Full Moon in Taurus ♉️ + Eclipse: #IntuitiveMessages For Single’s: Reasons to remain celibate until you find someone who values you and treats you how you deserve.
Value your temple, your body, mind, and spirit. Know your worth ladies and gentlemen. It matters.
Photo by Kym MacKinnon
Published on Medium.
Or cheating, being disrespectful, and ignorant disloyal energy.
All devils work, just like white supremacy, oppressive systems, capitalist and anti-black systems. #STAYCONSCIOUS 👁 Normalization of abuse, lying, shadowbanning truth so the disgusting colonial mentality continues… yak! #GETOUTOFMATRIX 🧿🙅🏽♀️
So there is a lot of hoe energy around 🌎 😮💨 so much unbalanced energy, yep inequality and lack of empathy and accountability creates this toxic waste of energy and time for all of us. A lot it’s going on now which is what is resurfacing during this bloody full Moon 🌕 in Taurus ♉️ + Eclipse 🌑! DO NOT DO MANIFESTATIONS RITUALS OR ANY SPELL WORK DURING THESE 4 DAYS. Either light or dark magic will come with extra baggage and most probably will backfire on you.
Why can we manifest or do any magic during full moons and eclipses?
Honestly too intense because it’s mixed with the karmic cycle being released at the same time. Healing takes time and cannot be rushed. So if you’re not being cautious the manifestations you create during this time will come with extra baggage that you necessarily weren’t expecting. Not that it is bad, as triggers are good for healing. However, these times are very emotional and unstable so why create more suffering? Healing it is not easy and combine with full moon and eclipses, can be very difficult to overcome alone or without proper spiritual and emotional guidance. Especially, if you have suffered a lot of traumas in this lifetime and your past lives.
Also, definitely can confuse a “good thing” as bad and block your blessing and manifestation. And vice versa. Honestly, I really don’t recommend it. Unless you’re healed and are mentally, emotionally, and spiritually ready, then sure but why even risk it though? Eclipse is for reflection, healing, dealing with karmic debts, and focus 🧘🏽♀️ on keeping high vibes. Especially, during this time. Rest is a priority. People don’t go to war and fight against oppression and injustice tired. Don’t forget the devil needs you tired, depleting, stagnating, and low vibes energy. If you find yourself there, get moving!. Change those negative energy and thoughts real quick! Do not let evil win! You are divine and god-sent! Your voice and life matter a lot. What do you think these systems work so hard to keep us silent and not know the truth? They are threatened by us and we need to start taking our power back and show these people, that yes, they should be afraid. We are done with this shiet.
The light cannot be there without the darkness. We must take accountability and responsibility for our actions and shift. That requires us to go through it and eclipses + full Moon 🌕 can help us a lot with the process of this. 👍🏽
These dating and sex apps, not keeping in check our addictions (shadow work and inner work helps to balance this and help us cope with better mechanisms for ourselves and others) and negativity plus accept BS from toxicity externally are going to be our downfall if we are not careful and give in to temptations and not create strong AF boundaries with ourselves and with those who are always taking and barely reciprocating. Remember:
Without temptation there wouldn’t be self-worth and self-discipline. Without distractions there wouldn’t be 🧘🏽♀️ focused and clarity. Without darkness and our shadow sides, there wouldn’t be light and unconditional love. Without evil and karmic lessons, there weren’t be divine, breaking cycles, grace, faith, hope, believe and goodness. Without destruction and chaos, there wouldn’t be divine order, timing, Justice and inner peace ☮️.
#realtalk🧿🦋🌱🌻🪴🧿 Yep 👍🏽 love my single life and no I don’t exchange my energy, body, and spirit with NOBODY! #celibacy has been my journey through this spiritual ascension process ever since I separated from my ex aka karmic.
Yes, I had children with this person, and no I wasn’t awakened, and back then I didn’t understand any of this until I started to research and study it. Get to know me and consciously work on myself after I let go of what wasn’t serving me and stand up for myself.
It took all of me to #breakthecycle of abusive and narcissistic behavior relationships, my family, friends, jobs, and toxic behavior and environments. These are most of the empaths and lightworkers' spiritual lessons that we must overcome, break and forgive ourselves and them. We do not need to accept them back into our lives. Unless they show us with actions their changed behaviors or working towards it. In other words, starseeds and highly sensitive intuitive peeps, conscious creatives; That’s why we decided to come back in this lifetime. We are here to change the world 🌎, shift lack to abundance, alchemize pain and darkness into light and break the generational cycle. Build generational wealth for all, especially the most vulnerable. Bring Justice. We made agreements, soul contracts in 5D. It’s time to remember. #wakeuppeople 🧿🦋❤️ Your activations has already begun, and the system knows this. It’s trying to keep you trapped in 3D life which no longer serves anybody and our planet 🌎.
Why you may ask I decided to be celibate and not date nobody for the past 4 years now?
It keeps my spirit on high vibes (unconditional love, healing, Spiritual practices, self Conscious = SELF WORTH which are self-love ❤️) only. Which protects ME from negative energy and spiritual Attacks, highly nurture intuition 👁🕉☯️⚛️ and keeps my high standards. It does not mean I don’t pleasure myself and love myself, if anything I’ve learned to love myself more by being okay in solitude and not accepting breadcrumbs and disrespect from nobody.
It doesn’t mean I don’t get lonely, but I don’t seek external validation or use others to fill the void. It is not fair for that person or for my spirit to do that. Again, high standard and knowing your worth helps with protecting your energy and keeping things with less drama, no negativity because you do not operate from that low anymore and more focused on your own goals, remain working on your self-discipline, your own personal growth which is not easy to maintain if you are a single parent or not a parent. It doesn’t mean everyone is like this nor do they have to be. I’m stating what has worked for me, which not necessarily will work for everyone.
These are suggestions to continue to nurture your intuition, also DIVINE FEMININES it matters that you keep your portal, cushy, your vagina at all cost clean, pure, and not share your power with just anybody. The same goes for DIVINE MASCULINES. Yes, sex is healing but when done consciously and balanced. Doing something too much without proper cleansing, healing and discernment can cause damages to the body, mind, and spirit. Just because is easy and free to get, does not mean it won’t come with a much higher cost in the long term. Be conscious and have healthy sex as it is an exchange of energy and it does affect you when you exchange your sacred energy with the wrong people. Especially, karmic/ agents of the darkness people.
If you are a sex worker, please read this blog ;).
It will help you maintain your job in more healthier and conscious ways. We do not judge here and the divine spirit highly believes you all are Sex energy healers ❤ and you are divinely protected.
I also know and I’m loyal to my DM(Divine masculine, who is an Alpha like me) Even though he wasn’t loyal and betrayed me many times. He is far away no contact and is separated from me. He lies, manipulates, and tries to control everything and everyone 🙄 He’s jealous of me apparently because he thinks I’m with someone else. Again, he's mad and jealous of what he is or was (spirit says he’s aware now and is working on his healing. Good for you!) doing to me. Typically Patriarch and egotistical person. 3D, matrix, and low vibes devil energy. Again, it is a choice to redeem yourself and choose your divinity. You are already divine, but it is a choice to stand in your power and fight for your rights, protect your energy and stay away from what no longer serves you.
Which I’m not going to sugar-coated, before my awakening, I was in the devil’s energy, and oh boy was that hard to get out of, but I’m here to let you know, it is possible. And the fact you reading this far, means you are curious, ready to accept it and work inwards to find out ;) We are very connected to everything and our planet through consciousness.
Soulmate/twin flames are meant to go through all the darkness and shadow, trigger the fuck out of each other for many reasons. But more importantly, we must overcome our mistakes, darkness, and alchemies it into light + love through forgiveness and compassion, kindness and humility towards ourselves and others.
We show others how to love themselves and others. Diamonds 💎 are rare for a reason. They don’t become diamonds without pressure, tension, struggles, turbulence, and pain. That’s why it’s important to get educated about this. Because as much as you hate that person you know you love and you can’t forget no matter what you do. Or no matter what they did to you. There is a bigger reason for everything. Nothing is a coincidence.
He’s trapped in the devil’s energy, unfortunately… He was easily manipulated because he lack self-discipline, was emotionally immature at its finest, selfish, and had a lust problem. His karmic/Agent of the darkness knows this and now it’s trying to trap him even more. Bad karma. It’s sad really because nobody can or will help him unless he fights for himself and remembers, who TF he is and stands up for himself. And yeah start building good karma and go through his lessons.
Until then, he will be lost in the devil’s realms, be in his head, not take action (especially if his karmic is doing her job as the devil’s advocate that she is and he doesn’t know. Probably he does by now but she’s already trapping him with something else. Perhaps tramp him with a child that’s not even his. She has a sex addiction and many other things spirit is saying). Unfortunately, my DM always does this every lifetime. He always chooses someone’s who turns out to be his downfall and keeps him trapped. During this lifetime he volunteers to come back to break the cycle and join both of our ancestors together. We were the deal-breakers. Now, it’s just me until further notice. There is some dark magic, that surrounds our connection at the moment, that I’ve been working to break for the both of us; as I mentioned before, this Karmic is pure evil and she’s not alone. Perhaps in another lifetime, and it probably is our last too. ✌🏾 I must finish and do this mission as there are too many souls trapped in the 3D and the devil is working on continuing this madness and keeping you all thinking you’re helpless. When we are not!
However, it does help when we unite as one and DM and DF are in a union and in their power. No codependency, know their self-worth, and are ready to do some work. That’s why karmic/demonic spirits controlling human's weak minds are here to keep us apart and we don’t reconcile. Because two as one, it’s very powerful. Love ❤️ is the highest frequency but also the highest weapon against evil. And trust me, the devil knows this. That’s why God sent Earth angels and many of them so this mission gets to be done. So that we build together as one. #heavenonearth #newearth the new history of humanity as divine that we are is being written and lived right now. Right here. Choose wisely.
Even though my dude who we are already spiritually married in the 5D and we were together. Now, divine and ancestors are very disappointed 😔 in him and have removed our soul ties until further notice. I know they are helping him, and he's going through karma, divine judgment, and his awakening/ego death. I still love him and forgive him. His the result of accumulated traumas, influences, materialistic, egotistical environment. He lacks self-worth and self-discipline and that’s hard to get back into if you’re not healing ❤️🩹, taking accountability and responsibility for your actions. Most people are uncomfortable with being alone, therefore they seek external attention and validation. No judgment. But at some point, you need to remember to value yourself. Respect yourself and your body. Just saying. Don’t chase, attract. Learn the difference. ✌🏾#stayconscious
In solidarity and sovereignty with you, today and always.
Stay conscious and real,
Love u, AO 🦋🌻
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