The Climate Impact Of Easter
I love God and Jesus Christ, and I won't let these holy days continue to be disturbed by a lack of spiritual education, white supremacy, and colonialism. As I’m learning more about this, this weekend means so much to me and to those who are lightworkers who are not conforming to the status quo and using discernment consciously as we are ascending into higher consciousness. We are done with those who are worshiping evil traditions masking them and using Jesus' story in vain for corporate money gain, destroying our planet, using child slavery for chocolate, continuing wars, and continuing their greed, ignorance, pride, and continue to make it “normal”. Divinely guided to share the truth, clarity, and justice as always will. There is a need to set some records straight around here. Remember God reveals to redeem. New Podcast #35 ❤
Photo by Tanya Grypachevskaya
Originally published on Medium
This blog is to understand why we need to practice forgiveness, respect, let go of separation, lack, scarcity and unlearn to re-learn. This is my opinion and my own research and understanding. You are in your right to study these 3 religions in your own time and understand it because their essential teaching is our Lord’s WORD.
GOD works in mysterious ways and when you understand these religions without a separation mindset, judgment, or comparison, it will make sense why God had to work this way to confuse the enemy, which is the common one we all have on this planet, a spirit because it has no control over us unless you choose… Satan/Lucifer/Devil and its demon agents(mostly narcissistic personality, emotional manipulators, greedy, prideful, never apologizes, hoarders, entitlement, lustful, jealous, envious, cheaters, promiscuous, addictive, controlling, colonizers mentality, abusers of any kind…The list is long, that’s why we all need to heal to tame or make our demons disappear. You have free will, is your choice, it has always been your choice because it is your life. Choose wisely).
The Bible (Christianity/catholic) [Easter]
The Torah is the compilation of the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, (honestly, it feels like the Christian bible is the short version of this one, similar if not the same stories) namely the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. In that sense, Torah means the same as the Pentateuch or the Five Books of Moses. (Jewish) [Passover]
These are just different parts of divine messages by prophets and ascended masters to help us to stay in higher consciousness, heal, and keep connected with God while we go through our own life, karmic lessons from past lives, and enjoy our life while we are here. Remember, religion was created to separate. We are all one, just different and unique in cultures and upbringing. Decolonization of religion is important and I’m here to explain why it must be in religions especially when one of them can be detrimental to our planet. Real talk: Good Friday Easter (3D-4D timeline) is celebrated by those who are into EGG, BUNNY, RIDICULOUSNESS
Christianity/catholic/evangelist/conservatives/European/Western/other= Jesus was crucified who was a Jew/Palestinian the son of God who sacrifice himself to save us of our sins and for us to learn higher consciousness and understanding of duality, forgiveness, compassion, empathy and to deepen our bond/ connection with our heavenly Father, God. He/She is our only savior in a world that is toxic, full of wickedness/demonic spirits and that can help us recover our mind, body, spirit, and our planet from collapsing and us being extinct due to climate change impacts.
Now, we also have Passover = Jewish/Hassidic/very traditional Jews people celebrate Passover, exodus story of Moises and the Israelites being free from slavery in Egypt. Which is basically different story lessons on different timelines which teaching has been a bit disturbed in our subconscious to keep you asleep. The Torah with the “Five Books of Moses” is included in the bible, in the old testament and it is a story that I was taught as a kid and now I teach my daughters.
As I’m unlearning to re-learn, Islam states that the original Torah was sent by God. According to the Quran, God says, “It is He Who has sent down the Book (the Quran) to you with truth, confirming what came before it. And He sent down the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel).” Muslims call the Torah the Tawrat and consider it the word of God given to Moses. However, most self-professed Muslims also believe that this original revelation was corrupted (or simply altered by the passage of time and human fallibility) over time by Jewish scribes.
The Torah in the Quran is always mentioned with respect in Islam. The Muslims’ belief in the Torah, as well as the prophethood of Moses, is one of the fundamental tenets of Islam. Don’t get me wrong or try to twist my words here or on my channel. I’m not against the Jewish religion or any of them for that matter. I am a sovereign and spiritual being here, having a human experience. I understand and still learning duality and oneness; decolonizing my mind and helping others, eradicating, and healing subconscious limited beliefs programming because it matters. My religion is love, truth, clarity, justice, and empathy. I serve, praise, and worship one God, Jesus his son, ascended masters, my ancestors, angels, and Holy spirit always have and always will.
This weekend is amazing for using discernment and learning how to embrace it with everything. The Jews celebrate this for freedom of slavery because God bless them by showing them what he can do for them yet condemned/sacrificed his/hers HOLY word and his son (which most of us are working on forgiveness of this during this time, remember Forgiveness is a process and practice, not a marathon) of God from the bible and teach to their offspring that Jesus is not the Son of God, basically cursing themselves and their generation due to lack of spiritual education, white supremacy, and colonial mentality that we all need to eradicate and dismantle in order to continue to re-create New Earth=sustainable, circular, equitable and just world for all of us not just some of us. In the new podcast #35, I go into more detail about this. Enjoy listing!
Jews are still waiting for the messiah and ask God to send it to them and in a different timelines God answer their prayers and they sacrifice it and did the unforgivable, worst some of us can’t even imagine doing it to another human being.
And they are still waiting for it to come because they are still ignorant, don’t take accountability for their actions, and are selfish/greedy people that most of them are behind even though they think they are ruling the world, or so God makes them believe. The devil uses them to do its dirty deeds here because they did the unforgivable and Jesus still forgive them. And wants us to continue to do so.
But first, let’s read and talk about (thank you for watching the videos above, like, commenting, sharing, and subscribing to support our work here. Really appreciate it!❤) the toxic repercussions and consequences of these two holidays and how the enemies are using it through corporations and religion to fuck with our minds, souls, OUR PLANET, AND SPIRIT EACH YEAR DURING THIS TIME. Here are facts and stats.
Ps: I don’t refer to Ramada here or on my videos because I am not knowledgeable about it and I’m currently learning through it. All I know is a beautiful tradition of fasting, praying, and being kind to others. And so far, haven’t heard any negatives or shadow work that needs to be done, which again no wonder the enemy always tries to attack those who are Muslim, which is not right. Happy Ramada! Those who celebrate it :) ❤ Sending you love!
In solidarity and sovereignty with you, today and always.
Stay conscious and real,
Love u, AO 🦋🌻
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🧿I block any evil sent my way & return back to the sender 100x fold. And so it is. 🧿 #1212 𓂀𓆃*
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33 — she/her — Virgo ☉/ Libra ☾ / Virgo ↑. Empath/Alchemist /Light-worker/Crystal Healer/Psychic Medium Writer/ Science Environmentalist/Eco-warrior/Advocate/Painter/Photographer/Conscious Creative. Founder of WritersYep community. (higher consciousness creativity and educational media). Educator/caregiver for people with disabilities
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