One of Many Ascension Lessons: Forgiveness 

Ascension symptoms are no joke, but still painfully, unconditional love, inner peace, and creative beautiful lessons. I am grateful. 

Photo by Paul Gilmore

Photo by Paul Gilmore

Originally published on Medium.

Being discovering that shame and guilt are very heavy emotions plus they're carried in our bodies, if we are not protecting and taking care of our self spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. 

These two are the results of living and trying to survive colonial, capitalist, white supremacy, and oppressive systems. However, we’ve been taught to ignore, suppressed, and distract our own inner growth, healing and self-worth, so it can increase the pockets of those who benefit from inequality and linear economy. 

Which as climate change impacts are rising, so it is the awareness that we must change and that circular, equitable, sustainable, and just economies are more sustainable for all of us. That taxing the rich MUST BE ALL OF US PRIORITY RIGHT NOW. 

There are too many people who are unhealed and are always in the frequency of low vibrations. Which is then projected and use to manipulate and control others, as they can’t help it. 

Shame and guilt are very heavy dark emotions and it’s what societies are built on too. Therefore, healing, decolonization of the mind and working on your subconscious limiting beliefs, and healing your ancestral traumas consciously is freedom.

However, we have failed to recognize and be aware that money is energy.

Money is its own consciousness and it has been distorted, manipulated, used for controlling, and abuse on a subconscious level, for many centuries. Hence, colonization, capitalism, linear, oppressive systems, ignorance, hate, jealousy, comparing, racism, sexism, misogyny, homophobic, any discrimination against another human being, and acts of violence. These are satanic and demonic acts being considered “normal” that we are not bringing into awareness and consciousness because it’s too hard to admit that all linear and capitalism plus colonial strategies are demonic and satanic entities.

These are embedded in our subconscious and we need to heal, so we can bring them to consciousness and act accordingly. Especially, this has nothing to do with religion, but on a spiritual and much higher multidimensional level. The system (matrix) uses any “religion” as a space goat to masked their evil deeds. We are all being tested, every. single. day. Choices are made every day, so it has always been up to you.

Since we have free will, we can choose by having the tools (right education plus mental, and spiritual health) knowledge, and knowing ourselves (self-healing plus being of service for other and the planet practices daily). We have the opportunity and be given the chance to choose wisely.

As we should, because the more we ignore, suppress, distract our inner healing; the easier target we are to be controlled, manipulated and mentality abused as we all have been till now. Discernment and building boundaries af come from taking care of yourself, so do it without shame and guilt, please. You matter and you are good enough!

We are encouraged to constantly be working and doing something, if we are not then we are not good enough, or we won't make any money as if everything needs to be related to that. Just want to make it clear, from now on, there is NO “working hard” that’s mental, spiritual, and physical slavery and lack mentality. 

It is working smart, with rest, respect, strong af boundaries, breaks, and time to fuck off if you need to, and then get back to wtv. If it’s not your job, do not do it. 

No more free time is given to those employers who do not pay extra time. 

Your time and energy are very valuable. And it must be respected by you and those who benefit from your work and your energy. 

No more “time is money” that crap just creates more mental anxiety and depression, plus it’s the mantra of those benefiting from inequality, capitalism, and linear systems. Pay attention to those who say that a lot, and see their line of work. It’s toxic, taxing and so much unconscious bias. 

Work on what you love, do something, for now, that pays your bills but do not extend yourself on those jobs. If you die tomorrow, they already have a replacement for you. This is why I encourage you to build your side-hustle or anything that you love a lot so you do it every day and promote it. Use Technology as your beacon of love to alchemize and manifest your desires and use it consciously as it can control you if you are not careful. 

Also, not everyone has the privilege to use technology or build something on the side. They have multiple jobs, families, and other things preventing them from working on their dreams and what they love. It is NOT their fault, as these linear, capitalists, colonial and oppressive systems exclude the majority of people from achieving greatness too. Even though, it is ALL OF US birthright to have abundance, live joyfully and sustainably plus equitably in harmony with the earth, nature, animals, and our fellow brothers and sisters. 

So make sure you are not taking for granted what God's gift has given you, it is luck that you are not suffering what others are going through right now. Because it is for a reason. You are meant to help build better and new earth for all of us, not just some of us. We all have a role to play in this lifetime.

Remember, you can help those also get their dreams to come true. As they will see possibilities, miracles and feel hopeful to try it through you. Never forget the power of the positive ripple effect, it’s how the universe gives us confirmation of going the right path and doing right by humanity and the planet. So being kind and extending your grace plus divinity to others is also vital in the collective healing of building, restoring, and repairing ALL OF US our home. Earth. 


Share your love with the world and make your money on the side. It’s possible to have full-time jobs and be a working-progress, while you are building multiple income streams. It takes self-discipline, accountability, living with integrity, a strong mindset and healthy, spiritual practices plus habits, and much more but so far these weren't built overnight and it takes massive healing and dismantling from the status quo. Still a working-progress-over-here ;) The beauty and purity of building your own: Your work does NOT need to be rushed and expecting results right away. 

Let expectations, comparison, judgment, hate, shading, projecting, and jealousy out the window. This is why I also encourage, inner healing is important before you build your work. Trust me it will save you a lot of time, money, energy and you will enjoy the process more. I promise. ❤

It’s working smart though, and not giving up when it gets hard. That’s what will be fulfilling and rewarding for you. Want to know why? Because it was built from you. You build it with love daily, or weekly, or monthly! It doesn’t matter, there is no limit to growth and healing. Keep moving forward. 

So go do what makes you feel like magic and that you are part of the co-creators in this universe with all of us earth warriors too. Sorry that aside from all that extra decolonization, healing, and discovering yourself. You also have to focus and help humanity with climate change impacts, and that’s alright. IT IS NOT OUR FAULT EITHER! However, we are accepting this reality and getting ready to change it :) We are all capable of building empathy, sustainability, and a circular economy for our self, our planet, and others. You got this! And I believe in you! ❤ 

The external needs to be balanced by us working on our healing internally. Then, we can focus on taxing the rich, equity plus change of systems completely must be a priority for all of us, not just some of us. So with the proper resources and the sustainable mindset as collective and individually, we can work together and reduce our ecological footprint and reduce co2 emissions much faster in this decade and continue to nurture for the next generations to come. Climate justice is social justice.

The ascension symptoms started… at least for some of us in the collective who have been doing the inner work, going to therapy, grounding, alchemizing internal ancestral plus presents trauma triggers into conscious and sustainable actions for the better well being of the collective as a whole and oneness of the new earth that it is already within us. 

The last key through all of this is the connection to the synchronicities and lessons of experiences learned till now and unifying = connecting as one. A new community and new oneness spaces, totally different. I know, when I got these downloads, I was like there is a possibility? We can build something new, by shifting everything we have ever known. The was answer was clear: “Hell, yeah!”. 

We are living in hell, we are the ones that can shift from this to a new earth. It’s going to take some work, is not an easy ride. And that’s where acceptance and forgiveness come in. Still working on this though, so this is just an update of my healing journey process that I wanted to leave you here. Plus #2 New 𓂀Messages for you from Spirit 🪐🌌Happy Virgo ♍️ Season! 🙏🏽🦋🌝🐝👼🕉#collectivehealing 🌳

Have you been feeling ascension symptoms these days? 

🥴 two days ago for me, it was really intense, body felt like it was on fire 🔥 no fever though 🤷🏽‍♀️ aching muscles especially arms, back, and legs … back feels heavier than usual. 

After meditation 🧘🏽‍♀️ it feels much better … especially now meditate for longer periods which haven’t manage before. However, yeah super tired after work. Which sets me back on my own goals and work mission. Here is where I've been practicing forgiveness and talking to my body and my mind nicely. These two have been enduring so much these past years, building resilience and I’m so grateful for it. 

I usually post stories on IG and here but… couldn’t do anything. 

I suffer from insomnia and two days ago all I can do was go to bed…

 It’s weird for me, I’ve e always felt shame and guilt to rest… Because yes I have 2 jobs as a single mom to sustain my daughters and me. I have too; one full-time job does not sustain a family anymore, because this linear plus capitalist system is not made for single parents, so I have no choice just like many of us too. 

I’ve been dreaming and hearing Merlin 🙏🏽😳😮‍💨started researching about him. But my guides are like, you’ll find better info meditating and access your own lineage 🥺 … honestly yesterday it was the first time… I didn’t feel uncomfortable or weird.. not to be here, or doing anything! And slept. Woke up today, still having the ascending symptoms but no shame or guilt🙏🏽 just profound bliss and compassion towards my healing ❤️‍🩹 process which hasn’t been easy, but yeah inner peace and unconditional love 🙏🏽 for others as I do myself. So many #synchronicities too! 

This #fullmooninaquarius was very intense and heavy for me. 😮‍💨 still going through it, but my spirit guides wanted me to come here and send you love and healing 🙏🏽😘

Intuitive Conscious Creative Messages: Full Moon in Aquarius.
This August Full Moon sheds some light or allows us to release something once and for

How are you feeling?

If you’re not feeling the ascending symptoms, or #egodeath or #awakening, do not worry, we are all connected and are one. 

Eventually, what’s happening in the external as more chaos rises, #higherawakening 🙏🏽will start to rise too. Sending you ALL love and healing as this process is very hard. Hang in there you are not alone. What happens in one place anywhere on 🌍 we all feel it in an energetic and spiritual way. No matter what. 

That’s why ignorance, lies, being racist, misogynistic, sexist, homophobic, discriminatory, narcissistic, manipulative, controlling and abusive behavior becomes crystal clear that’s not you and you don’t operate that way nor do you accept it ✊🏾 this toxic behavior from oppressive systems doesn’t work with you anymore. You no longer are interested in conformity. You start understanding #equinimity and #thelawofunity plus #oneness.

Your daily habits and actions start changing. You are not only planning and working smart, not hard anymore for yourself and your loved ones. But as a whole, for humanity collective healing ❤️‍🩹🌎. Because we must. #sustainabilitymatters #equitymatters #circulareconomy #empathymatters

I’m 🧘🏽‍♀️still going through it 🔥just coming out from taking a break... my skin still feels like it’s on fire, and my body is vibrating not from a panic attack, depression, or anxiety. Recognize those in a second since it was my way of life before deciding to do #healingancestraltrauma last year as I didn’t understand what spiritual awakening was as I was going through it 𓆉

No, this is different and in a blissfully painful way. Definitely, learning a lot about forgiveness, discernment, and how greed masked as “religious” to cause more harm and justified being a murder and using evil (satanic) ways to keep people controlled. 

Since I’ve been in the abyss of hell and have conversations with demons. Yep, #divinefemininerising and #awakenfemininedivine are not afraid of the dark. We are #alchemist🔹🕉️☪️☯️ Because we understand that in order to be “light”, we have to work and heal plus balance our darkness. We are already light! ☯️ and dark! we all possess these polarities but we have been conditioned and programmed to avoid it, suppress it, and numb it to ignore it. Therefore, we ignore the humanity of ourselves and others.

Anyways, the psychic message was very clear: 

“Hell just created a very special place for you. And they will see you soon. Karma is not going to be your worse enemy in this lifetime or the next. Your fate was sealed the moment you decided to take others people’s lives in that airport. God gave you a chance, show you signs, and you choose the devil and his ways. So what these leaders 🌎 of the old earth, will see, feel, and be judged with the same hand they did other innocent people. Justice will be served in the new earth and as well after death💀. Humans are not here to judge or punished others for their own selfish gains. That has a special karmic debt 🥵. We can’t wait to welcome you in pure hell because that’s small considering what we got planned for you. You too billionaires, we can’t wait for you too. And so it will be”

To those who read this ⚖️❤️🙏🏽from learning from Maat teachings. You will not be affected or condemn by these written words. These are not meant for the pure and spiritual hearts. If you live with good intentions and take accountability and responsibility for your actions 🙏🏽🧿🤍🖤☯️🕉you have nothing to worry about or stress. Keep healing, keep purging, keep discovering yourself. It’s worth it and our planet plus people are worth it. We are loved and going to embrace it. The goods come with the bad. It is what it is. But we should kick the bad in the ass with more loving and understanding. Our choices! because we have free will. I’m just choosing to surrender to the divine and Unconditional love. So my loves, choose wisely 💕 You are protected and divinely guided and so it is and always will be. 🌻🦋

Each of us has specific tasks and duties on this planet as #earthwarriors and each of those actions done individually and collectively matters. Don’t forget, that internal healing is a process and it must be done if we are trying to have a chance to tackle #climatechangeimpacts because we must heal internally, our minds need to be stronger than ever before, build resilience and compassion towards ourselves and extend that grace and divinity to others and our planet 🌎.

It’s a working process to heal, dismantle, decolonization and not conform to the status quo ✊🏾 don’t give up! focus 🧘🏽‍♀️ on the love ❤️ we progress together as one. 

Just remember empathy matters a lot these days. Be kind to your planet, to you, and others.

In solidarity and sovereignty with you, today and always.

Stay conscious and real,

Love u, AO 🦋🌻

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September Virgo & Libra Season: Divine Feminine Healing and Listen To Understand, No Judgement To Your Shadow Self. (Part 1)


Intuitive Conscious Creative Messages: Full Moon in Aquarius.