September Virgo & Libra Season: Divine Feminine Healing and Listen To Understand, No Judgement To Your Shadow Self. (Part 1)
Healing and decolonization is a process, slow, sustainable and steady this September — through Dec 2021.
Photo by Oliver Pacas
Originally published on Medium.
This Virgo New moon peaks on September 6–7, 2021. A reminder that new moons represent the start of a lunar cycle, a time where energy needs to be drawn inward. We can use this energy to retreat within, to reflect, and to think about what we wish to bring into our lives. This is the time to plant our seeds of intentions for the cycle ahead.
The new moon in Earth signs is some of the most reflective so far. As Virgo myself, I am aware that this Virgo season is asking us all to ground ourselves and our dreams. That we need to remember we are multidimensional and no we do not all fit into the same box and that's totally fine. And it should be respected, therefore lots of justice and truth will be revealed within and externally in the coming months. Being weird is a strength and a superpower, not a weakness.
We are living and conscious trees. United and connected is also our biggest strength against evil. We cannot afford anymore to be unconscious and asleep when the world needs our voices, our light, and our unconditional love, in order to heal what's already being damaged. To be more grateful for what you already have.
The new episode is released #10 ❤ If you will like to listen while you read or listen to it later with a cup of tea ;). Enjoy!
I am this time adding more intentions into my cleansing methods, manifestations, and the cycle of conscious creativity.
In other words, I’m hearing out my shadow self, so that I can understand the shadow aspects of others. (Read part 2 after this, as it goes deeper into this.)
Healing is not easy nor it’s the same methods and strategies that work for your own healing may or may not work for others. That’s why taking time to do self-discovery within and healing traumas is vital through this spiritual journey we are all here for.
It helps us navigate better the light and dark within us.
As well, build equanimity and get back to unifying, become one to balance evil within internal plus externally. I’ll explain more of this later on my AngieBlog Youtube channel, as new divine messages have been download this weekend, processes during meditation and daily grounding practice, as I’m still experiencing ascension and second dose symptoms plus complications. So far Angel’s and Ancestors are on the ball with me to continue my internal, deep shadow work healing. As well, to always speak the truth even if it makes me and others uncomfortable.
I can honestly say, each day feels better and I’m slowly healing. But this is deep, daily work aside from motherhood, caregiver/facilitator job, and being a conscious creator and earth warrior too. Therefore, nothing is impossible if you believe and try hard enough. Self-healing is all of us superpower when used wisely. You become wiser as you heal, forgive and listen to understand your darkness. It’s not all love and light 24/7, that’s not possible and it is very unsustainable and unhealthy. Everything must be balanced, learn from Mother Earth. Everything on this planet must balance and so are we. Our internal source, connected to the earth. Not separated from it.
I feel it each day I complete my rituals, my body is doing its purging, cleansing, and regenerating my own DNA. Crystal healing myself plus connecting with higher realms, my higher self, and spirit guides, has been a revelation and liberation.
I’ve found inner peace and joy while surviving adversity. I never thought I would, that’s all thanks to spirituality and getting to know myself, and heal my traumas. I’m still going through it, however, I’m grateful for this divine calling and guidance. Therefore, I am committed to continuing to nurture my psychic abilities, heal the collective, inspire through creativity and be the guide for those trying to also find their way too. It’s not this fast healing process that we are all used to, and it’s not linear as one day I feel awesome and other days, feel very tired but slow and steady. It’s good enough for me.
I’m really focusing on the way that I operate this time around, I’m asking myself and my divine spirit guides “why?”. “How can I be a better conscious parent and educator/artist/healer/empath/lightworker?”, “ How can I teach my kids that we will not give up and we will change this system one-day-at-time?”, “how do I explain to my daughters and communities that humanity needs to heal and start taking their power back as we are not free and are in serious danger from climate change impacts in less than a decade from now?”, “How can I build with others by connecting and collaborating circular and sustainable economy from within our own organizations and then create inclusive ways to help others do the same. Or have access and provide educational ways for others to learn, and applied what works for them and thrive as one?” …
A lot more and getting to the root of why I do & don’t do certain things, why my thought process is the way they are, why I choose to lead the life that I do. How can I create more love, inner peace, and harmony within myself and extend that grace and kindness to others and our planet right now?
I believe it is important to really check-in, tune in with yourself first. Know thy self. Understand yourself a little bit better than you did yesterday, goes a long way. Sitting down and having real conversations with yourself and allow yourself to just sit with your own existence. Your own divinity that we all possess. Because you are worthy and are good enough ❤
As well, I am very much focusing on gratitude. I daily write down my blessing and pray that others get to have it too. Gratitude reinforces and nurtures my sovereign, perseverance, my inner strength, my intuition, my healing, my psychic abilities, my work ethic, my dedication, my creativity, and all aspects of myself as a multidimensional spiritual human being.
Remember if this resonated with you then you too are capable of achieving these and much more. Do not limit yourself any longer, the system needs you to think small and limit yourself. Be rebellious and love yourself enough to stand up for what feels right within. And do not let external change who you truly are. Sovereign.
Birthing a New Age
Birthing new creations. Dreaming a new world into being.
Photo by Joshua Sortino
Often our path is exactly the one that we don’t feel prepared to walk. Walk it anyway. Often what is rising feels far bigger than we could possibly hold. Be a container for it anyway. Often our creations seem to have a wild, uncontrollable consciousness of their own. Birth them anyway. Often what is ours to do is the very thing that most intimidates us. Be courageous and do it anyway. We are birthing a new age.
Right now, we’re in a transition period between ages. In the process of allowing the old cycle to fall away and the new to rise. Like driving in the fog and trusting the road will appear ahead, we need to release old identities and ways that no longer serve us, using our intuition as a compass.
You are part of a group of souls who have been incarnating at significant periods of history preparing for this exact time. Dreaming a new world into being: Magdalene sisters, daughters of Isis, Essenes, Priestesses, witches, mystics, healers, seers, artists, midwives, visionaries, guardians of the earth, and storytellers from times past.
It is time to give permission and space for what is beckoning within to be born. We are dreaming of a new world into being. Getting back to the source. ❤
Work your light activation this new moon in Virgo!
Write down your intentions you will like to work on, let go of things that are heavy and do not serve your soul purpose, and welcome plus embrace the new.
Repeat this affirmations/mantra while you do the self-reflection. Burn your intentions or plant them under a tree or fertile soil (Earth, ground those new intentions or goals you are setting for yourself and the collective healing of humanity and earth) while you also say this out-loud:
“I am open to surrender to the creations that are wanting to be birthed through me.
May I be of service in a way that delights my mind, boby, and soul.
Please use me, please lead me, please show me the way.
I am magical. I am eternal. I am divinely guided, loved, protected and supported.
I choose peace, balance and harmony.
I release the old and heavy and open up to the new. I am open to receive. Abundance is my birthright.
I am not who I used to be and I see things differently.
I love the person I’ve become and who I am becoming.”
Good crystals healing for this New moon in Virgo to meditate, add around your house or wear it while you cleanse, declutter and build new healthier habits plus boundaries.
Rhodochrosite: — emotional support and strengthening. detrimental habits release. heightened self-love.
Watermelon tourmaline: — heart healing and strengthening. Stress and tension relief. Projective and receptive energy balance.
Blue or Green aventurine: — healthy habits formation. detrimental pattern release. Emotional awareness.
Azurite: — Mood balancing. Mental clarity and balance. Universal communication.
Chrysocolla: — empowered communication. Release of fear, anxieties, & tension. Release of negative and paranoid thinking.
Fuchsite: — Mental chatter reduction. Creative freedom and expression. Adaptation to change.
Lapis Lazuli: — very protective stone that contacts spirit guardians. It encourages taking charge of your life. it reveals inner truth, encourages self-awareness, and allows self-expression without holding back or compromising.
Carnelian: — for confidence and passion. Creatives this crystal is your bestie ;).
Ruby: — for protection and vitality.
Sapphire: — self-expression and truth.
peridot: — it's for radiance and purpose.
Simplify your life. Find beauty in discovering balance for yourself and others. Release old patterns, and step into your real, authentic self. Be liberated from your own limiting beliefs and own your life which finally will become into balance and harmony with all there is and will be.
RP foreverconscious: We may find ourselves seeking adventure, wanting to try new things, and creating productive change in our lives. We may also feel the time has come to do things differently or to try something we’ve always wanted to try.
There are deep energies trying to anchor us, guiding us to connect with our inner child and think about our generational wounds. Healing feminine wounds is key during this month. Also, we might feel called to explore habits, beliefs, or attitudes we collected from childhood that no longer serves us and to heal ancestral wounds. Yep, these are the wounds that are not of this life but inherited from both our earth and soul family. This is to heal anything that triggers us so that we become aware of how they’re manifesting in our current reality.
It takes deep awareness to identify childhood patterns and ancestral wounds. This is why decolonization, shadow work, and dismantling old patterns are key during these coming months. If you feel called to do the work, you will find this new moon creates some ease and allow the healing process to feel more natural. If you’ve been doing this work already, you will find that this time brings you a powerful portal of healing.
Journal, meditate, & dive deeper into inherited blocks and baggage, & become aware of their presence. Sometimes just becoming aware of these things can be a gentle opener to healing. It’s unlikely we‘ll have all the answers, but through just becoming aware, we can start to make healing changes.
⭐️ The Virgo New Moon sends mixed waves of energy that may trigger old wounds, but also inspire us to try new things. It seems like these manifestations are at opposite ends of the spectrum, which is also why this energy feels scattered. But remember the grounding force of Virgo energy that holds this New Moon.
continue in part 2 ❤
Just remember empathy matters a lot these days. Be kind to your planet, to you, and others.
In solidarity and sovereignty with you, today and always.
Stay conscious and real,
Love u, AO 🦋🌻
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