Being Grateful, Staying Authentic and Mental Health Support.

Podcast Episode 2 ❤

Photo by Prateek Katyal

Originally published on Medium.

“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” — Maya Angelou

This quote by queen Maya Angelou always gets my spirits up whenever I read it out loud. And I hope it brings you joy and relief in knowing that you are not alone, change is coming, and failing is a learning process that is part of life.

In today's episode,


There are times that require us to be more mindful, more conscious, and to have a sustainable mindset. The energy shifted last week when Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won! But we still have a lot of work to do.

70 million people (55% were white women) voted for evil rather than humanity. These stats are concerning, especially for women of color. All women are the source of bringing life and wisdom into this world and we do raise nations whether patriarchy and capitalism like it or not.

There are male LGBTQ parents raising their children better than women these days. If these white women are advocating for hate, evil, white supremacy, and racist and fascist systems, then these are the communities and children that will require better anti-racism and anti-white supremacy education.

No more leaving it for the BIPOC and parents to deal with it alone. Unity in education, reconciliation, and emancipation must be the goal for all of us; while also uniting to fight for our planet, equality, and justice. Racism, capitalism, and white supremacy are deep-rooted evils seeping into our unconscious minds (learned in schools, from parents, society, and our ecosystems) and we need to work on conscious actions (sustainable within and out) to eradicate them from our minds. We need to embrace anti-racism education in schools, books, workshops. This is vital, especially during these times of unavoidable change in our minds and surroundings.

White People Love Racism More Than They Love Humanity
White people overwhelmingly chose racism, inequality, hate, and white rage in

Here in Montreal, Quebec, there were a lot of white supremacists and racists showing their support for the orange bigot. Yep, those on Facebook, Twitter, and IG. This is not surprising because we have the same issues here as in the USA. We unfollowed a lot of people this year and it was a blessing to be unfollowed by those that were triggered by our content. We blocked many racist bigots. It is what it is; negativity and toxicity attract each other. The more we engage, the more we feed into it. Be conscious of your own BS too, we all do it.

Meanwhile, we should also hold others accountable. If they say, do, post, or share racist remarks, or anything that does not align with basic human rights, our planet, and changing this corrupt system, then what’s the point?

It is all of our responsibility to report injustices, fight climate change by helping to build new systems, and defend marginalized groups and those who are voiceless. Our actions must teach a lesson by not lowering ourselves to the level of these toxic people. We must not act like them. Hold your truth and fight for what’s right, but do not feed negativity and toxicity by doing the same thing as them. That’s also unsustainable for you and others. We need to flush colonized, racist, and fascist mindsets out of our brains and surroundings. In other words, your courage, your voice, your resilience, and the truth will always bother those who are rotten inside and need to work on being better humans.

It is Inhumane Not to Care About Human Rights, Black Lives, Any People of Color, Women, Justice, the Elderly, People With Disabilities, and Climate Change. These all matter a lot. _AO

We should not forget that this is only the beginning. We must continue to educate, organize, strategize, and hold people, government leaders, policymakers, and corporations accountable.

But we should also focus more on positivity and being more self-conscious of our own actions, how we are towards others and ourselves too. Our minds have been conditioned and programmed for a very long time.

We must let go of the energy that is no longer serving us, in order to continue growing and moving forward.

We all have to heal in a way that also helps heal our planet and others.

On the second episode of the podcast, it’s me being honest about WritersYep in the present, and talking about ways to feel good while some of us are in lockdown or semi-lockdown. Especially with the winter blues on the horizon. And pandemic fatigue is real y’all.

As an empath and single mother, in this episode, I’m also sending you some healing, positive energy, and encouragement to help you cope in these rough times.

Stay safe, wear a mask, keep your distance, wash your hands often, and take care of your mental health first. Remember to be kind to your mind, to your planet, and to others.

Thank you for your support!

Love and Light,


If you liked this blog make sure to subscribe, follow us, leave us what you think in the comments (let’s start real conversations) and share it with someone who needs to read this today. Edited by Vanessa H.

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