🔮🧿🌎Intuitive Collective Messages: No Thanks Given. Decolonization + Spirituality = Liberation of Mental Slavery and Stagnation.
It feels peacefully chaotic but definitely massive internal disintegrating of the old unconscious. It does feel very uncomfortable most times, but mostly it's internal bliss and peace afterward. New Your story Matter podcast episode #13
Photo by Tia
Published on Medium.
We Are Purging. AND Shedding the Old. Higher consciousness and nurturing our intuition is the goal. Healing our subconscious can help us continue to find solutions to heal our planet and liberate ourselves from old systems that no longer serve nobody.
“There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.” — Margaret J. Wheatley
We also are aware that there are still injustices are happening to indigenous communities at this very moment and we need to help, support and contribute as much as we can, with whatever means necessary, because it matters a lot! Celebrating a day with turkey of genocide and murder, it's cruel + evil! And you know it! and it doesn’t matter if it’s “traditions” or “my culture” yeah educate yourself, your tradition comes with a legacy of disgusting murders and land thieves. Old traditions and limited beliefs are meant to be broken, as they should.
We are not the same as we used to be, and we are aware of the lies and fake shiet. And it’s time we take matters and start demanding our rights to be respected and of those being oppressed. We need to hold MF who are in power hoarding money accountable for the damages and creating more chaos and distortion than solutions for our planet and the most vulnerable. It is not fair that these communities and places have been vulnerable and exhausted of their way of surviving because of dealing and suffering the consequences of climate change impacts while they are the least contributors to it.
These are times for healing and fixing what has been broken for a long time.
It is not okay to even mention this stupid holiday, because it is a day where murders, rapist, racist, and genocide it's celebrated. Period. Enough is enough. Nobody is here having turkey for those who were genocide during the Holocaust right? Yeah, stop celebrating evil, it's disgusting and you should know better by now. Educate children properly and stop lying to them, it does not serve them in the future.
Indigenous people need to have their LAND BACK! As they need time and preparation in every sense, for restoration, reparation, and regenerative strategies to heal our home/ planet as they know these lands better than we ever could, to start taking place. They also have to heal, from dealing with oppression, racism, white supremacy, and FU these systems have orchestrated intentionally to keep them stuck. Trying by any means necessary to keep them there, so they don’t stand up for themselves, they don’t have time to heal. Sounds familiar?
Our resilience is a blessing in disguise and that's what infuriates these colonizers. That no matter what, we are still here and will continue to fight for the liberation of our souls and for our planet. The systems and their corporation leeches and land thieves are still trying to continue to profit from stolen land and killing our lives just they can live comfortably through other people's misery and slavery. Wake up people, distractions are meant to keep you asleep and not see what’s really going on.
RP @muchachafanzine ✊🏾🧡” Reminder on this national day of mourning that you are living on stolen land where colonization against Indigenous people is STILL happening.
I urge you to educate yourself about indigenous rights including the right to indigenous sovereignty.
Decolonization is NOT a metaphor. The #landback movement is NOT just a hashtag. ⠀
The violence committed against Indigenous ppl & the violence committed against the environment is deeply connected. Not to mention the fight against Native genocide & the fight against climate change is the fight against capitalism & colonialism. ⠀⠀
So it makes no sense to say you are an ally to Indigenous ppl but then celebrate the genocide of Indigenous ppl.
It makes no sense to claim solidarity but then not support land & water protectors who are being murdered & held captive around the world.
And it makes no sense to say you want to help stop climate change but then not believe in an actual material transfer of land back to Indigenous ppl.
No “reform” of a violent colonial empire that values profit over life is EVER going to save the planet. If you haven’t made these connections yet, I urge you too bc the fate of humanity is at stake. We have two choices: land back or extinction. ✊🏽” 💯🌎👁 #stayconscious #notothanksgiving #landback #decolonizationorextinction
Months of a lot of shiet being revealed that we thought that was real and true, it is not. It’s time to heal our heart, Third eye, and crown chakras y’all. I’ll be on the AngieBlog channel after just publishing new podcast episode #13 ❤ Time for some real talk. NO BS.
Grab some tea or coffee and let’s dive into why Decolonization and spirituality are linked as one and why they benefit our mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health.
Also, I was divine guided by spirit to let you all know, especially those who do tarot, are psychics and lightworkers that in the Tarot card decks, there is the Decolonization card! The hierophant in the reversed :).
As well, we dive into your dreams matter and not to let toxic/karmic people get away with ruining your life so they can be happy watching you being miserable and unhappy. Because they didn’t follow their dreams, they decided to focus on being a leech/vampires of energy and stay in low vibes their whole lives. Now, they are set on making everyone, even their own children, be miserable and disgusting like they are. I hope this helps you understand that you deserve better and it is not fair to you and your dreams to let these people do this to you. Choose you. Believe in yourself, especially when you are dealing with people who hate and are jealous of your potential and ideas.
They know that you can be amazing and have an abundant life. But because you are getting what they wanted, they will do everything in their power to stop you or your blessing from happening. Be aware of this energy.
Photo by Valentina Conde
Communities to support ❤️
@indigenousmutualaid @lakotalaw @stopline3pipeline @resist_line_3 @indigenousyouthforwetsuweten @wetsuweten_checkpoint @decolonizemyself @webuyblack @indigenousrising @riseindigenous @indigenouspeoplesmovement @riseindigenous @indigenousalliancemovement @nativeamericanrightsfund
🗣 Add more in comments! 🌻We will be adding more on channels for this weekend ✊🏾🧡stay tuned✨ #equitymatters #indigenouslivesmatter✊🏿✊🏽✊ (please tag others to support along with their cash apps or Venmo or YouTuBe channels 💵👏🏾let’s make some families or someone’s day as we are getting out of this bs together ✊🏾#weareourancestorswildestdreams never forget it 🌱🌍)
In solidarity and sovereignty with you, today and always.
Stay conscious and real,
Love u, AO 🦋🌻
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