Conscious Creatives: Collective General Channel Messages. Week 6–10 April 2022. ❤
Healing with joy, grace, and compassion towards yourself, others, and our planet 🌎. In 2022, we are not going to be distracted by low vibes enemies! We are going to collectively focus on our blessings and extend that grace to others. New Podcast #33 ❤
Photo by Jonatan Pie
Originally published on Medium
❤️🍃Hello Beautiful Kind Souls, Welcome to AngieBlog & WritersYep Family! I hope my readings bring you healing, guidance, and love, and keep you consciously creative!.🍃❤️
Waoo amazing energies these past few days did you feel it? Definitely, we passed a new moon in Aries on the 1st of April (April fools, but when you live in a capitalist, oppressive and demonic system we are all fools pretending we are not lol. Sorry to be real, but most of yall who are woke and don’t conform to Bs know is the truth. It is why most of us use the mantra “Let go and let God” for real. Because most of our battles as earth warriors would have never been won without him/her).
Another portal 4/4/2022 #444 that it is still lingering perhaps until the 8 ;). Make sure your thoughts are in the right intentions. Pay attention to signs and reminders, the universe, angels, and your ancestors are trying to communicate with you. Pay attention to your dreams ❤
Updates to keep in mind:
Mercury enters Taurus on April 10 — connecting body and mind, practical matters, slowing down.
Jupiters conjunct Neptune April 12 — (In effect from 7–16) Important transit! Like a magnifying glass that expands whatever it touches; a sense of faith, trust in the universe, and expansive vision. Spiritual compassion and upliftment. Could also feel confusing, overwhelming, or anxiety-producing.
Mars enters Pisces on April 14 — Egoic desires become more diffused, and we are able to align choice with spiritual principles.
There is a Full moon in Libra (justice and truth yes!) on the 16 of April — Winds of great change. Prioritizing relational wellbeing, standing for your deepest truth. Make sure are releasing what doesn’t serve you or is in aligment with you. Some of you are going through deep transformations and rebirth. You are unlearning to re-learn. Looking at things a different perspective.
Sun enters Taurus on April 19 — Creating comforts, sensual pleasure, slow and steady, earthly delights. Happy Taurus season!
Pluto Retrograde April 29 — Intensity, transformation, structural change, looking deep within.
Mercury enters Gemini on April 29 — Extra chatty, quick wits, so many ideas, playful banter.
Solar eclipse new moon in Taurus April 30 — Sudden revelations reveal deeper embodied truths. Spiritual connection is heightened. The ripple out of far and lasting change starts here…
Lots of soulmates and twin flames, who have done the work, healing journey are in alignment; reuniting this year and lifetime. I’ve been guided to do more love psychic readings to help love birds or those dealing with break-ups too, not everyone is having the same experiences in their journey to find each other. Here we are keeping it real and authentic, and finding self-growth through the good and the bad. We are going to do it with grace and flare though. So happy and excited for you! Make sure you subscribe to AngieBlog, follow us here, and Your story Matter Podcast!
#5 Intuitive Channel message:
5. ( I was guided to repost this from other week’s intuitive channel message because some people are not learning the lesson or closing this cycle). Here is another psychic reader I was divinely guided to share this message that relates to this intuitive message that I’ve been reposting for the past two months. These lessons will be here until the holy spirit gives me the go-to to remove them, until then this is a karmic and generational cycle that we all need to break free from.
It’s time to ask for medicals before having sex y’all. No more nightstands until you know these people are healthy. If they get mad at you for asking a normal question to a fucking stranger before you share your body with them, run and cut ties immediately. They are emotional manipulators and they are good at convincing. It is very common to ask for this medical info or accompany your future partner to the doc to get this test before engaging sexually. Because the rise of STD, Herpes and all kinds of shiet diseases is on the rise just like covid. Also, making out can also be a problem because some people have no shame and they are eating up people's buttholes then realized that they got an std afterward in their mouth. Yikes! Some advice, take it or leave. You should all try to be celibate, it’s really the best, your intuition is clear, you take your energy and use it for good and to thrive until you find an emperor/empress /right divine or soulmate partner for you. It’s a waste of time and energy to leak yours for others just for a few minutes of pleasure and then get fucked by them for life. Just saying.
Angels are trying to send you signs and you are not taking it seriously, there are many karmic/demons/lust energy with serious sexual diseases with vindictive and evil intentions. They do not give a fuck ass about you, and you all need to start loving yourself and know your worth. Stop giving your energy to low 3d vibration people, they exist to keep you trapped, and also they are jealous and envious of you. They are damaged and don’t want to deal with their karma, or want to heal so they are taking anybody with them. Therefore, ladies/gentlemen if you love your body and yourself. You are going to be more conscious of your sexual energy and you will take care of your temple. If you don’t, then that’s on you. Don’t blame others for what you have already been warned.
Karmic are been exposed and their true colors are coming out. Protect your energy, mental health, and peace. Thank God that they have been revealed to you, because their evil plans or whatever they thinking to do to you, is coming back to them 100x fold. Let people do what they do and you focus on yourself, your family, your community, and your planet.
They are irritated by something you do for a living that they are not doing or not willing to put in the work and make an effort. However, the project, blame and try to trigger you to cause a reaction from you, because of your light, your dedication, your hard work, your drive to better yourself and those around you. It bothers them and they want to quiet down or try to damage or sabotage it. Don’t fall for their trap and don’t tell anybody your business or your good blessings.
The devil is using his minions right now and manipulating people who operate in low vibrations and are jealous and envious like the devil is of you once you are HEALED! You are a powerful human being when you are healed and are awakened. You are leaking your powers when you don’t know your worth and don’t take care of your body, mind, and soul.
Your weaknesses and your weak mind it’s the devils and their minion’s playground. People are being used, manipulated, and controlled right now to do unthinkable things for money, status, fame, or wtv these days during a world pandemic! and some are not even aware. And that’s why they are an easy target. Lack of awareness, spiritual knowledge, and emotional and mental stability mindset is an abuse of power. We are done with that shiet. Stay strong-minded and conscious, it matters a lot. ❤
Thank you for supporting something new started this month, divinely guided. Give you weekly healing messages to keep your high vibes, empowered against evil (who is powerless without you being manipulated, seduced, controlled, and playing mind games if you are stuck in low vibration. We are going to rise from the ashes they are trying to leave us in.❤) and 🧘🏽♀️ focused on what’s important to continue growing spiritually, conscious and creative ways. Check out my Patreon 💚🧿😉🌟 for more educative and creative enrichment!
For now here are your messages for this week 6–10 April 2022.
🧿🧿🧿Thank you very much for all of your support! ❤️ 🦋Please kindly note that this is a timeless reading. Anytime when you feel called to come back to this reading, this would mean there is a message for you.
Also, this is a general reading so use your intuition, discernment and claim messages that resonated and leave the rest behind.🦋 I delivered psychic messages on my channel and here too for confirmation, guidance, and spiritual growth. Some messages might trigger you and that’s an indication of what needs to heal in order for you to grow.
April Healing crystal — Diamond (Love + Longevity) ❤
This month's messages were inspired by:
“What you need to know about the past is that no matter what has happened, it has all worked together to bring you to this very moment. And this is the moment you can choose to make everything new. Right now.”
PSALMS 1- The Way of the Righteous and the Wicked
Blessed is the man
who walks not in the counsel of the wicked,
nor stands in the way of sinners,
nor sits in the seat of scoffers;
but his delight is in the law of the LORD,
and on his law, he meditates day and night.
He is like a tree
planted by streams of water
that yields its fruit in its season,
and its leaf does not wither.
In all that he does, he prospers.
The wicked are not so,
but are like chaff that the wind drives away.
Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous;
for the LORD knows the way of the righteous,
but the way of the wicked will perish.
Remember, God, the universe, angels & Ancestors + the holy spirit has your back already. Worry, stress, and fear it’s just delaying your blessings and good karma to come in for you. Have faith and trust in a higher power. Because some things are hidden from you to protect your peace, your purity, and your innocence. Focused on you, getting, and being better than you were yesterday. Do not be distracted by what the enemies are doing or what they are seeking to do. Have faith that no matter what God will protect you.
He/she will turn everything around in your favor. Be smart though, as higher power watch your back and look at you for the things you don’t see and are not supposed to. That doesn’t mean you get to be reckless or careless, protect your light, your peace, your space, what you love, your planet, and your blessings. Don’t live in so much fear and paranoia, that’s what the system needs you to be. We are dismantling that colonial, capitalist, and linear mindset in order to shift together.
Surrender to the unknown, and believe in yourself and those who work behind the scenes. We are all one, and there are Earth warrior angels already awakened protecting your dreams, your souls, and your good deeds ;). Trust ❤
Ps: This week is one card message, specific to someone who needs to hear it. Use discernment and take what resonates, and discard the rest. Deeper reading on the extent for this month of April ❤
Water 💦 signs:
Cancer ♋️, Ace of wands in reverse, (lack of energy, distraction, delay, resistance to change) You’re on the precipice of a perilous journey. Perhaps you don’t know what you want to do, or you feel weighed down by your current responsibilities. Whatever it may be, you can’t seem to compel yourself to move forward. Give yourself time to get that spark of creativity again. Don’t force it. It’ll return in due time. There might be some stagnation or something that keeps you guys stuck this week, make sure you are moving this energy and keep active if you can.
Further reading APRIL 2022 on AngieBlog — Cancer. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤
Crystal healing: Emerald (love +Kindness)
Scorpio ♏️, Page of swords (curiosity, mental energy, innovation, thirst for knowledge) The energy needed for a certain project or task is ready and waiting for you. You just need to tap into it. This is a time of innovation. As the sword relates to communication, this would be a great time to write a blog, a book, or start a podcast. This is also a great time to share ideas or feelings with colleagues or those close to you. It also feels like someone is watching you or stalking you. This is the usual SM card, where someone is paying close attention to you.
Further reading APRIL 2022 on AngieBlog — Scorpio. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤
Crystal healing: Topaz (Strenght + Intelligence)
Pisces ♓️ Ten of cups (Blessings, divine love, family, harmony, aligment, bliss) You’re in an idyllic state where all of your dreams, wants, and needs are being met. Look around you and take a moment to soak everything in. Be present and truly thankful for all of life’s blessings. Take comfort in knowing that you are on the right path. There is happily ever after or a wish will be or is already on the way to ya! Happy times :) Be grateful for this blessing as is a gift from the divine for some of you! Don’t let insecurity, doubts, fears, and negativity or negative thoughts get in the way of this, because you might sabotage it if this energy is new to you. Protect your good blessings and your good news. Keep in mind while you are navigating this internal blessing and happiness: What people don’t know, can’t ruin. ;)
Further reading APRIL 2022 on AngieBlog — Pisces. (releasing soon!) Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤
Crystal healing: Amethyst (calm + rejuvenation)
Collective General Message:
Universe affirmation: There is nothing sexier than my authentic truth.
Angel#4: You bring stability and rationality to any situation. You are the rock and your hard work and perseverance make you a dependable friend, partner, and colleague. I am stable.
Lightwork: Play. Have fun. Celebrate. Don’t be so serious. Let go of what no longer serves you and keep high vibes. Joy and dancing are the highest vibrations. This month is for fun and be conscious of what type of love you want or don’t want.
Moon guidance: Adjustments are required. Plan your week and love is in the air. Some might have to make some adjustments, and stronger boundaries with some co=dependent, low vibration people. Follow your intuition and your heart. Yet, boundaries with emotions. More logical and less emotional. It’s for protection, people don’t know when it’s not okay to use your energy. Make sure for protecting your vibes this month. Love is definitely on the way ❤
Healing this week: Heart Chakra — Gratitude. [I am thankful and humble as I move through life. I receive willingly, lovingly & graciously. I recognize and appreciate the small things in life, the synchronicities and beauty that can be found in each and every moment. I am grateful.]
Surrender: To Miracles. Be open to miracles occurring in your life. Feel and know that these events are real. Let go of any resistance, and banish any doubt that miracles can happen.
Earth 🌱signs:
Capricorn ♑️, Seven of swords (Imposter syndrome, deceit, extra-marital affair) You’re feeling like you don’t belong and are getting a strong sense of impostor syndrome when all the while you’ve earned your place. Or, you’re deceiving yourself somehow and the secret is causing too much stress. Come clean and forgive. This feels like in the past there was deeper deceit and sneaky energy towards someone either this is you or someone doing this to you. Make sure you are protecting your energy, from people who are fake and pretending to be supportive of you. Those who are doing this shiet, it backfired on your ass and you will or already are feeling the consequences of bad karma towards yourself.
Further reading APRIL 2022 AngieBlog — Capricorn. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤
Crystal healing: Ruby (Protection + vitality)
Taurus ♉️, Judgement in reversed (doubt, self-loathing, criticism, stunted growth) You’re turning your back on something that must be done, and it’s costing you. You’re doubting yourself harshly, or perhaps not giving yourself time to reflect with full awareness — either way, these actions are keeping you from moving forward. This is very low vibration and it feels like this week is going to keep you stuck. Make sure you create some affirmations, do some exercise, self-love, and care. Don’t let this bring you down, as I feel it's a mental situation. Stay grounded and if you have done something that you are not very proud about to someone or a situation, make sure you are making amends, apologize and keep moving forward, alchemize this energy to be of service or do something creative.
Further reading APRIL 2022 AngieBlog — Taurus. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤
Crystal healing: Sapphire (Self-expression + truth)
Virgo ♍️ The star #17 (Good health, renewal, faith, spirituality, inspiration, hope) You have a renewed sense of self and magic is flowing all around you. this is a time of great personal growth and development. Give of yourself and your spirit, as others may benefit from the blessings you’ve received. You are healing energy and working on standing in your power. Definitely higher vibrations, and make sure you are nurturing yourself and filling your own cup before being there for others.
Further reading APRIL 2022 on AngieBlog — Virgo. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤
Crystal healing: Carnelian (confidence + Passion)
Collective General Message:
Universe affirmation: True healing occurs when I give myself permission to feel whatever feelings live below the triggers.
Angel #999: Thank the past for your lessons and leave it where it belongs, so you can make the best of the life that is still waiting to be fulfilled by only you. I am unique.
Lightwork: Share your voice. Come out of the cave. Persecution. Expression. Don’t be afraid to be different, is okay by you, and share your story if it feels right. Go with the flow, listen to your intuition, and keep moving forward.
Moon guidance: Show the world the real you this month. Let it go the fear of self-doubts and fears! You are good enough and you matter. More self-care.
Healing this week: Third eye Chakra — Healing. [I see clearly how to bring harmony to pain. Discomfort and issues of separation, and so I can be healed. I transcend the illusion of duality. Seeing beyond the veil of divisive thoughts and behaviors. I offer with confidence and integrity my visions for a brighter, more harmonious future. I am harmonious.]
Surrender: To Divine timing. Sometimes divine timing may differ from your ego’s timing. If a goal isn’t manifesting “fast enough” according to your ego, be patient and trust the universal flow.
Fire 🔥 signs :
Aries ♈️, Four wands (Harmony, relaxation, celebration, home, community) Returning home or being with the people and places most familiar with you can be soul-enriching. Take this time to soak up the bliss and appreciate the good things in life. This is a good time to work on renovating or redecorating your home space. This feels like re-building something new or taking something old and making it new :) Also, a new foundation is rising, definitely should be celebrating your progress, no matter how small it is. You earn this so make sure you are giving yourself the credit and appreciation for it.
Further reading APRIL 2022 on AngieBlog — Aries. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤
Crystal healing: Bloodstone (action + vitality)
Leo ♌️, King of wands (Motivation, leadership, entrepreneurship) This is a natural-born leader of people, and very capable and confident in their abilities. The king isn’t interested in creativity, perse, but rather taking an idea and enlisting others to help in the actualization of it. You have a clear vision of what you want. You are going forward to this new idea, goal, dream, applying for this new job, or starting this new venture. This feels very typical of you though, so trust your instinct and if it makes you happy, go for it :)
Further reading APRIL 2022 on AngieBlog — Leo. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤
Crystal healing: Onyx (strength + calm)
Sagittarius ♐️Three cups is reversed (overindulgence, isolation, gossip, an affair) You’ve lost touch with friends or loved ones due to responsibilities or a busy schedule. Put in some extra effort to reconnect with those people to ensure those relationships remain strong. There may also be some gossip in your inner circle. Keep your ear to the ground. I feel like there is a community, family, 3rd party situation of very low vibration that is keeping you down with them too. Remember is your free will to choose to stick around and let these people, situation place, or things keep you in that low vibration. It has always been your choice. Change your perspective on things, so that you can see things more clearly and it really is what it is. Accept, forgive yourself and keep moving forward.
Further reading APRIL 2022 on AngieBlog — Sagittarius. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤
Crystal healing: Turquoise (Wellbeing + Good fortune)
Collective General Message:
Universe affirmation: The moment I let go with love, clear direction is presented to me.
Angel #24: You have a heart of gold and are very skilled at maintaining balanced, stable relationships. You are loyal to your loved ones and are able to be the nurturer, protector, and provider all at once. I am generous.
Lightwork: Leap. You go first. The universe will catch you. Take a leap of faith for yourself this week. Challenge yourself, and do what needs to be done. Appreciate what you already have.
Moon guidance: Luck is on your side. This week save your money and put your resources into yourself. If you’re planning to ask someone out, make sure you have your finances in order, and that you are aligned with this person. New love is on the horizon though, use your intuition to see if this person has good intentions towards you before you go deeper into this. Be kind but don’t let them take you for a fool. You are no fool. Choose wisely.
Healing this week: Root Chakra — Grounding. [I am anchored into my physical existence and resonate in perfect harmony with the physical world. I am of the earth as I am of heaven. I root down and yield to the world around me. I connect with the life-giving energies of the earth and lovingly release lower vibrations to Gaia to be transformed. I am earthed.]
Surrender: Defensiveness. It is a sign of weakness. To communicate in a more empowered way, stay centered and hear someone out — then offer a clear, nondefensive response.
Air 🌬 signs:
Gemini ♊️, Two cups reversed (Imbalance, broken connection, tension) The balance you had has shattered and you’ve faced a disconnection with once strong relationships. Small issues are compounding and creating fissures in every aspect of your life. A line of communication has severed and someone is feeling resentful. Be the bigger person and try to mend fences. Now, if this was toxic or something that you know needed to be broken off. Time for healing and forgive yourself and them for you. You can love people from a distance. Protect your energy this week and take care more of yourself.
Further reading APRIL 2022 on AngieBlog — Gemini. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤
Crystal healing: Agate (balance + stability)
Libra ♎️, Knight of Pentacles (efficiency, responsibility, hard work, productivity, routine) This is an indication of a need to be trustworthy and reliable. The daily grind of responsibilities might not be the most exciting, but if you put your head down and out in the work, you will reap great rewards. This also feels; like slow energy, but slow and steady wins the race. Be patient and continue to work on yourself.
Further reading APRIL 2022 on AngieBlog — Libra. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤
Crystal healing: Peridot (Balance + Purpose)
Aquarius ♒️#14 temperance (Harmony, moderation, patience, alchemy, balance) Avoid extremes in any direction or situation, taking the middle road in decision-making. In all things, try to bring balance. Go forward with patience and test the waters carefully before jumping in too suddenly. be sure to examine your priorities carefully. There is balance being restored here, something that was not balanced or unstable. Have faith and trust that things are going to be okay.
Further reading APRIL 2022 on AngieBlog — Aquarius. Thank you for supporting the channel with like, subscribe, and this community. Appreciate the love ❤
Crystal healing: Garnet (vitality + passion)
Collective General Message:
Universe affirmation: I witness the darkness and call on the light with my prayer: Thank you Universe, for guiding me to perceive this fear through the eyes of the teacher of love.
Angel #14: You are open-minded and always up to try something new, yet you are wise enough to stop and think before you jump into things. this pragmatic approach helps ensure your time, attention and efforts are meaningful. I am practical.
Lightwork: Council of light. Divine orchestration. Helpers in the subtle realms. Ask for help if you need it, spiritual council might be needed during this time.
Moon guidance: You are good enough! Don’t forget that. Be patient with your transformation right now.
Healing this week: Sacral Chakra — Svadhishthana [Be still and connect with all your senses. Tap into the deep ocean of resources within you and play with your sensuality and creativity. Explore and indulge in life’s pleasures. Go ahead…Follow your creative impulses. You are a magnificent creation]
Surrender: The idea you can fix someone. It’s time for a relationship to shift. It doesn’t work to try to fix someone. Each person must be accountable for his or her own healing.
Blessings and conscious healing and love to each of you! 💕Leave a “❤️” if you receive this and it resonated with you. I do not do personal readings at this time. Stay conscious, use discernment, and don’t get scammed.
❤ New Podcast #33
Extended 🧿 🌟April- May 2022:
*Thank you in advance for your support, and kindness for this community, for letting me read you to guide you into your divine path. Love you! God bless you always and keeps blessing you with clarity, truth, love, compassion, peace, higher consciousness, unconditional love, and kindness for you, your planet, and others. Love,_AO
Until next card readings 🦚. Be kind to your planet 🌎, to you and others 🦋
In solidarity and sovereignty with you, today and always.
Stay conscious and real,
Love u, AO 🦋🌻
If you liked this blog make sure to subscribe, follow us, leave us what you think in the comments (let’s start real conversations) and share it with someone who needs to read and hear this today.
🧿I block any evil sent my way & return back to the sender 100x fold. And so it is. 🧿 #1212 𓂀𓆃*
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🧚🏻♀️ ABOUT ME 🧚🏻♀️
33 — she/her — Virgo ☉/ Libra ☾ / Virgo ↑. Empath/Alchemist /Light-worker/Crystal Healer/Psychic Medium Writer/ Science Environmentalist/Eco-warrior/Advocate/Painter/Photographer/Conscious Creative. Founder of WritersYep community. (higher consciousness creativity and educational media). Educator/caregiver for people with disabilities
🧚🏻♀️ REMINDERS 🧚🏻♀️
This is a general tarot reading, so please only take what resonates and leave the rest. I will always be truthful about the energies I’m picking up on, but that does not mean that the message must be meant for you. Trust your own judgment and intuition over mine or anyone else’s. Tarot, oracles, and crystal psychic medium messages, for me, are tools for guidance about possibilities and a tool to communicate with the universe, ascended masters, angels, and our ancestors; it is not meant to be a replacement for any professional guidance you may need. Nothing is yet set in stone and energies constantly changing, and my aim is to offer you clarity in your situation by looking at current energies. You are powerful. Consume responsibly. Love you 💗
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