Why Are Eco-publishers and Eco-printing NOT a Trend For Old Best Seller Authors and New Authors while We are In the Middle of a Climate Crisis?

Just wondering while I’m in the process of publishing my new book. Asking for friendly advice. Any eco authors out there?

Photo by Balázs Kétyi

Originally published on Medium.

Yep, looking for #ecoprinters #ecopublishers out there 🌎? Are KDP and @amazonpublishing are the only companies that do this for authors who want to #selfpublish but wants to do this sustainable and less harmful to our home?

Tell me #authors who already publish millions of books already. Doesn’t it bother you that your work is contributing to global warming and climate change? Because it is easier and comfortable to publish without much hassle on distribution or need to find printers for you. 

As the benefits for KDP is financial freedom (aka capitalism overload) at the expense of yours/mine own oxygen, your food, or someone else on this 🌎… Animal habitats is destroyed and climate change is a result of many injustices for centuries from corporations and companies. Which now we are all paying the consequences of their actions but us as well. Massive consumerism and capitalistic system are not sustainable anymore. But you who sell on Amazon and those who buy also contribute to this insanity that is killing our planet and ourselves.

How is it normal that we create things that can destroy us in the long term?

I’m trying to understand. Yep, we have been creating strategies, products, services, education programs, and learning to have less Empathy for centuries. Can we adapt to new green ways of living collectively? Is there still hope that people can change, especially if our own health and safety depend on it?

We can’t control the destination, however, we can control the roads we take to get there.

Now, are we building a world of collectivity, oneness, sustainability, circular + solidarity economy, and higher consciousness?

Or are we building a world of global technologies, AI, Individualism, Separation, and continue unconscious behaviors?

Remember, the choice has always belonged to us.

Our children are living these times and having the worst school and childhood experience whether we like it or not. A world pandemic is not fun unless parents are collectively embracing this, communities are coming together to support each other, work, and keep our mental wellbeing in check along with kids.

Then, the world has a chance. But most parents and those before them were conditioned and programmed… so the parents of now. If you’re not decolonizing your life, mind, and your ecosystem. And help your kids deal with these times at the same time. We are not doing a service to humanity and the planet now or in the future.

Children’s education is essential and vital. And it starts from home. Especially, antiracism and living more sustainably. Anyways, I had it the other day…


Read caption. Jeff Bezos 🦋🌻🌎

Sincerely, environmentalist, Writer, Mother, and Woman of color and founder of a startup that wants to embrace conscious creative media, eco-publishing + eco-printing. Starting with my books. However, get the realization that is not possible to create a circular economy agency and publishing company while the world still prefers profit and money over integrity, respect, and our planet.

Honestly, it is a sad realization that capitalism exists but we are the distributors. Our unconscious actions have been programmed for a long time and media is one of the biggest contributors to this madness.

This is why I mention it on the # 3 podcast episode.


We have to be mindful of what we share. But also what we consume. Because it definitely will consume us and rotten us inside if we let it.

These were days before my mother passed and during that time I was working on healing by reflecting, meditating 🧘🏽‍♀️, reading, and learning how to unlearn everything. So I can help and inspire others too.

I cannot control or change everything as much as I wish I could or had the financial means to do so. However, we do know someone who can. Which is why I am asking.

Mister Bezos, Can you invest part of your billion-dollar net worth into funding #eco-printing companies, create an affiliate #ecopublishereditor, and create an option in your @amazonpublishing for authors to choose #ecoprinter instead of regular printing? 💚

More trees, less plastic waste, and our #oceanplasticpollution can be turned into knowledge. What do you say? We do need to change #historybooks📚 and there is a lot of #oldbooks that need to burn 🔥🤦🏽‍♀️ especially those books that have lie for centuries… what do you say? You in?

And if not, where are the eco publishing companies and printers? Let’s collaborate and join forces. It’s time.

Until next time, remember to be kind to your planet, to you, and to others.

Love and Light,


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Being Grateful, Staying Authentic and Mental Health Support.