn to be okay being alone and getting our own crap done without the need of others or the need of their validation for us to get our fulfillment and/or continue to move forward. People who surround you can either break you or make you. Choose wisely.
I decided to stop with the victim mentality, I cut off all toxic and karmic shiet out of my life and my environment.
So now, when I am or find myself being in a low vibration,(I am not perfect, my spirit is in my human body, which is still healing old ego conditioning that I am working on and breaking at the moment so working progress) I recognize it and I am aware of it, as before I wasn’t.
I’ve also realized when I’m being or get low vibrationally is because I am surrounded by those who I am mirroring their own negativity or low vibrational energies; they are emitting unconsciously or consciously. Which is not new for me, but this time. The healing me, notice I have to use discernment about who is surrounding me since I don’t usually go out anymore and I don’t surround myself with others unless I have to for work, my daughters, and my communities.
I don’t allow or exchange my energies with nobody for a while. Yes intentionally, because healing and spiritual ascension it is very personal and dealing also with the fact I have a soulmate/twin flame that also it’s dealing with heavy shiet and I can feel it energetically as I know that his going through his karma now which trigger his awakening and overcoming it like a warrior he is and was always meant to be.
So when I act from a low vibration perspective, I’m aware now that I am mirroring those who are in the low vibes and are talking shiet either about me or others. It’s annoying AF but now instead of judging or being low as they are, I stop myself and observe it from within, and recognize that those people are in pain, they are hurting or they are damaged or can’t stand their own karma as what you give, you get back baby!.
So I take the words back, take responsibility as those actions bad or good karma come with a price that I’m willing and ready to pay. Especially for MF that don’t deserve it and send them healing and disconnect from their energy field (As a highly intuitive empath alchemist, I can read, hear and intuitively decipher energies but cannot control it nor try to change it. I can manifest as a high priestess and alchemize negativity into positivity, healing, happiness, and love. It is not possible for those who are lightworkers and it is not meant for us to do so, because if we do, we are entering into territories we have no business being on, what’s considered Black magic which is basically used by those who choose to be of service of the dark/evil, who are or become agents of the one down there.) so that karma/God/universe/angels and ancestors can do their own work.
There is no right or wrong, but your choices do define you in the end and how your heart has remained good and pure through the chaos. That’s the test. Forgiveness is hard, but that’s where the real work takes place. Our hearts and our nervous systems are magic and they must be respected. If not, then you are witnessing right now what happens when our human bodies are not well taken care of. Not at all our faults, of course, the system and those in power have failed us again and we are the ones paying the price unless we continue to allow it.
Photo by Marek Piwnicki
When you are a highly conscious human and are in your ascension process, we alchemize negativity and low vibes into love, kindness, compassion, joy, faith, hope, and grace. These are the highest vibrations, therefore not only are we divinely protected but also we are the healers to those who are trying to cause us harm or send ill intent our way. There is a lot of Judas surfacing now, pay attention and use discernment. Because in the end, these Judas are only hurting themselves and betraying their own soul purpose, and shattering their divine guidance plus their blessings. Let people show you who they really are.
Vulnerability is not a weakness, but a huge strength when used wisely. Therefore, it is our responsibility to keep our soul, mind, body, and spirit on high vibes as these 3 become weak when we are operating or entertaining in low vibrational energies. It can literally get us sick, therefore there is no amount of vaccine that can help us maintain high immune systems if we are not working on ourselves mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically balancing that from within. It is common sense, and we all know better by now. I hope you do.
S1:E14 (Last episode of this season!❤)
Focus on your healing, your finances, your communities, be of service always, I promise, you will not have time to focus on nobody. Nor will you care what other people say or think. (This one takes time and healing also, but once you master this lesson, Oh my! ❤ Abundance and blessings are yours for the taken fearlessly ;)).
Awareness and higher consciousness make me feel at peace. I forgive myself and others because most of you do not know what you are doing sometimes. And most of those times, when you are not aware, you are not only be taking advantage of by the external reality 3D BS systems we all have to survive. But also on a deeper soul, level by other malignant forces that need you in that low vibration so they can do their evil deeds through you. Sounds familiar? Nothing in this universe is a coincidence. There is a reason you are reading this ❤
There are people doing worse than you, working multiple jobs (not just one job, or living at parents house or have people who you depend on financially, yep this is for those who have time to complain, assuming and focusing on others rather than your own shiet) and are still surviving and working on themselves.
These people have no time for other people's BS, because they have people that depend on them most of the time, or they are focused on getting their bag! they take accountability for their own actions, are of service to others without bringing their own unhealed, unconscious, and colonial behaviors any longer! They focus on how to be the contributors of change for their planet and pray every day that they know this is not the end for them, that God got them. Cycle breakers. If you are not in this high vibration yet, this blog, the podcast releasing this weekend about this, and AngieBlog's recent blog video (all will appear here once is published) may not make sense to you yet. Take it how it resonates. This is learning, healing, and following divine truth so we can all shift as one.
These people understand their rough patches now are for their spiritual growth and we take it without complaining, judgment, and surrender to the lessons. We listen to the divine and do not conform nor do we need the validation externally anymore. The freedom we want, we are giving it to ourselves. We, the people are done and tireddddd. Therefore, we do not need materialistic, consuming and let our egos run the show anymore. We do not give F&%^ about what people think or say about us, our paths, and what we are doing or not doing. Our private lives do not need to be available for the public for entertainment at all times and at any cost right?
We learn to be of service from a place of authenticity without the need to use emotional, mental, spiritual, psychological, and physical (most times, we are really good at faking and lying and keeping abusive behaviors on DL), abuse of any kind, has its own karma (divine judgment). Yep, narcissistic abusers will get their karma whether they think they can cheat, lie, continue to try to control or manipulate this. Focusing on your spirit (spirituality practice) can help heal those traumatized by narcissistic abusers, keep you on a high vibration because these individuals are at their lowest vibration you can possibly imagine.
Those who operate in a low vibration, are toxic AF, colonized mindset, they need healing and work on themselves instead of projecting their unhealed and toxic crap to others because you can’t handle it within yourself. Now, they are also an easy host for demonic, evil, and satanic to enter their bodies, yep, that’s how low they can get. Therefore, they are being used as well, spiritually because in order for these demonic entities and evil energies to survive. Human needs to use their “free will”, as at this point when you have a demon inside, you won’t know nor will you feel it. Pray for yourself, your families, and others daily this month, and make it your own small practice to keep you, your loved ones, and our planet protected.
Same with getting an evil eye or being spiritually attacked by astral projection from these low vibration people. However, there are ways to protect yourself and continue your life path as long as you are doing your own work, being of service (in anything, be creative. Just remember we do need more advocates to #taxtherich, build equity, land back, stop pipelines, circular, decolonization, higher consciousness education, healing our planet and our souls, and sustainable economies. Thank you and love you bye!❤) and follow your life path. Which is very different for all of us.
Which again, being envious, jealous, comparing, judging, gossiping or negative talking about others is a waste of your time and it will delay the blessings that ONLY come through when you are working on yourself, keeping high vibrations, and following your divine life path. Which as a result, it automatically protects you and guides you away at all times, at any moment from any evil, demonic or spiritual astral projection attacks. I speak more about this on the AngieBlog and recent podcast. As I’ve recently survived this and lived to tell you how to overcome it too.
That’s why most people who are operating in low vibes, fear spirituality and hold on tight (ego) to what's comfortable. Until karma hits them, they finally learn the karma lesson, some do not survive but those who do boom! They start their spiritual awaking and perspective changes. Instead of trying to avoid this process, because that creates more delays and more bad karma. Learn to embrace it, heal and keep surfing through the waves.
We learn and move forward, however, we are all being asked to move CONSCIOUSLY, just, circular, equitable, empathetic, compassionate, kind, and sustainably. Our home, Gaia is consciousness as God is within us too. WE are connected to Earth and our vibration does matter. Just as our thoughts, actions, words we speak and write too. This is Earth school, and your mindset, priorities, perceptions, beliefs, values, integrity can either break or kill you or Make you.
Your choice.
Nurturing your intuition and maintaining good hygiene spiritual practices that work for you, should be your own priority aside from your own external necessities as a human living on this planet. You have to find your own. Find your own path. Stop wearing a mask, (not the one that protects your human body while we are surviving still in a world pandemic and getting worse), being fake, lying, talking shiet about other people, and what you give out, you get back.
This MF in power by corruption, lies, controlling, abusing their power for wrong and harming or worse murdering and genocide people for money.
They still don't freaking get it!
This disease and climate change impact is karma for the billionaires, corporations, and leeches, greedy and psychopath people who are controlling and manipulating all of us in order for them to stay in control. However, it is very unfortunate we are paying their karma debt with our own sweat and blood. Divine spirit wants me to let you know, that the amounts of deaths due to covid in the past two years are their amount of karma debt…
added to their already ancestral colonial karma debt which soon there is going to be a collection of all of that through divine judgment. If you did well, did good deeds for the past two years, you do not need to worry or stress about it. Now, if you are then that’s your conscious asking you to heal unconscious things, so you learn from it and do not repeat and keep working on your redemption. God is fair and just, and he will know when your words don’t match your actions.
It is so sad because it is something they could have prevented but they didn’t, they let the devil win, and now they and their entire lineage will never reach heaven and their souls will be stuck in hell forever. Remember, the devil needs you, as it feeds off and powers get stronger by the evil deeds you choose to do too. Choose wisely. It is true, we cannot eat, drink, or breathe money. And they cannot take their billions or their materialistic, fake-ass lifestyle where they are going. Their selfishness, greed, and pride will be their undoing and downfall. What goes up must come down, and now you know their fate and their lineages fate.
They will pay not only in this lifetime, the next and the next…And also their children’s, children and generational karma debt for many centuries to come, due to greed, lying, deceiving, corruption, emotional and psychological abuse of power towards people, the most vulnerable and children. For what they have done, paid, and contributed to continuing the oppression towards Indigenous People and their Lands and any BIPOC in the world. And so it is.
Check your birth charts and start working on your shadows. Pray that you are not their descendants, and those who are, pray and work on your redemptions or any past karma you had in your previous lives and in this one.
Our job right now is to take our power back and stop paying and slaving our energies any longer for a system they created to avoid divine judgment and karma through us, by us not standing up, not speaking up, and not demanding what it is rightfully and fairly ours.
Spirituality is hard to teach because the experiences are different from each one of us. However, you can learn the fundamentals, which is what my e-courses coming out on the website soon will focus on and help you navigate through this BS on your own ;) ❤ (I got you boo!)
That’s why it takes time to heal and find your way back, know yourself as a spirit that you are here having a human experience. It took me a while to get here, but I choose to heal, break cycles, work on balancing my life and self-discipline. How about you? What did you choose to focus on last year? And what are you planning to focus on in order to move forward consciously in 2022?
Your own intuition is basically God, the universe, Divine spirit of Truth, Angels, and your ancestors (Your good ancestors, some of us have evil and fuck up ancestors which is important for those specific individuals, you know who you are to DECOLONIZE YOUR MIND so you don’t continue their toxic legacy thank you!) guiding you to help you. We are not helpless as we think we are. Most of us have survived things you cannot even imagine, and we are still here. No complaining, no judgment, and focusing on our own paths and being of service to others.
If you survive this far, pad yourself, and let’s keep moving forward. We do not have the time nor the energy to entertain low vibrational anything, anymore. It is NOT personal, is vibrational. Align with those who are doing the work, or get off, you are wasting breath and time for those who want change and want better for ourselves, OUR PLANET, and OTHERS.
This is it. You either work on yourself, do the homework internally, take accountability and responsibility for yourself and be of service to others for real, not fake ASS shiet for SM. In any means necessary, whether through your many jobs, volunteer, your platforms, not JUST your church and your own communities. Yes, that’s important but it is not enough. Just like Indigenous People’s Land acknowledgment without giving it back, it is not enough. We all have our own cup, our own stuff to work on internally, and let me tell you, it is the hardest but most rewarding work you will ever do this lifetime.
Or be in line to witness and unfortunately for a lot of you experience the first stages of your karma and pay your karma debt, some of that karma are not even yours, it might be from your father or mother, your generational lineage, and either survive or die through the first stages of human extinction right now. I’m hearing “There is no rest or where you can hide for the wicked and naughty”. Those ones get it worse. It is what it is right?
Honestly the fact that some of you have time to talk caca, be negative, normalized emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical abused but masked or cover up your low vibration (aka Easy target for demons entities to take over and use you for the dirty and disgusting deeds that they need to be doing in order to survive in this realm. They are shapeshifters, and they are already among us). Tell me and the rest of us who are doing our own individual and collective work, no excuses. What we need to know about you. Actions speak louder than words.
People who operate in low vibration are very good at masking their shiet by “showing” or saying they are religious. Be careful of those. Real and authentic religious people don’t have time to do harm, talk negatively about others, don’t play with Black magic, and they do not engage in gossip, plan malignant stuff behind people back, and they definitely do NOT abuse their divinity power in order to control and manipulate others. They know and are confident that they are not here for that, and that’s why they are holy for a reason. Pay attention and definitely during these times, where everyone is going through their karma. Use discernment. ❤
Those who pretend to follow God, and use “religion” as their shield for doing injustice, emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical abuse are not exempted from divine judgment. They are the first ones right now in purgatory and being judged by GOD. If they think they can hide, lie and avoid being judged by God just because they cover their disgusting, rotten soul inside their churches, their cults, or their communities. You’re highly mistaken.
This blog and messages this month are sent by the divine. I and other’s Earth Angels are receiving the call and being obedient to deliver the messages as we maintain high vibrational practices and nurture our intuitions. The downloads are universal and they are meant for us to help shift to change and bring justice through divine grace. And so it is.
It’s only a matter of time and divine timing. God, the universe, and the divine spirit of truth; love you and will forgive as long as you are doing the work to learn from your mistakes and not repeat them. We are paying the price of what we have done in this lifetime and past lives. It is our responsibility to heal and correct our wrongs so that we can evolve and grow to be good, light, and unconditional love human beings that we all are. We have just let these systems and their BS control and programs us for way too long. Enough is enough.
I hope and pray some of you to redeem, humble yourselves, work on your redemption and get to work, it is never too late. However, if you choose not to and do worse than before. I pray you to survive your karma and God’s judgments.
If you know, someone who is “religious”, missionaries are the worst because they are literally trained by colonizers' old mentality to watch out for those, they have deep hate and are jealous AF and are trained to mask their evil deeds very well. Priests, prophets and the list goes on, NOT everyone is bad or is like this, USE DISCERNMENT!
But most are still doing shietty stuff, even speaking negatively about anything. That’s not holy nor its sent by God. These people are leeches, energy vampires, narcissistic abusers, and masters of emotionally, mentally, and spiritually abusing others just because they can. And they usually recruit or need to form a group or cult so these people can help them feel validated and boost their already inflated ego.
Some people are rotten inside and some are so damaged that they don’t want to learn their lessons, they resist, and they have nothing better to do than blame, judge, and talk cacalaca about others because they are not willing to do the heavy work most of us are embarking while they stay stagnant and their stories and excuses are running out now and they know it.
These individuals are not accepting they have done wrong, and they are constantly complaining, and pointing to others what they are doing wrong while they do nothing. They are just trying to bring you down with them because they know where they are going because of what they have done.
In other words, instead of taking accountability and responsibility for their negativity and doing low vibration stuff, they are all getting their karma. Some will be lucky to witness it and some the divine doesn’t want you to waste time anymore with these people or situations. YOU have better things to do which maintaining a high vibration, surviving your own karma or divine judgment, surviving your spiritual awakening, ego death, and ascension process. It is not easy being “spiritual” because most of us don’t survive it or prefer to stay comfortable in a low vibe and not move forward at all.
That’s why most of us, CHOOSE (free will baby!) to learn from our mistakes, heal what needs to be NOT repeated in this lifetime and the next (break the cycle) and keep moving forward with a kind, compassionate, and forgiving heart. Yeah, this journey IS NOT for the weak-minded, this is for real Earth warriors building, co-creating with the universe, Gaia, Our ancestors, and God. New Earth #5D is already here, we just need to take a chance on ourselves and do what needs to be done.
It is NOT that we are better or have inflated egos or are cocky, nop it is not about that at all. We take responsibility and accountability for our own actions and we focus on self-discipline.
Most of you think that’s a privilege and it is not, your priorities either make you or break you. It’s the law of the universe and the spirit of Truth. What you put out, it comes right back. Law of attraction. When you learn how to master your own emotional negativity and recognized when some of that does not come from you. You will understand everything. Remember, you will understand that everything that has happened in your life or will happen, is FOR you and NOT to you.
Pay attention, some do things bad, really bad… And they don’t understand why they did what they did. When that happens, check what you have done, thought, or said prior to the action you are regretting, feeling shame, and guilty about. Your answers lie within you, and we are not saying this as a metaphor, it’s for real. The more you are not working on your own demons and shadows, and how they can combine forces with worse and more evil demons than yours and do things that even you are never thought you were capable of. Yep, that’s when you know you are off path and are accumulating bad karma (and carry many karmic entities for those who have a lot of sex without proper cleansing and healing) not only for yourself but for your generational lineage. Namaste.
In solidarity and sovereignty with you, today and always.
Stay conscious and real,
Love u, AO 🦋🌻
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