Sustainability, Justice, and Re-Humanization. 

It’s the circle of life alright…

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Using creativity has been very healing. Encourage those who are feeling low, having anxieties, or going through painful stuff right now. Anything can be used as art. Use your imagination, get off the phone and turn off the news. Focus on finding internal happiness so that you can go back and consume “media” consciously without absorbing or reacting to all you see externally.

Originally Published on Medium.

On the 15 of August 2021, my heart and my whole body felt the pain, the dreadful feeling of a tower moment (how we intuitive and card readers call it) but one that rocket the core of all our values and all that we have known to be a “good” human. This day I felt that my high sensitivity was not only me that was feeling it, but my daughters and most highly empath and lightworkers felt this internal and chaotic, toxic pain that can only mean, pure evil and as usual intended to the destruction of someone’s spirit and ways to thrive in a place already doom from 20 years of U.S imperialism and destruction In Afghanistan. 

Taliban take over Afghanistan: What we know and what's next
The Taliban have seized power in Afghanistan two weeks before the U.S. was set to complete its troop withdrawal after a…


The short answer? Corruption.

The U.S. and its NATO allies spent billions of dollars over two decades to train and equip Afghan security forces. But the Western-backed government was rife with corruption. Commanders exaggerated the number of soldiers to siphon off resources, and troops in the field often lacked ammunition, supplies or even food.

Their morale further eroded when it became clear the U.S. was on its way out. As the Taliban rapidly advanced in recent days entire units surrendered after brief battles, and Kabul and some nearby provinces fell without a fight.

There is a history here that needs to be unlearned and re-learn. There is a strange coincidence between these events happening all at once, the rise of variant during a pandemic, the fires in Europe, the take over of Afganistan, the Haiti earthquake, The crisis in Lebanon, Palestine still struggling, trying to fight for their rights to exist as human beings. Water protectors Indigenous people risking their lives to protect our waters! #stopline3 and climate change recent IPCC report.

 Everything is intersectionality and multidimensional connected. We are the co-creators, Earth warriors and the power source is within us, as we unite to demand justice, sustainability, and the circular economy (equity for all) that we all need to demand and start TAXING THE RICH! because we need to start with a green new deal in all countries as a necessity and start understanding that what we all we have ever known, and being taught, must change as the climate and our internal is changing. The old and toxic cannot enter our new realities and perceptions, which we are shifting and birthing as we heal internally a New Earth. 

Education Systems MUST Change
As the Climate and OUR INTERNAL environment are changing. (Part 2)

The energy field and in the Quantum field, which has many more dimensions is always changing and evolving, is not rushing as divine timing is FOR all of us spirits, having a human experience here. We are meant to be learning spiritual lessons, to get back to Love. However, we are trying to continue the old 3D paradigm and Earth is showing us, for the New Earth to occur, which is birthing as most humans during this pandemic have been going through their spiritual awakening, ego death, and ascensions. Especially after the powerful lion’s gate that is still lingering until the Full Moon in Aquarius on the 22 of August 2021. 

The new Earth frequency is not rooted in capitalism, colonial, and toxic abusive behavior or idealism. It’s pure oneness, love, compassion, forgiveness, kindness, equity, fair justice, sustainability, indigenous sovereignty plus the return of Land, treat animals and everything with respect and value every seed, creations that are structure in circular techniques and strategies from implementing circular, equitable, anti-racist and sustainable greener spaces in the future for all of us. The goal is to reduce C02 emissions while building sustainable health plus mental care, finance, education, holistic medicine, decolonized science plus everything, and integrate more spirituality practices to build internal resilience as we shift systems for all living beings on this planet. 

Adaptability is going to be incredibly difficult for most marginalized and low-income areas in every country and city around the world. This is where the mutual funds and taxing the rich plus suing them for climate change impact damages around the world are part (but equally important in order to build equity and circular systems) of the Green New deal solutions. If these are not included in this plan, globally, we are wasting our planet and our time. 

This is where they don’t want you to look at. Because narcissistic abusers and oppressors do not take accountability nor do they apologize or take responsibility for their toxic and abusive behavior. Therefore, they can spend lots of money on ads to keep gaining more money while the world is on climate, humanitarian and social crisis. 

However, let’s invest millions that could be going to eradicate poverty but instead they invest heavily in creating lies, manipulate the masses, more fake and separation tactics to keep us from looking at them. Because it will affect their large bank accounts and the monetary assets they currently own (lands, properties, bonds, stock market bonds) which most were passed down by inheritance from colonizers. They have master the art of keeping the oppression, abusive capitalism from parents, schools, families, communities and they have mastered the art of lying and manipulation.

 We call it “Business Model” = Progress. For who though? 

Which essentially most businesses that pivot or shift during this world pandemic, have come to realize what a freaking scam this model is and so unsustainable for our employees, ourselves, and our communities. I really hope those in business school now, are not buying into this crap and drop out, and spend their money on real education. Yep, your own self-learning, talking to real people, online business is possible but you should work on creating sustainable businesses and not one that destroyed people and our planet. We are better than this BS. C’mom, believe in yourself! Pay attention and stay consciously aware of your enemy’s moves or none. Equally important, we cannot afford to be ignorant and silent anymore. 

 Taxing the RICH should help to eradicate poverty, building affordable housing and mental health support systems as most refugees and people going through immigration and displacement due to war, conflicts, and environmental disasters. PTSD, Depression, and chronic anxieties are prone to occur, due to generational traumas plus recent traumas that must be taken care of and heal, so these individuals can find their sense of purpose and live joyful lives while they are in recovery. 

The shifting from normal cars to electric. To everything be net-zero emissions strategies in every aspect of our lives. Yep, completely learn how to survive without the need of a lot and be provided, supported, and educated through the sustainability program process that we all need to embrace, while the 1% billionaires, corporations, and Governments are balancing what’s rightly ours and most of us deserve already if it wasn’t for the exploration of humans, animals, and our Earth resources without consequences and proper redistribution of assets that belong to the people. Equity is a necessity and we must demand it as it’s the hope for humanity to be able to survive the effects of climate change in the next decade. We need all our infrastructures, policies, laws, greener jobs, and more sustainability mindset. 

It's now or never: Scientists warn time of reckoning has come for the planet
t the end of the 60s sci-fi classic, The Day the Earth Caught Fire, the camera pans across the Daily Express case room…

UN weather agency: millions affected by climate change and extreme weather in Latin America and…
Extreme weather and climate change are threatening the entire region, "from the heights of Andean peaks to low-lying…

IPCC report: 'Code red' for human-driven global heating, warns UN chief
Human-induced climate change is already affecting many weather and climate extremes in every region across the globe…

Then, on the same weekend! An earthquake of 7.2 magnitudes hit Haiti the most of all Caribbean islands. 

“The death toll from the weekend earthquake in Haiti jumped to 1,941, with over 9,900 injured, Haitian officials said Tuesday. The news comes as remnants of Tropical Depression Grace battered the country with heavy rain, complicating search and rescue efforts.”

Death toll from Haiti earthquake climbs to 1,941, with over 9,900 injured
CBS News Port-au-Prince, Haiti - The death toll from the weekend earthquake in Haiti jumped to 1,941, with over 9,900…

Tropical Storm Grace drenching Haiti as quake death toll tops 1,400
Grace regained tropical storm strength early Tuesday and was dumping extremely heavy rains and causing flooding across…

While the world is turned into more chaos, evil is being shown and most of us with privileges to just ignore because it does not affect most people. 

These two days, I spent it consciously while dealing with my own climate anxiety, financial depression, and trying to survive each week. Hugged, kissed, cuddle, and was more present with my daughters. We were feeling all the energies this Sunday and Monday. We stuck to praying for all the women and children in Afganistan, those who were gone too soon in the Haiti earthquake, and now for those trying to survive during a tropical storm right after an earthquake! Those affected by the fires recently, people who are not doing well after taking the vaccine (nobody is allowed to talk about it apparently but honestly, that’s colonial and abusive tactics from this systems but yall fighting to be right and “can’t wait to get back to normal”, there was never a “normal” what we were living and now is worse, but ignorance is bliss for some until it happens to you right? We are using the same mentality when we are faced to recognize and start being conscious and aware of climate change impacts. ) and still got the variant. 

Now, the systems with media help, of course, are using children as baits to make everyone, even those who have been strictly forbidden to take the vaccine due to health reasons. These are not the times to be judging and creating divisions, people have their right on what they accept into their bodies or not. It is not your business what other people are doing or choosing. Blaming others for things that you are not even looking or fixing on yourself, is pure evil. 

Some people had no choice and still decided to risk it in order to maintain their financial stability to feed their children or have no other options as we are being stripped from our human rights whether you like it or not. Some people are being threatened they will get fired now if they don’t take the jab. So now, we are using financial and psychological abuse in order to force people to do this… everyone is to blame instead of looking at what needs to be addressed. The way they are taking these matters way too out of proportion and violating people’s rights because it’s too expensive to actually fix this economy, the health system needs to be changed, financial wealth must be re-distributed, justice and accountability need to be a priority as we need to shift to a circular economy, no more linear NOTHING! and tax the fucking rich! 

We are in this mess also because of their disgusting greed, lack of accountability, and narcissistic plus white supremacist ways. 

However, we are getting distracted by BS, anti-vax would not exist if the system were held accountable and make sure that these vaccines are properly made and make sure that all populations are included. But it is not the case. 

There is an inequality, racist, and twisted agenda but let’s ignore that and spread around the most unrelatable excuse to gaslight people during this pandemic. The one with “chicken-pox” and why some children now don’t need it. Yes, some old ancient vaccines were made and were successful because of the conscious time that was created. Therefore, the results were seen in our evolving and genetic DNA as we were in those times, not like these, but probably and equally worse too. 

However, now with new tech, billionaires, pharmaceuticals, medicine, and a higher level of science and spiritual consciousness awaken healer individuals. There should not be room for casualties, wrong cases, people getting covid-variant after getting the two doses! Hence, now they are working with a third and Alzheimer's prevention as it is one of the side effects nobody wants to talk about that are consequences for these new vaccines in the next decades or so… So for those who are vaccinated, who have Alzheimer's genes plus descendants you have more work to do than those who are not! 

Because you have chosen to do this, that’s on you. It does not mean, that others should be or must be doing the same, to applicate to your wounded and comfortable egos! Leave people be! There are people who want to do their inner work before taking it, their others who can't take it! Therefore, they have to wear a mask and do all the restrictions forever. And for the love of God, IT IS NOT THEIR FAULT! Stop blaming, judging, and work on yourself plus add helping each other instead of promoting hate and evil agenda’s just because it doesn’t affect you and you are comfortable being evil! 

There are more scientific papers that are not being addressed and properly educating the people because they don’t want to create panic… 

But by you not informing them and telling the truth, you already are creating agony, panic, and misery. I wonder who benefits from people overthinking and living this way?

Humanity is in their RIGHTS to know they have to do internal work to prevent terminal diseases that can be triggered by abusive traumatic experiences daily without proper mental health care and also by taking these two vaccines. It is an oppressive and abusive way to withhold vital information plus provide resources and not censored spiritual healers content plus work because it doesn’t fall into the “colonized medical/scientific white supremacy/catholic ideologies”. It was even eviler to agree to distribute and force people to take this and withholding truthful information as a fear that they will say no, and rebel as they should have been. However, we can’t go back and the damage is done already for most of us. We can only prevent, nurture our bodies, minds, and spirit, try to find peace and joy through it all (trust me not easy, but is possible. You have to commit to shift your mindset first and not follow the herd. Follow your own compass and everything aligns divine timing. Surrender and Trust the universe.)

Internal, physical, mental, and spiritual healing must be everyone's priority after taking these. However, because it’s too hard or “It’s not true, they wouldn’t do that to us” mentality is what can potentially be all our undoing. Your undying loyalty to abusers and colonizers will get us nowhere. Yet, they have shown us by going into space, what they will do once we are all sick, forgetful, have brain damage, and trying to survive an unlivable planet. 

Are we waiting for ALL of that to happen to take action or are we ready to get dirty and dismantle real evil once and for all? 

This is why most people choose the easy way. To judge, to blame, to hate, to bully, to gaslight, to manipulate, to control, to exploit, and to use any form of abuse in order to not look at oneself and take responsibility and accountability for your actions in the past, the now and your future actions which are built in the now. 

Choosing love, compassion and kindness are very difficult because first, you have to extend that grace to yourself. We are not taught this and our history plus our inner healing ways have been stripped from us for a reason. It does not benefit the system if we are able to heal, grow our own food, build resilient communities, build mutual funds to create generational and equitable wealth, take care of Indigenous Lands with them and learn to take care of ourselves. Therefore, their evil genius was created a long time ago. They tried to burn, vanish and hide the reasons why a lot of witches, empath, free-spirits, indigenous and African spirituality was considered demonic and it needed to be “dismantle” and build “righteous” and “white-pure” religious beliefs that main purpose was to benefit themselves and the state. Not the people. 

If you are not aware or are working on yourself, get to know yourself. 

Because when you don’t, you are easily a target to be manipulated, controlled, and abused. Because know thy self is highly important as you will follow nobody. You will listen to your source. Your own soul mission and purpose here. You will trust yourself and not need anybody’s opinions or validations or feel that you need to be a certain way in order to be “accepted” by societal impose limitations. 

We were taught to believe an illusion and it has shattered a long time ago. We are not paying attention, which is why Gaia is trying to communicate and her Earth warriors. Listen to your intuition, we are all one and connected to the source. There is no separation, time, or division in higher consciousness. You are part of nature and Earth is pure consciousness of love. Tune in as we need to work on our collective internal healing and then extend that grace plus divinity as one externally. Individually and equally collectively do this daily. 

Spiritual healers are not joking or trying to “ruin” your vibe when we are telling you that these vaccines are not the only solutions. The inner work/shadow work, exercising, eating green foods, eat more fruits, drink multivitamins and keep vitamin C and D foods or gummies as a high priority because they keep healthy immune systems, protect your energy, no meat, no process or fake foods plus using moon cycles for cleansing and healing is a priority for a reason. It’s not to induce fear or to create more propaganda of separation, but it’s divinely guided by higher consciousness. The one the system, the 1% elites, corporations need you to NOT focus on because that will mean, you will see through their BS too. 

God, the universe, angels, and our Ancient ancestors (not white colonial ancestors, yall need to get into therapy and start holding your oppressors and colonizer ancestors accountable. Seriously, eradicating white supremacy must come first from white and privileged individuals. Let’s be real here) that speak to us in enlightenment and ascension prophesies through our veins when we are grounding ourselves (meditation, yoga, praying). When you are in Nature, Gaia also speaks her language. Pay attention. We all can do this if we choose to. We are constantly guided because we are here to create Heaven on Earth and higher power is trying to help us achieved this as most of us have been manifesting for decades. 

However, we are now understanding that the power of the people and love frequency is more powerful than any evil forces. That no matter what, we are loved, protected, supported, and encouraged when we start by accepting, forgiving, build compassion, know-thyself and love ourselves as we do others. These are golden keys with the addition of self-discipline (self-love), responsibility, and accountability for your own selves. 

These as insignificant as they might have been taught to us by people in pain plus misery, that did not choose themselves nor do they take care of themselves, projected all their negativity plus their insecurities and unhealed traumas into you and instead decided to be an asswipe and conform plus promote abusive and oppressive systems. This is why, when you focus on yourself, it will get pretty lonely, you will see through people's real mask, their BS and you will value your energy more and protect your peace. You get comfortable by being uncomfortable and working to dismantle the status quo from your mind, body, and spirit. To find inner peace and joy, you have to let go of the fake, what kept you unhappy and anxious plus depressed. You understand and become aware of your own actions and act consciously. And that’s a daily practice, hard but inner fulfilling work that most people will NOT choose because the easy way out is more comfortable. 

The universe really does love you and has that special spot for those who are tuning in and listen to their intuition.

But, let’s continue to trust a system that views ALL OF US AS NUMBERS. commodity. WE DO NOT MATTER when it comes to linear, capitalism, white supremacy, and colonial plus oppressive systems. Your energy, your labor, and your “contribution” to society are all they give a shiet about. If none of these are in your daily life, you are considered homeless or someone that “deserves” what they get because being comfortable and privilege is better than question the status quo. Especially, when you are aware of those being oppressed and you stay silent because it doesn't affect you. It’s a hard pill to swallow, but if you are not angry and using that to alchemize and help heal the collective and our planet earth right now! I don’t know what will. 

This leaves a lot to say and trust is earned, however, we have trusted and idealized so much thanks to TV, Media, and all external BS distractions and the comfort of ignoring the fact that most of what we take for granted in the North and the Western societies, comes at the expense of someones live. Someone’s dying of hunger, a child labor slave to make that chocolate you love so much. The cheap clothes you got online, it was made by someone who was paid a very minimal to nothing living wage. We have been living and normalizing a series of processes and oppressive systems that are no longer sustainable for our planet, our ecosystems, and ourselves. 

When things and humans are treated as commodities and cattle to groomed, exploited, tax on top of already exploiting those in the labor force, profit from them plus those doing “independent-side-hustles” while also work other jobs to be able to eat plus feed families as bills are increasing, control, manipulate and abuse. It is common that the mental slavery tactics used in every aspect of our systems and societies are considered normal for those who are doing the oppression and have sided with oppressors. 

However, those surviving all of it are also trying to maintain a sense of stability, oneness and speak up even though it might cost us our lives in some cases. If you don’t understand what I mean by these, please educate yourself and understand that learning about oppressive, colonial, racists, linear and white supremacy culture systems are very different than experiencing it every single day. Yep, let that sink in. 

Because once you learn to live in hell and find joy through it, then you understand grace. You realized that science and spirituality have always been one. It’s religion and the oppressive systems that have to make sure they are considered separate and address differently. However, they are the same. One involves more physical and external explanations, with estimated data. The other one, with conscious spiritual practice, you won’t need external or have some physical reality to validate what you deep down already know. 

God, the Universe, and Gaia speak to us through many different ways, science helps us understand our tangible and how the mechanics of what we perceived, makes sense in our minds as we have a physical body that’s bound to this reality. However, our spirits are infinite, timeless, sacred, divine, and oneness. Our spirits are connected to everything and anything on this planet. Science and Spirituality are important for alchemy as well, and when we learn how to use this nature’s properties and combine it with our own source, that’s when we will see real magic. I mean I see magic, every single day. Do you? 

It took me 6 years of wasted university years to learn environmental science and then paying student loans, being targeted and fined by the government during a world pandemic, survive homelessness, depression, and suicidal thoughts. That’s when I found inner peace through learning about spirituality and creating a daily practice with God. That all made sense. Yet, I’m still learning and I’m a student of life as I’m still discovering, researching, decoding, and doing the internal purge of ancestral healing from within and for the collective healing through my channels, podcasts, and here ❤

You consciously start valuing more your energy, your time, and how to sustain your life, those around you, your planet, and be an advocate for change as we must all be doing. While dealing with adversity, injustices, climate change impacts, and the constant bombarding of fear, chaos, and toxic headlines -.- in this online news, SM and Media’s. 

Like honestly, I cannot think or process my emotions, deal with anxieties, and all that is going on right now if I stay all day watching news and SM. I have rules that have helped me stay mentally and spiritually strong during these times. There are airplane mode days, there is no SM, NO NEWS, no posting days, only between blocks during my days after work. There are days were is just giving, signing petitions, amplifying communities, commenting with love and compassion to uplift some communities or followers I see doing the work! There is observing, listing to understand, and being present more than there is absorbing, reacting, and feeling stagnant, anxious, and depressed by spending way too long on these media’s. Saw this post the other day and I was like wahoo! 


There is a need for more balance and grounding which does not require external validation or the need to be posting things that are not helping people find their way or amplified those who need us to help them be heard.

 It’s time we dig deep as to why we think, that what’s happening in one country or to a group of people, does not affect us? Who taught you to be ignorant and not care about others? 

Yes, self-care and do you, but there is a point where you are healthy, you got food in your fridge, you have clean water, you paid your bills and help family right? Your cup is full. However, we need for some reason, more and we need to spend on things so others can validate us or make us feel included in spaces because it’s not enough for you to be yourself. 

Now, you need to show up either in public or SM be materialistic, be fake, and contribute to global warming with your consumption patterns, which at this point has no limits. This is ego and it needs to be kept in check, as this is what the oppressors use against us. They are narcissistic manipulators and abuse is the form of “normality” that we have come to get used to. Some even defend their abusers and oppressors, as they do not know or are aware, they also are being abused but on a much toxic and deeper level. Emotional, psychological, Mental, Spiritual, and financial abuse is the oppressor's language, and the day we learned to recognize these and act accordingly when it’s being used to manipulate and control all of us. That’s when we will know real inner healing, find inner peace and joy through adversity and take our power back. 

Then, after work, making sure behind the scenes I was active in doing research, finding a way to make sure my own government was helping those in need, and making sure I was grounding, praying, and doing all in my own power and control, to utilize my own source of energy to do something. Anything. 

We should not be silent in times of serious humanitarian needs right now. Yes, rest, ground yourself, purge, do your inner healing work, and spend time with your family. All of these are necessary to nurture your mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. Just make sure when you come back; come back like a phoenix mix with Lion, because we are going to need these strengths, bravery, and inner strength to overcome these days, be of service to others, help as much as you can, and make sure you are taking care of your unlearning to re-learn because it’s vital during these times. White supremacy, colonial and oppressive systems were created, programmed, and supported by those who benefit from inequality, capitalism, and linear systems. In other words, the energy goes where focus goes. 

Use discernment these days wisely. Work on your Internal healing, make it a 4–5 month challenge and journal, save your progress. You can use SM as your vision board alongside supporting, connecting, and amplifying the voiceless. There is no need to separate the need to focus on yourself and the need to help others. We are one and what affects another brother or sister anywhere on this planet affects us all. 

My last advice, as we are all working in building sustainability, bring justice and re-humanize (decolonized) ourselves, always at all cost, follow your own instincts. And you will hear it better and more often when you meditate and ground yourself. Tune in, I promise you will understand that you are magic, you are divine and your purpose, gift or just your existence matters a lot ❤ 

Take care and be safe.

Just remember empathy matters a lot these days. Be kind to your planet, to you, and others.

In solidarity and sovereignty with you, today and always.

Stay conscious and real,

Love _AO🦋

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Intuitive Conscious Creative Messages: Full Moon in Aquarius.


We Need To Help Water Protectors Stop Line 3!