Climate Change Impacts is Written In Revelation In The Bible. We Need To Change Systems and Prosecute Those Who Are Responsible.
We Earth Warriors are Here to Bring the Truth, Clarity, and Justice. Their time is up! Make sure you are comfortable, grab some tea, a notepad, your bible, or wtv book that connects you with God, Divine & ascended Masters. Get away from distraction, grab your own internal armor, or wtv you need, to be in the spiritual warrior you know you are and find your own inner truth. These podcast episodes #29, #30, #31 part 2 & #32 part 3 are downloads and confirmation divinely guided by 1 of the ascended masters and our common friend :) to share for you for spiritual guidance and knowledge. Do clap, follow, subscribe, download and share so others may be able to get these messages too. Thank you! ❤
Photo by Wuilmar Matias-Morales
Originally published on Medium
“He reveals the deep thing of darkness and brings utter darkness into the light” Job 12:22
God wants you to think before you speak and act. There is a saying that says “God reveals to Redeem”. I was guided by the holy spirit, which is to clarify for a lot of people who are or have been very skeptical of this saying because is not found in the bible. However, there are a lot of prophetic words with similar meaning which validates this phrase. It is not true that this saying, because is not in the bible is not biblical. Do question your motives when you refuse to listen to people when they are saying this phrase because that is also an evil spirit trying to confuse you to not hear the truth because it’s not the exact same words that are written in the bible. Don’t forget our common enemy also knows and has read the bible too. Use discernment.
Remember, that this book was written many years ago, and it still holds true but as we have evolved and grown spiritually so has our vocabulary and languages. Don’t forget that God is the mighty of truth, justice, and love; so confirm with him anything when in doubt. So I was guided to add Job 12:22 as confirmation for some of yall, that when people say God reveals to redeem, they are referring to this scripture in the bible and there are many more. Here are some more.
Don’t let the enemy plants seeds of doubts and fears, we are all in this together. And trust, that's the least our enemy wants us to do. But too bad! Unity and duality are part of our legacy along with our heavenly father that fights our battles and no weapon or evil intent towards us shall prosper! We are highly protected and supported.
Episodes #29 :
Episodes #30 + #31-part 2 +#32-prt 3: 𓆃New 🌍=Climate Change Impacts is Written In Revelation In The Bible.
The Holy Spirit always warns us of dangerous situations to come and urges us to pray to have positive outcomes. We may not see clearly what the problem is but anytime you do not have peace about a situation make sure you take that feeling to God for resolution and for peace. God will give you a feeling of disquiet to encourage you to pray and seek His face for a resolution that will work out for your highest good. Pay attention to the signs, Trust your instincts. The enemy also will try to imitate or masquerade to confuse you, delay, and try to destroy you because it knows is already losing. Love will always win.
Listen to your intuition, write down your dreams as he/she, the divine, your angels, ancestor (who have been fighting this battle right along all of us in the spiritual realm) will be revealed to all of you, to redeem, and for you to work on yourself, heal and join the collective as one. Unity, higher consciousness, Equity, sustainability, Landback, and new Earth are already happing in the spiritual and it’s coming to manifest in reality. Keep your prayers up and no matter what, don’t look back, Keep going, and don’t give up on yourself, your loved ones, your people, and your planet. Now, is our time to put things in perspective.
Everything is created as an illusion to test you and if you are not getting the assignment yet, tapping into your inner truth and doing the work, you already lost too. However, my point of this blog, this podcast, and readings on Angieblog is because through my prayers and having my relationship with God, Ascended Masters, and Angels, I don’t believe that everyone deserves the same fate as it is written or the devil wants you all to believe. If we have the right education or give the tools and access to their own divinity, their way to protect themselves spiritually so they can see through the illusions, then all hope is not lost and it will never will. I believe it with all my heart and as an old soul as I am, that we can do this together. That wtv is written that it has not happened yet!!!
Jesus began to preach “Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand” Matthew 4:17
Because God is testing our loyalty, our ways to let go of vanity (let go of being bound to the devil, free yourself from low vibrations, addictions, fears, judgments, and everything that’s not good for your mind, body, and spirit that keeps you attached to this 3D reality) by surrendering to our healing, ego death and humbling ourselves as we are all the same here.
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” John 1:9
He/She loves us so much that he wants us to stand up for ourselves as his been doing most of all our lives! Those who take accountability, are in the forgiveness process and doing each day their way to let go of this toxic system and stop pretending and being ignorant or conforming to this BS, we already know wassup.
Forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And led us not into temptation. Luke 11:4
And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses. Mark 11:25
For if you forgive others their tresspasses, your heavenly father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their tresspasses, neither will your father forgive your tresspasses. Matthew 6:14–15
We already know that we have paid our karmic debt in this lifetime and now we are being persecuted by the devil himself and his demon agents. There are many Neo’s on this planet, to be precise 144,000 and we are here to do what needs to be done. Whether these asswipes like it or not. Make it rain, keep your prayers, suit up with your bible or wtv book that keeps you protected from spiritual attacks and keeps you connect with God as he loves to communicate with us, through there, dreams, synchronicities and riddles only us individually and collectively can understand.
“It is He who reveals the profound and hidden things;
He knows what is in the darkness,
And the light dwells with Him.” Daniel 2:22
This work is for outside the grid, high vibration, higher education, and consciousness. It might not resonate for everyone, is okay, there is no discrimination here. Go back a couple of blogs, podcast episodes, see some Real talk on Angieblog Youtube Channel, get to the decolonization of your mind, read some books here, unlearn to re-learn, heal inner child wounds, take some therapy if you can, build your own spiritual practice that works for you to keep you protected as you start embracing higher vibrations and do your own research.
This is for those who are fearless and are ready with our internal and inner resilience swords of truth, clarity, and justice alongside our heavenly father in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. We need to be working on our individual missions, be aware of the illusions, brainwashing media scams, and these false “leaders”, billionaires, toxic-disgusting fossil fuels corporations and their shareholders, politicians, and those still using oppression/colonial tactics who already sold their souls to evil for more money and power at the expense of those who already are suffering and our continued exploitation of our planet/our home. As above so below, May God have mercy on their souls, pray for our enemies as they will soon know, see and feel The wrath of God.
This is not about you, or me anymore. It’s about more than that, It’s through Christ that we shall prevail and continue to fight evil in any form that tries to bring us all down with useless wars, killing our planet resources, our health, and oppressive/colonial systems. No more. We need change and we need to demand it, now. It’s time to be you and go at your own paste. Surrender and be kind to you, to others, and your planet always. Until next time. Namaste.
P.S: My loves, very tired after these 3 podcasts and writings this weekend so next week Astrology weekly will be off so I can recharge and come back in full mode for ya in April❤. However, I’ll be leaving you short readings for each sign on AngieBlog make sure you subscribe and hit the notification so you know when the divine messages are up! ❤
In solidarity and sovereignty with you, today and always.
Stay conscious and real,
Love u, AO 🦋🌻
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🧿I block any evil sent my way & return back to sender 100x fold. And so it is. 🧿 #1212 𓂀𓆃*
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